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"Hitler Saved Europe"

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posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by Drzava
Hitler Did Save Europe, They Were In A Big Depression and Hitler save them all, But Like Always USA have to screw everything up, They Had No Business In Europe, Their War Was Against Japan, not Hitler,. Hitler Actually Knew the problem, and fix it, but like always, USA Screw Europe and everything up.

A Better Place Will Be If The Axis Power Had Won The WAR.

PS: I Dont support Anti-semitism Or Hitler's View Of Jewish People]

[edit on 13-10-2007 by Drzava]

England and France originally stuffed things up by getting involved in a war between Germany and Russia in 1914. The USA then screwed things up more by getting involved in WW1. In 1916/1917 Germany defeated Russia and annexed a huge amount of western Russia. They also looked like they were going to win the war on the western front. If Germany had won this war it would have prevented WW2 and the rise of Hitler, they also might have intervened in the Russian Civil war to prevent it from becoming communist.

The USA made the 2nd best decision they could have by joining WW2. They only joined at the end of the war because it looked like Germany, and maybe the rest of Europe, was going to be taken over by the USSR. Initially they thought that Germany would take over the USSR and destroy communism or they would atleast destroy each other.

What the USA should have done was join with Germany and help them take over the USSR. Then they could have helped relocate the Jewish people to either Madagascar or Israel, as the Germans and Zionists had originally planned. Hitler probably would have died 5-10 years later, if not the CIA could have just assasinated him.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by Kr0n0s

And yet now Zionism controls the Nazi that came to America after
WWII and the secret government in the USA and all Globalism efforts
and all destinations of distraction...

by the Soup Nazi... No soup for you NEXT (IRAN)

The Soup Zionist yells and the USA jumps.

Now if IRAN said that instead of Illuminati mind control double talk.
people would understand.

ED: Hitler conquered USA and Germany.. ask the CIA. Take the US troops
out of Germany and other countries. Globalism and destinations of
destruction now ordered by the Zionistas. Break Free...WORD.

[edit on 10/22/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
ED: Hitler conquered USA and Germany.. ask the CIA. Take the US troops
out of Germany and other countries. Globalism and destinations of
destruction now ordered by the Zionistas. Break Free...WORD.

How exactly do you figure all that out? I'm totally lost.

Hitler and most of what he believed in was destroyed, he won nothing. Yes the CIA did accept Nazi Scientists and intelligence assets into the USA. In some cases their records had been wiped clean by US bureacrats. Some of those were later found to be war criminals and were stripped of citizenship and asked to leave. This hardly constitutes a take-over or conquest.

Besides, those who helped Hitler to manufacture the second world war in Europe already had conquered America - they didn't need to do it twice.

The US involvement in the war merely provided an opportunity to make money at home and abroad.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 09:50 AM
Hitler was the puppet of those in control.
There is some good CT on Hitler after WWII.
And the puppet survived to ensure future puppets.
World domination doesn't want to look bad.
JFK balked, Nixon followed the entrenched Nazi CIA spies in America.

Germany was a nest of scientific development.
RCA got the Nazi TV in time for the 1950s.
The electric subs were sunk but the FOO technology went to USA.
Rocket and aircraft design went to US UK and Russia who helped
Korea with MIGs and now Nuclear technology through Russia.

The FOO at the end of WWII must have been noted by Tesla and
was killed before he could claim his designs were stolen.

Ike's heart attack might have been brought on by seeing Hitler alive
surrounded by National Security Guards, CIA Nazi spies now Americans,
and now talked about as the Alien King meeting.

Too bad Ike was a bad speech writer, he names no names in his MIC

ED: The Illuminati made sure Nazis had the A bomb to give to America
in time for Japan. The first A bomb blast may have been in North Africa.

[edit on 10/23/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by Kr0n0s
It is true that Hitler did turn Germany around, I dont have the numbers readily handy right now but just a couple of years after he came to power the employment rate was completely through the roof and Germany's Industry was pumping as well.

Hitler may have increased employment in Germany, but he did it largely by fudging the numbers on the unemployment registry. By cutting Jews and women off the registry he cut a percentage of the unemployment numbers down. And sure industry was booming, but at the cost of the civilian sector. 8 hour work day was abolished, occupational saftey was abolished, those that spoke out were fired, jailed, or worse. Industry and business recieved massive subsidies, bailouts, the handover of perfectly solvent publicly owned ventures. Taxes for the rich and the business owners were cut while they were increased for the civilian. Etc

My point: What is good for the economy is not always good for the population.

Its just to bad that Hitler went completely mad, had he stayed sane, became an ally and only invaded Russia, Germany could've been a great Nation.

A great nation built on fascism...sorry but great for who? Business? War profiteers?

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 11:39 AM
Please.. Hitler did NOTHING... Germany was funded ... to escape
patent rights in America.

TV and other great discoveries had to be developed elsewhere,
Germany was a rogue state, steeling and developing technology.

The laws and death camps were bought and paid for by someone,
Hitler was a puppet like Bush.

If it took funding armies it was done.. Hitler would eventually have to
defend the borders of island Europe... not a good prospect.
But TV, aircraft, rockets and anything else came out well in the hands
of some of the Nazis in the know.

As long as the top people escaped with the biggest prize the bankers
were happy. Who got what... hum ... zecret.

