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Ron Paul Wins Debate In Another Landslide

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posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 06:02 AM

Ron Paul Wins Debate In Another Landslide

Ron Paul won another debate by a landslide this week despite efforts on the part of the mainstream media to limit the Congressman's exposure and to force Rudy Giuliani down the necks of viewers.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 06:02 AM

News like this make me a happy panda.

Despite all the manipulation by the media, the man is still making huge progress getting the word out and making sense. Lets hope this is a sign of things to come.

Ron Paul 2008!
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 13-10-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 06:53 AM
I saw a news show the other night and they highlighted every candidate there and showed something they said, and not once did they report anything Ron Paul said, they showed him once in a shot of someone else and that is how I knew he was even at the debate. It is really disgusting how they are trying to shut him out and give him absolutely no press coverage.

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by goose

Yeah I know. Its sad to see all this obvious manipulating going on. If the media was not so biased, Ron Paul would be all over the news.

The powerful International Murdoch Media empire are also trying to discredit his popularity in Australia:

In Australia, now that Ron Paul's infamy is spreading fast, and his reputation as one of the more credible and interesting Republican candidates is taking root, the Murdoch media has decided to kill off the story of a real presidential underdog before it excites too many journalists down under.

Source: InfoWars

Never heard of Murdoch Media? Owned by Robert Murdoch, a very powerful neocon, war monger and Bush supporter. See below.

In the U.S., he owns the Twentieth Century Fox Studio, Fox Network, and 35 TV stations that reach more than 40% of the country...His cable channels include fast-growing Fox News, and 19 regional sports channels. In all, as many as one in five American homes at any given time will be tuned into a show News Corp. either produced or delivered."

Source: Center for American Progress

Ron Paul is up against some very powerful forces.

[edit on 13-10-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 04:41 PM
It is blatantly obvious that the two people they least want to gain any popularity is Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich ...

A dem debate is a debacle. I think the top 3 for them have all agreed amongst themselves they have a position no matter what.

It is a shame the questions and time given is so skewed on both sides. Equal time to all opponents should be mandatory ... how can people form an opinion about someone if they can't hear their views? The last person I want is Rudy ... what a hack. I will write in somebody before I would vote for him.

I can't wait until after the primaries, see who is put in place ... then see what happens after that ... I would be readily amused, even if I didn't like the candidates if a whole bunch of side parties popped up. Ron Paul could run as a Libertarian, Nader as Green, Kucinich as Peace, Gore as Earth, Bloomberg as Independent, Powell as Veterans ... you know, a real multiple party system like it is suppose to be ... they wouldn't know who to smear, but, we know who ever they gave a lot of positive air time to, stay away from!

If you believe the theories, we have no real choice.

Thanks for the thread, it seems RP is overcoming the odds (those numbers are quite shocking!) ... which in a way scares me ... if you over-analyze it

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 09:27 PM
This is just freaky, this is the kind of stuff that you hear in the most sadistic novels or movies, this is just strage stuff...

What are they going to do, are they going to rig the primaries... or are they just going to take him out JFK style?

The poweres that be stand to lose to much power to allow Ron Paul to rise to power, if they can't make him disapear by not giving a fair shake in the elections, then they will resort to 'other' means...

I was wondering why no TV staions were running stats about who won the debate... now i know...

Ron Paul is gaining so much momentum, People at my school are putting Ron Paul signs all around campus, and its not the Republican Club thats doing it, people are starting to ask questions, 'who is Ron Paul' is the phrase of the week, people are seeing Paul dismissed without getting any reason for it.

Talk, spread the word, the truth is in the underground now...

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 10:17 PM
And there's people who actually don't believe we are in some form of matrix control. If the other candidates are so popular, how come they don't have people voting in Internet polls the way Ron does. Ron Paul is doing well and beating top candidates in real straw polls and he gets no attention or very little mentions in the press. The media control is so pervasive and so in your face, based on the funds raised and the grassroots and Internet buzz, Ron should be mentioned a lot more in the press. He's a top tier candidate, especially if Guilani and John Mccain are considered such.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 01:35 PM
Yes, i love how they continue to call McCain a 'front runner' when he consitantly gets about 2-5% of votes in the polls.

