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Ann Coulter Shocks Cable TV Show, Declaring: Jews Need to Be Perfected

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posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 09:18 PM
Rabbi Schneerson, when he returns as the Messiah, should punch the she-male right in her testosterone developed adams apple.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 09:56 PM
she's stupid as a fox....and her book sales keep going up....gues wos laughing at the end of the day?

todays lesson: even bad publcity is good when promoting a book or a movie.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 11:11 PM
The only thing that's shocking is that people are still shocked by anything that spews forth out of that wretched little nazi's mouth. Eventually the old bag will die and it'll make the news for a week because she was a celebrity. But, as soon as Britney Spears is seen drunk in public again Coulter's entire hateful, ignorant, biggoted legacy will have vanished from the pages of time.

If worthlessness had weight, hers would crush her in her sleep. We can only wish.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 12:44 AM
Come on ATS, you are better than this! You are talking about everything but the most interesting and obvious point - "SHE'S A MAN, BABY!"

Regardless of what hateful and outrageous things come out of her mouth - she still has the biggest adam's apple in the known world. And a head like a horse.

Let's get on this mystery now!

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by cavscout

I don't think the influence that Christianity has had the last 2,000 years has been exactly postive

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 12:56 AM
Ann Coulter knows how to push some peoples buttons, as clearly evinced by the number of replies to this thread in such a short time.

That's what makes her such a successful author and TV personality. All of you making a big deal out of her and her statements, saying you hate her, etc. are only playing into her hands and putting more money into her bank account.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 01:35 AM
I dont have anymore to say about that crazy woman who is the topic of this thread other than I am saddened that she seems to want to pick up the sword and continue where the crusaders left off. Like I said before, her remark wasnt born of a loving need to offer salvation.

That said...

Originally posted by LogicalPhilosophy
reply to post by cavscout

I don't think the influence that Christianity has had the last 2,000 years has been exactly postive

We were asked to remain on topic, so pease stop sniping me; I am not going to disrespect the mods and go against their warning by responding any further on religious topics not DIRECTLY related to what she said.

U2U me or start a new thread.

[edit on 12-10-2007 by cavscout]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 01:39 AM
Ann Coulter, in her books (and yes, I've read about all of them) frequently writes about how liberals resort to personal attacks and insults when they are losing an argument or debate.

The fact is, EVERY time the media or someone quotes something "outrageous" that she's said, its taken out of context or even misquoted. She really doesn't do anything more than what many liberals do, and more often does it in a more intelligent manner. I've checked her facts and some of her research, and I haven't found one source she's cited incorrectly.

To back up my fact, about "liberals" (I understand, you probably wouldn't apply that label to yourself) resorting to personal attacks and insults, you don't need to look any further than even this thread (and this isn't all of them!)

Originally posted by Valhall

Okay - Ann Coulter needs to be castrated before she knocks some poor desparate woman up - or worse yet herself - and accidentally spawns the next nightmare of the mutant androgynoidic gene line.

Originally posted by Myrtales Instinct
I can't stand this woman. She is tacky & rude and if anyone ever deserved a little instant karma it's her. Maybe in her next life she'll come back mute.

Originally posted by whaaa
I like Ann, but I think her outrageous statements stem from her frustration of not being born a man like Sen. Larry Craig so she could indulge in a little........foot tapping.........

Originally posted by Kacen

Originally posted by zoso28
Jesus loves osama bin laden, or even a rapist or child molester as much as he loves me.

Wow he was a screwed up individual then.

Funny how he can love everyone and not be hated but if I do I'm a sicko... =/

Originally posted by Myrtales Instinct
I can't stand this woman. She is tacky & rude and if anyone ever deserved a little instant karma it's her. Maybe in her next life she'll come back mute.

I hope she comes back as a troll it would suit her.

[edit on 10/11/2007 by Kacen]

Originally posted by UnBreakable
Rabbi Schneerson, when he returns as the Messiah, should punch the she-male right in her testosterone developed adams apple.

Originally posted by mattifikation
The only thing that's shocking is that people are still shocked by anything that spews forth out of that wretched little nazi's mouth. Eventually the old bag will die and it'll make the news for a week because she was a celebrity. But, as soon as Britney Spears is seen drunk in public again Coulter's entire hateful, ignorant, biggoted legacy will have vanished from the pages of time.

If worthlessness had weight, hers would crush her in her sleep. We can only wish.

Originally posted by kosmicjack
Come on ATS, you are better than this! You are talking about everything but the most interesting and obvious point - "SHE'S A MAN, BABY!"

