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Added: Illinois Triangle UFO

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posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 08:30 AM
This was a monster UFO sighting back in January 2000, reported on TV and in newspapers with credulity. But in a similar case involving multiple police witnesses--the Spaur/Neff UFO chase in 1966--the press and people in general were not nearly as receptive. This may have been due in large part to active debunking by the military and Project Blue Book, still active at the time, which successfully soured that excellent UFO incident by simply ignoring the evidence and claiming it was Venus or a satellite.

Well this time, most people knew there was definitely some high strangeness going on in Illinois that night. The Illinois Triangle UFO

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 08:39 AM
A video link to the well documented Illinois 2000 sighting(s) mentioned above here.



[edit on 13-10-2007 by V Kaminski]

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 09:32 PM
That is such a fascinating case! What the heck could that thing have been?The fact there were so many witnesses, and they seemed like they didn't know one another. Something like this is hard to debunk. One thing I thought it might have been was one of those military blimps that I have read about in Popular Science magazine. That would explain why it was moving slowly. But it couldn't have been propelled the same way normal blimps are propelled, because the Goodyear blimp is quite loud when it's moving. But the blimp theory cannot explain the windows that were reported. Another excellent contribution yuefo.

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 10:16 PM
I've seen that thing here, in Lansing, Michigan. It was around 5:30 in the morning, about two years ago when I saw it hovering near the Grand River. I'd have thought that maybe I was just crazy or seeing things if my mother hadn't seen it, as well. The size of the craft seems to fit the profile of the craft that I saw, as well. The only difference is that the one I saw had pulsating colors that weren't all white, though it still had that blinking light in the middle.

Anyways, I quickly sketched a little drawing of what I saw and the time of the sighting when I got to my job, that morning. Just a few months ago I downloaded google maps and were looking around my city when I thought, hey, maybe I should see where that triangular craft was hovering! Well, I didn't find anything exciting there, but one of my friends who lives sort of near that area told me that there's a trail there where people go jogging, in the morning. I didn't tell him about what I saw, there aren't many people that I've told about this sighting.

The link at the bottom of my post shows the area where I saw the UFO. We were on Aurelius, which crosses Mt. Hope, and we were about even with the craft when we were on the bridge over the river. We were heading north, and the craft was a bit over 1000 ft to our right, and maybe a couple hundred feet in the air.

Google Link

[edit on 13-10-2007 by Impreza]

[edit on 13-10-2007 by Impreza]

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 12:04 AM
In Spokane, myself and two other people who I've spoke with have seen a "silent" black triangle with no lights, moving very fast in a south east direction. This triangle was absolutely dark, as a dark black shadow. It was moving twice as fast or three times as fast as a normal passenger jet aircraft would travel, and it literally vanished into the horizon. The sighting occurred 2 years ago in Spokane, WA. The object was directly overhead when I witnessed. Strangely, this vehicle may have been an ET craft as my friend and I both went out for the sole intention of spotting a UFO, and within 2 minutes of laying down to look at the night sky, the vehicle passed over head. I didn't understand the black triangle until I saw this craft and began researching it thoroughly. The black triangle I saw fits the description, however it did not have any lights of any sort, not even an ionization effect surrounding it. It was jet black, darker than the night sky, and was moving without any sound whatsoever. In the same sky, other jet airliners pass by very often and they are very easy to identify. I have been watching the sky for at least 15 years for weeks at a time during the summer and I have never seen anything like it. I confirmed the sighting 2 years later through a random acquaintance who saw the same craft at the same time. He even told me the direction that it was heading and the time of night without any previous information so I know he did not make up the story as a joke.

I have seen the black triangle, I know it is real. I don't know if the one I saw was just a super high tech military craft, or an actual ET craft. Hopefully I can get to see something even better next time.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 09:10 PM
supermuble, I'm from Seattle currently living in Olympia. Do you know of any UFO groups or anything like that in our area?

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