And how Thompson is a front runner, even before he had announced

Meanwhile, Paul gets over 25% in each poll, and is growing in strengh, and still is dismisssed my the Lame stream media.

We have gotten to the point where they are gtaking down the polls because they don't like what the people are saying...

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 02:08 PM
I'm a registered republican and after seeing that debate...I like Ron Paul. I don't agree with a lot of his Iran rhetoric (personally, I think it's going to be a disaster if Iran gets nukes), but his other opinions are enough in line with mine that I'd consider voting for him. I think putting him against Hillary would be a landslide. Lately she's cast aside her anti-war position which makes Ron Paul the obvious choice for all of the anti-war Dems out there.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 07:52 AM
I just ran an experiment on the chat site

I went into various chat rooms and began to ask questions about Ron Paul.

Some person named "Moochy_O'Connor" who apparently graduated from some liberal University (but apparently, she's republican) seriously believes that Ron Paul is an idiot.

I don't want to get into all the petty details, but the conversation led me to believe that the education system, especially at the college/University level, seems to be doing a lot of the manipulating as well.

One of the most common responses I received (and the so-called graduate of said University spammed it constantly, like a child), "How dare you not back up our country's military! You should be ashamed! If you don't have faith in your country, then maybe you should move out! You are a disgrace!"

Again, this is a graduate of a University supposedly. Isn't there a "personality 101" or something...?

On topic, I think that Ron Paul definitely has just as much online opposition has he has people for him.

I'm for him. He's a good man. It doesn't take much to figure that out. I'm just trying to figure out why people are against a good man.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 10:51 AM
Blah blah online votes are not scientific and you can't draw any conclusions from them blah blah blah blah he gets no more than 2-3% in national polls with a proper sample and reputable methods blah.

Same comments, different day.

Ron Paul has good ideas but no one will vote for him. Sorry.

[edit on 10/16/2007 by Togetic]

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 03:32 AM
It is ironic that you consider your mood optomistic.

Blah blah blah. Cough.

Ron Paul can win, but it is up to us to make sure he does. With that attitude, we might as well hope for the next best idiot to take over and start flinging nukes everywhere.

Or, we can donate to Ron Paul and support him online and in our daily lives.

That means being willing to take crap.

How optomistic are you?

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

I'm absolutely optimistic, I'm just bored with refuting the false claims that Ron Paul is somehow going gangbusters. He consistently has 1-2% in polls by CNN, Gallup, American Research Group, Opinion Dynamics, NBC News, ABC News, Cook, and Pew. Internet polls can be manipulated because they deal in non-random samples. Paul supporters over-represent themselves in online voting and you can draw no meaningful conclusions from those "polls."

As of today, he seems unable to create a coalition of people who could put him in the White House, because, for example, the same people who agree with his foreign policy probably wouldn't agree with his belief that workers should be able to opt out of Social Security. Unfortunately, those who agree strongly on 50% of what he says can probably find someone with whom they agree mostly on 85% of what they say, and history shows that they go there.

Paul and his supporters would be better served, I think, positioning himself for the coming realignment of the political parties so that he emerges having led the way into a new perspective on American politics. His supporters have shown that they can mobilize online and appeal to youth. Let them do what they're good at. I'm optimistic about something like that having a good chance.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 08:25 PM
I don't know if you guys have seen this video yet but I found it pretty interesting. It's a Fox news segment after the Iowa straw, it shows how they don't even mention his name even though you can see lots of people in the crowd with Ron Paul banners. Halfway during the segment, they say that there's a problem with the vote counting machines and therefore a delay in the final result. It definetly looks suspicious, kind like Ron Paul won a majority and then they just rigged it in favour of Romney.

[edit on 28-10-2007 by Cthulwho]

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