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The Hologram Theory is dead

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posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 02:56 PM
Suspicious of Black-White Opinions

I dont like the tone of these Black & White opinions and DEFINITE-statements. One side is saying "There were no planes!" and the other side is saying "There were most definetely planes".

Any honest statement would use words such as "probably", "I think", "my opinion is", "imo", "my theory". The fact that BOTH sides of the debate are putting out "THIS IS THE WAY IT IS, PERIOD!" statements smells of dishonesty.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 03:05 PM
then allow me to submit scientific, technically sound, proven, accurate, concrete proof of how the hologram theory cant be true.

That is to view from one angle.
How is it possible to make a full colour plane with light sourcing and shadows.
A hologram that can be viewed from all angles.
And how on Earth does a hologram make shadows on buildings???

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 03:06 PM
First, I'll admit that I'm not very current with the many theories of what happened on 9/11/01. However, my pervasive thought is that for ANY of the conspiracy theories (including this one) to be thought of as relevant demands a certain amount of hallucinogenic logic.

Think, if 911 was a govt job, there would have to be countless numbers of (generally incompetent) government civil service people involved in some form or another. Most on this board believe that Bush and Company are so blatantly incompetent, that they couldn't wipe their own rear end. But yet, these same folks would like us to believe that they were capable of pulling off 911 in such a fashion as to fool the entire county.

It just doesn't wash! As for the hologram business, if it looks like a duck, and it smells like a duck, and quacks like a must be a hologram.

[edit on 15-10-2007 by KnowItAll]

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 03:07 PM
Hello all, i am new to abovetopsecret and i just had to stick my two sense in. Im not a scientist, journalist, government specialist or conspiracy theory specialist so i have no expert opinion that can be taken to the bank. All i have are my intuition and senses and just like everyone else, both of those attributes tingle to the max when i hear a discussion about 9/11. Day after day i sit through my favorite sticoms which are constantly being interupted by commercials for the navy, marines and airforce....all who bost the best technology and training our government has to offer and all i can think of is the amount of funds a year which are spent on black ops and covert operations. This is no secret people, our government spends billions upon billions to fund covert projects and top top secret operations that no one has ever heard of or will probably ever hear of which leads me to not be surprised when a man like John Lear makes such claims as the holograph theory. As far as im concerned....there is no possible way some idiot with a knife or box cutter can take over and take down a passenger jet....i couldnt even bring a swiss army knife on board, you know..the onese with the half inch blade and the corkscrew? So basically what i am saying is this....we know the government is involved, we just do not know how and that might never be. If it was as simple as they say it was then why all the secrecy? Why have bus loads of govt employees show up at the pentagon to clean up the mess and haul away evidence from a crime scene? Why cause problems for the 9/11 commission when they were first conducting their investigation? WHY WHY WHY? The simple fact that we even HAVE these questions is PROOF that something more sinister is afoot.....and the sooner we all realize that we have to band together to find the truth no matter the consequences, the better off this planet and our race will be in the future, which looks kind of grim as we get closer to 20012

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by eagle32

Hey buddy, ever think that maybe the government is investing in technology (or has obtained via ETs) that is far far far beyond anything we can work up in an MIT lab?? Just a thought.....michiu Kaku (i think thats how you spell it) said it best in his book hyperspace when he referred to the growth of technology as being exponential which for me pretty much means that the growth potential is imagine if we had help from an advanced type 4 or 5 civilization and whatnot. What say yee then?

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by zerbot565

fact :

second plane that hit was not a normal fitted airplane , acording to the spanish goverment , who is just as legit as the us .

When I first saw this info on the Internet I thought "wow thats pretty amazing"! Then, using only five minutes and, I looked up the exact airplane that hit the WTC (photographed months earlier). And whatdya know? The photos match exactly the plane hitting the tower, including the bottom that is purported to be "fitted" with an unknown object. That unknown object is the actual paint job currently in use by that airline.