Do you think they would let their great puppet die? I think the death of Hitler
IS greatly exaggerated... no lets say accepted mind control and the
survival of Hitler shall be laughed upon. Hitler's survival would have
to be zecret after all (perhaps Top Secret in America and the world).

ED: why do you say... to show Eisenhower and Nixon who was in charge

[edit on 10/23/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
(All of previous post)

I'm sure you have something important to say here.

But until you say it in English, nobody is going to understand you.

Wanna give it another shot? A coherent one?


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:29 PM
Lets get real on this thread. Hiutler turned Germany around by taking the German currency off the gold standard. All of sudden Germany was producing profits for itself rather than the usurists. Just like today those who controlled the money system didn't like it very much. Things ended in Germany just like they do when anyone challenges the money cartels.

"We were not foolish enough to try to make a currency coverage of gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark's worth of work done or goods produced. . . .we laugh at the time our national financiers held the view that the value of a currency is regulated by the gold and securities lying in the vaults of a state bank." -Adolf Hitler, 1937 (CC Veith, Citadels of Chaos, Meador, 1949.)

"And it proved sound. It worked. In less than ten years Germany became easily the most powerful state in Europe. It worked so magically and magnificently that it sounded the death knell of the entire (Zionist) Jewish money system. World Jewry knew that they had to destroy Hitler's system, by whatever means might prove necessary, or their own [system of usury] would necessarily die. And if it died, with it must die their dream and their hope of making themselves masters of the world. The primary issue over which World War II was fought was to determine which money system was to survive. At bottom it was not a war between Germany and the so-called allies. Primarily it was war to the death between Germany and the International Money Power." --William Gayley Simpson, 'Which Way Western Man' (p.642)

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by disgustedbyhumanity

Good info, thanks.

Getting off the gold standard payed for all the tanks, airplanes, rockets,
death camps, uniforms, TV development, command and control of the
armed services.

Well I might have to search on the topic.

My overall CT just does not strike at the heart of the matter.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne

Hitler was the puppet of those in control.
There is some good CT on Hitler after WWII.
And the puppet survived to ensure future puppets.
World domination doesn't want to look bad.
JFK balked, Nixon followed the entrenched Nazi CIA spies in America.

I apologise if I get the wrong end of your stick but to be quite honest your a little difficult to understand - no offence meant.

If Hitler was a puppet why would anyone care to keep him alive - if he hadn't killed himself (which there is ample testimony from those present at the time to prove that he did) he would have simply been killed when he was captured by any one of the three allied nations (though most likely the Red Army - and they would have been very proud to have done so openly and publicly).

What did JFK balk at?

It is my understanding that Nixon did participate in the "cleansing" of Nazi war criminals records so that they could enter the US and receive citizenship...a deal he made with Allen Dulles in exchange for the support and funding he required for his first run at congress.

It would be helpful if you could explain some of your points in greater detail - as I am unsure of your implication and cannot respond if I don't understand. Sorry.

Much of the Nazis technology was obtained from the US in the first place - you could say that the Americans were taking back what was rightfully theirs. The same can be said for the British and the Soviets too, though to a much lesser extent. You have to remember that the US in the interwar period had a significant German population and until 1941 when the US joined the war they were quite willing to help Germany regain greatness and unity, while others who had made it rich were just as keen to invest in the homeland. By 1941 the waters were very muddied and lest we forget that there were quite a few significant personages in the US government who were working for the Soviets. The US was itself was suffering the same struggle as Europe between Communism and Capitalism. In the case of the US, obviously, the Communists did not win.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

If Hitler was a puppet why would anyone care to keep him alive - if he hadn't killed himself (which there is ample testimony from those present at the time to prove that he did) he would have simply been killed when he was captured by any one of the three allied nations (though most likely the Red Army - and they would have been very proud to have done so openly and publicly).

The puppet stays alive to bolster the next puppet.. who took over for

Based on the many so called conspiracy and Aline King stories
I think Hitler was flow to America in a secret meeting that has
comedown as Eisenhower met with The Alien King... ask
John Lear if it happened...laugh at what I say next...
Ike saw that Hitler was still alive and that this country was
under cover for Nazi operations. Ike got that heart attack..
poor guy after all that fighting to destroy the Nazis.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

What did JFK balk at?

It is my understanding that Nixon did participate in the "cleansing" of Nazi war criminals records so that they could enter the US and receive citizenship...a deal he made with Allen Dulles in exchange for the support and funding he required for his first run at congress.

see the jfk ii video at youtube

dulles is a suspect nazi, nixon was supported by a reputed bush
relative with nazi banking ties

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Much of the Nazis technology was obtained from the US in the first place - you could say that the Americans were taking back what was rightfully theirs. The same can be said for the British and the Soviets too, though to a much lesser extent. You have to remember that the US in the interwar period had a significant German population and until 1941 when the US joined the war they were quite willing to help Germany regain greatness and unity, while others who had made it rich were just as keen to invest in the homeland. By 1941 the waters were very muddied and lest we forget that there were quite a few significant personages in the US government who were working for the Soviets. The US was itself was suffering the same struggle as Europe between Communism and Capitalism. In the case of the US, obviously, the Communists did not win.

tesla technologies were also recovered or brought back to America,
see a lyne reference below.. wwii secrets

the sheer military buildup based on nazi developments must
tell you something......Germany was the knowledge pool...
now they are here telling you to go to iran

what can i say, some like it, some don't....i'm just telling
my own story.. i've heard yours before.

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