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John Howards a desperate Man.

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posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 02:25 AM
John Howard:
(My understanding)
Vote for me, and ill recognise Aboriginies in the Australian constituion.
But, you have to vote for me!

Nothing sickens me more than when a man turns on his stirnest position in the face of desperation.
I know there's a small number of Aussies on this board, and gday to you all.

Im sure you've all noticed the desperation written all over John Howards face.

He's stalling with elections, he's using such petty acts like a strip club visit to disgrace his opposition, creating dirt files on people..... but his latest ploy, seems to stink of absolute desperation.

MILLIONS of Australians will never entertain saying sorry to Aborigines because they think there is nothing to apologise for, John Howard said today.

Meanwhile the Prime Minister stood his ground over his refusal to say "sorry" for the act of removal of the children from their parents, because it would leave the Federal Government open to compensation claims, he said.

Why say sorry? As HREOC states, "An apology acknowledges that wrong has been done, and attempts to make amends to those who have suffered."


When the elections about to be called, and when he's being FLOGGED in the polls.. he decides, in the 11th hour... to turn around on his stubborn non-apologetic mood.. to offer

Mr Howard has committed a re-elected Coalition government to a referendum to recognise indigenous people in a preamble to the Constitution in pursuit of a new Aboriginal reconciliation based on "equity rather than apologies".

What a pathetic attempt Mr Howard,
You take indigenous people to be completely morons?
You dont think they remember you ignoring the MASSIVE March across Sydney harbour bridge?
You think they are going to vote for you now?

I look foward to seeing you walk away from your podium, a sorry, sad lonley beaten man!

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 02:50 AM
Yeah, he's going to keep that promise, like the promise he made that interest rates wouldn't raise if he was re elected. Keep running, Johnny, no one's buying it. What a miserable toad.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 09:48 AM
There is more to Howards about turn regarding the indigenous people than it appears on the surface.

I can't prove anything but I think it has something to do with alternative energy and Uranium. And a lot of Austraias Uranium being on aboriginal land.

I think the interventions in the NOrthern Territory and this about face are building bridges to make the procurement of Uranium easier in the future.
It makes Howards government look like they care about the welfare of the Aboriginals (we know he hasn't ever cared before) and my gut feelings tell me this is to do with MONEY (= Uranium or something else they need from the indigenous people).

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 01:59 PM
What I really want to know is why oh why did Howard agree with so much with Mr. Bush when it's so obvious very few other Aussies did? Is there any grain of truth to what Mr. Lear says about Oz being in America's pocket, especially what with Pine Gap and all?

Howard has committed slow political suicide and I'm trying to figure out why.

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