You can find some great things on the Internet, including truth you won't find anywhere else. But, don't be lazy! Follow up on your OWN the claims people make. You'll have less egg on your face next time.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by atcshane

Ummm, excuse me sir but why would there be so many eyewitness account descrepancies when it comes to the first plan hitting the towers? Ive seen videos that show no plane, videos of people saying they didnt see the first plane....even bush himself lied (or was mistaken ) and said that he saw the first plan hit before it was even broadcasted on tv or something like that. The argument isnt whether or not there were plans because plans were taken and people are missing....the fact still remains though that so so many questions exist where, especially in a situation like this, there should be complete and full disclosure and transparency and the biggest truth we can all agree on is that there is none of either.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 03:25 PM

They came over a little before lunch and told me the story. Of course I told them that what they had seen was a holograph. I had heard about the holograph development but had never known anyone that had seen one.

This was in 1987. About 10 years ago in 1997 a friend of mine who was a scientist for Lockheed in Sunnyvale was driving to work with a friend down the Bayshore Hiway from Los Altos Hills. From out of nowhere a huge Boeing 747 type airplane flew over their car at about 500 feet southbound. Both men looked up at the airplane flying south and couldn't believe what they were seeing because all airline traffic usually goes north into San Francisco and also it seemed too low for normal traffic. They watched it for about 10 or 15 seconds when the airplane instantly disappeared. My friend said it was like turning a light off. This was in broad daylight about 8:30 in the morning.

Of course what they saw was a holograph.

OMG check out a map. The highway at Los Altos hills is right next to San Jose International. Ya, that is low for landing at San Francisco... but for landing at San Jose? Uh, no. They simply lost sight of an aircraft landing at SJC. And knowing how patchy fog can be in the bay, Its possible that had something to do with this "incredible" disappearance.

And you leap to.... holograph.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by johnlear

Hello John. In the words of the late, great Hunter S Thompson, "Dont take any Guff from these swine!!"

No one flag me either...its just an expression and isnt meant as an insult.

One more thing john, when are the perpetrators going to fold and get tired of all these coverups? I mean i understand how it could be deathly shocking to people when they find out that the 1954 grenada treaty actually exists and that the moon is inhabited as well as mars etc, etc...but isnt it for the greater good of humanity that we know all of this information? from what i understand, we need to evolve as a whole both mentally, spiritually and physically pretty quick otherwise we have some rough times ahead..

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by GUICE
reply to post by eagle32

Hey buddy, ever think that maybe the government is investing in technology (or has obtained via ETs) that is far far far beyond anything we can work up in an MIT lab?? Just a thought.....michiu Kaku (i think thats how you spell it) said it best in his book hyperspace when he referred to the growth of technology as being exponential which for me pretty much means that the growth potential is imagine if we had help from an advanced type 4 or 5 civilization and whatnot. What say yee then?

What if my sister was a man then she would be my brother.

Ok then i'll bite, Lets say the government has the technology from aliens to create 3d illusions that create shadows and react with light.
Lets say that is 100% fact.
Then yes anything is possible, but then we may as well say the building where demolished while onlookers where in a trance, frozen time if you will, then implanted into everyones brains on the scene is a suggested plane flying into a building, then over the world an alien generated computer animation fooled the rest of us.
Then unpause time, and voila job done.
Holds as much water as a alien illusion theory.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by eagle32

Sorry i wasnt implying that aliens gave us the technology i was alluding to the information that exists which states that the US govt made a treaty with the ETs back in the 30s and again in the 50s in which they effectively sealed the fate of the human race by aggreeing to the abductions of american citizens for the small price of technology exchange....thats all i was saying. One question though maybe a little off topic....why are you so hostile? We should all be on the same side my brother.

The other thing is this, it is not only my opinion that technology exists which is beyond our comprehension so you have to admit that there is more than a good chance that holographic technology of this sort is available. Not readily available but available nonetheless to the highest bidder which in this case would be the US govt. Who knows what other govt's are into, they could be doing much worse things which must nastier technology like the nazis and mind control (o wait a sec that was us to). All im saying is that its 2007 and if they can actually make your sister into a man via an operation then yes they can make a plan appear in the sky or implant images into peoples brains. Not surprised at all...

