posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 10:13 PM
Thank you thank you thank you, Dave!!! I don't have access to television right now and I was hoping someone, somewhere, would put this up on the
'net. Of course it was you!
First thoughts:
The actual content was pretty anemic. This was by no means an in-depth study of anything. It seems like a hastily thrown together epsisode that was
originally conceived as a project for Travel Channel's young employees to show their stuff. This was not a serious expose', so to speak.
Springer made the other guests look and sound like death warmed over.
The narrator was awful. He was obviously too aware of the sound of his own voice. He was acting, not narrating.
Springer was the only face/voice with any passion and/or charisma.
My disappointment with Travel Channel's program is mainly that it wasn't written and produced for someone like me. I learned absolutely nothing
from this show. But, I surmise, that's because it was produced for a Travel Channel audience that may be hearing about these things for the first
time. In other words: It was made for Travel Channel viewers, not an ATS members.
Springer rocks! Next time let's see him adding commentary to a program that's worth his time. (And mine)