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 03:50 PM
Look knew to this whole conspiracy thing. Meaning that i have always been suspicious of many many things but have just recently actually taken a proactive approach into researching certain issues. The moon, mars, and 9/11 have been a few of many as well as MKUltra and the mind control experiments conducted on children and soldiers. And after reading so many articles, expert opinions and even watching video testimonies in front of the US congress (specifically regarding the mkultra project and mind control survivers) i have come to one conclusion....all of these things are related in some way. They all have something to do with each other however loosely fit into a global and even universal game of chess. Lets say this whole thing about the 12th planet is true and nibiru will arrive in 2012....what then? What does it matter if holographs were projected or if kennedy was shot because he was going to expose MJ 12? Who cares, at that point we will all realize that there is something going on that is a million times larger than these gripes and larger than the people in charge of coverups and assasinations and whatnot. What if all of these conspiracies fit into one story, to depopulate the planet enough so that we can effectively evacuate when the time comes. Just as simple as that. Who cares about money, cars, and oil if you have no planet....

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 03:54 PM

Sorry i wasnt implying that aliens gave us the technology i was alluding to the information that exists which states that the US govt made a treaty with the ETs back in the 30s and again in the 50s in which they effectively sealed the fate of the human race by aggreeing to the abductions of american citizens for the small price of technology exchange

Then yes you are implying alien technology

One question though maybe a little off topic....why are you so hostile? We should all be on the same side my brother.

When was I hostile?
I just stated facts and asked questions :S

The other thing is this, it is not only my opinion that technology exists which is beyond our comprehension so you have to admit that there is more than a good chance that holographic technology of this sort is available. Not readily available but available nonetheless to the highest bidder which in this case would be the US govt. Who knows what other govt's are into, they could be doing much worse things which must nastier technology like the nazis and mind control (o wait a sec that was us to

I know technology more advanced than what is in the public gaze is available, Im just saying that stating it is using technology we dont know about is just a theory with no facts and still seems a lot of hassle compared to plowing some mock planes into building via remote control or indeed a hijacking.

All im saying is that its 2007 and if they can actually make your sister into a man via an operation then yes they can make a plan appear in the sky or implant images into peoples brains. Not surprised at all...

I know, what I said was IF my sister WAS a man then she would be my brother, it is a saying.
Also might of heard it as "if my uncle was a girl he would be my aunt" or another variation,
It means that we cant just fire what ifs at things when the questions dont have answers that fit in with logic, proof and facts.

No hostility, just a genuine set of questions I have asked and facts that get overlooked because they dont fit in with the theory of those I ask.

And can people stop going odd topic.
This is about the holography theory and people saying 'the government this and the government that' doesnt support a hologram story.
I want explanations and answers otherwise its all just speculation based on non proven technology.

Talking about aliens, 2012 and such things is just tainting the story even more, I mentioned this earlier.
It makes people stop listening even more and start laughing at people with genuine points that really do need attention and answers.

[edit on 15/10/07 by eagle32]

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by eagle32

Ok....proof and facts. I agree, two things which are pivotal to any argument. Good point, so lets start with the pentagon for instance. Why werent all videos of the event released under the freedom of information act? Why isnt the grass in from of the pentagon completely damaged and tore up as if a plane skidded across it and slammed into the building? Why do we always have to ask why if there is nothing to coverup? I mean being paranoid and skeptical only get you so far but when the so called proof and facts are actually taken away from us and hidden then that action of limiting the information becomes proof that there is a coverup and why else would there be a coverup? the only reason to hide something is if you know it will get you in trouble and discredit you as a person, civilian, military general, president, secretary of state.....So can you at least admit to that "fact"? Can you admit that there are many questions where there should be none and the group creating those questions all work or are affiliated with the government?
Maybe their whole plan is to keep us guessing....maybe they have this technology which again would neither surprise me nor yourself if you were watching don rumsfeld himself disclose the info on fox news, and maybe they deliberately withold peices of the truth which no fear that if it got out at all no one would beleive it because its beyond our comprehension....plausible deniability. WE HAVE TO READ BETWEEN THE LINES, thats all im saying here.

FINe, i was implying alien technology...who cares if it was alien or not there is evidence that supports this theory about holograms. For instance the videos themselves show the plane melting into the building and the nose protruding from the other end before the explosion took place. They are all over youtube, so what are we supposed to think about that? Is it some nerd in his basement fully entrenched in his conspiracy theories, so much so that he took all the video and changed it in such a way that would support his theories or creat new ones? You have to admit that nothing adds up about 9/11....nothing at all.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 04:16 PM
And can people stop going odd topic.
This is about the holography theory and people saying 'the government this and the government that' doesnt support a hologram story.
I want explanations and answers otherwise its all just speculation based on non proven technology.

Talking about aliens, 2012 and such things is just tainting the story even more, I mentioned this earlier.
It makes people stop listening even more and start laughing at people with genuine points that really do need attention and answers.

[edit on 15/10/07 by eagle32]

Actually i dont think this is off topic because its part of the bigger has to be and it has to be that way because of how large of a disaster it was from the beginning. Thats the biggest conspiracy theory of all isnt it? That they are all conected in one giant web of deceit. Why stage such a large event if there was no bigger picture? We all know, especially those who live in the mid-east, that terrorists have no rhyme or reason for what they do, they simply want to instill terror and really dont do much planning, hence suicide bombing and driving a truck full of tnt into an embassy. These arent exactly the types of operations that you can size up with what happend on 9/11. Maybe the first bombing of the buildings sure, but this? I dont beleive it, not one bit. They knew what was going on and there is so much evidence to support that all over the place right?

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 04:18 PM
I'll come back when people stop going off on tangents.
I want to know why this hologram theory is more believable than remote control planes, hijackers or missiles and plane graphics shown on TV.
I dont care about anything else in this specific topic except for hologram explanations which even the spokes person John Lear is yet to answer any questions of mine or indeed prove the hologram part at all.

What you dont realise is I 99% believe it was an inside job but im trying to get some actual explanation of the hologram theory.
All ive heard as proof so far is "holograms hit the towers and explosives planted created the holes"
and "alien technology" and other 'but what if's'

Wow im sold.

[edit on 15/10/07 by eagle32]

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by johnlear. So however was in charge of planting evidence planted the wrong engine.

So is it your opinion that the people who ran this psy-op were smart enough to have these holograph projectors in the first place, and make the holographs look so real, and make them hit the building exactly in the place where the outline of the planted explosions were, fool thousands of witnesses, but then make a mistake as simple as dropping the wrong engine on the street?

Originally posted by johnlear.
Here is an example of an alleged piece off of a Boeing 767 which pentetrated 52 steel box columns then blew up with 23,000 gallons of jet fuel and then dropped to the street. Doesn't looked charred or burnt to me. Maybe a passport was wrapped around it:

You have stated previously that you have investigated airplane crashes. Are you asserting that there are no cases documented where debris from one part of an airplane crash site was burned or otherwise destroyed, but other items, including personal effects, remained unscathed?

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by eagle32

Your right buddy....i want someone to reveal all as well but you know thats not going to happen. No one is going to go on record and reveal the holograms were projected....its too early and quite frankly there is too much at stake for anyone to fully reveal the truth but until then. happy hunting and this was quite enjoyable

When you find proof, let us all know because we all thirst for hardcore evidence and the truth.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 04:40 PM
Why don't we just ask captain Picard? After all, he was presumably in command of the Enterprise at the time it used its holodeck to create this deception?

One of the many problems with the holograph theory is that it seems to have be devised by those who've watched too many episodes of Star Trek and think holograms are effectively solid, physical images - as opposed to light projects.

Maybe it could have been possible to project a hologram over NYC using hundreds of projectors. But I warrant it would have been billions of dollars cheaper, and far, far, far easier just to have used real aircraft .....

Still, there are always those who'll rally to the disinformationists cause and ensure the the search for the truth is diverted into long, narrow, pointless deadends ....

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by Essan

Funny....i dont watch startrek. I think that show was and still is terrible (sorry trekies) but i was watching something the other night about mind control (not off topic read on please). I saw a video on you tube about the german scientists who were taken over in project paperclip and how we used their mind control techniques as well as the technology tesla discovered to control brainwave functions. They had this doctor from some university mention how they could implant images into someones's head (and that they did successfully in an experiment) so that they would see what the experimentor wanted them to see. Same thing could have been going on during 9/11.

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