Regardless of what hateful and outrageous things come out of her mouth - she still has the biggest adam's apple in the known world. And a head like a horse.

Let's get on this mystery now!

Ann Coulter has been on the NEW YORK TIMES Bestseller List several times, even at #1. The New York Times has been the subject of her "venom", yet, there she is:


Coulter is the author of six books. Five have appeared on New York Times Best Seller list; as of October 2007 the sixth had not been released long enough to make it onto the list.

Her first book, High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton (ISBN 0-89526-113-8), was published by Regnery Publishing in 1998. The book details Coulter's case for the impeachment of President Bill Clinton.

Her second book, Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right (ISBN 1-4000-4661-0), published by Crown Forum in 2002, remained number one on The New York Times Best Seller list for seven weeks. In Slander, Coulter argues that President George W. Bush faced an unfair battle for positive media coverage.

Her third book, Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism (ISBN 1-4000-5030-8), also published by Crown Forum, defends the presidency of Richard M. Nixon and accused Democratic politicians and the "liberal media" of undermining United States foreign policy. She also says that Annie Lee Moss, among others she mentions, was correctly identified by Joseph McCarthy as a Communist. Treason was published in 2003, and spent 13 weeks on the Best Seller list.

Crown Forum published a collection of Coulter's columns in 2004 as her fourth book, How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must): The World According to Ann Coulter (ISBN 1-4000-5418-4).

Coulter's fifth book, published by Crown Forum in 2006, is Godless: The Church of Liberalism (ISBN 1-4000-5420-6). Coulter argues, first, that liberalism rejects the idea of God and reviles people of faith, and second, that it bears all the attributes of a religion itself. Godless debuted at number one on The New York Times Best Seller list.

Her most recent book, If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans, was published in October, 2007.

These are certainly the accomplishments of an imbecile who does nothing but spout off hatred.

As for her "perfecting" Jews comment, just because you don't agree with her OPINION, does that mean that she shouldn't be allowed to say it?

I'd bet her most recent book makes it on the Bestseller List.

[edit on 12-10-2007 by CreeWolf]

[edit on 12-10-2007 by CreeWolf]

[edit on 12-10-2007 by CreeWolf]

[edit on 12-10-2007 by CreeWolf]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 02:00 AM
Re: the OP........

I'm going with desperate attention whore on this one!

[edit on 023131p://upFriday by QuasiShaman]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by etshrtslr

It is not a vice to be intolerant of evil. Where is the intolerance of the simple statement that Christians want people to get saved and be christians? That's what our Lord taught and it is the best thing going. It sure beats frying in hell for all eternity. It would be intolerant of me not to suggest becoming a Christian.

As for the screed that dares to judge God because he exercises his right to judge mankind is one of the craziest thoughts I've seen in a while. Those whom God has killed received the punishment they deserved for their crimes. You are applying your standards of right and wrong and your standards are but human constructs with no basis in true justice. The fact is that the punishment for disobedience has always been death. It is God in his mercy that is providing a way out of this by putting one's faith in Jesus Christ.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 02:24 AM
Rant Alert

Well I dont need any perfecting regardless of what this Aryan looking woman thinks. Western Civilization was held back by various mindless idiotic ideas thanks to this Perfection. If it wasnt for people like Copernicus, Gallileo, numerous Deists, the Philosophes, and the Muslims we would still be in darkness.

Do I need to mention such mindless ideas as Crystal Spheres? The Four Humours? Geocentric Cosmos?

One of the Worst Offenders, the Barnacle Goose. The Church actually taught this bird grew from barnacles on the beach so it was okay to eat on Lent.

If people actually knew of all the horrible crap that happened involving the Perfection from the burning of the Library of Alexandria, the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Thirty Years War, St. Bartholomew Day's Massacre, the near extinction of the Mesoamerican peoples, the Slave trade ( thank Spain and Portugal), Witchhunts, and persecution/suppressions of Science.

Apparently Perfection is third, in line behind Nazis and Communists.

Its funny how a Jewish Carpenter from Bethlehem who had 12 disciples whom he told not to preach to the Gentiles and that he came only for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel would have his message of tolerance warped by a man he never met who was apparently too good to keep his Jewish name. This man who had followers of Jesus killed and brought Gentiles into the fold. The man who persecuted what we now call in modern times Messianic Jews even after his "conversion". The man whose successors would carry massacres and destruction on a scale only Nero could dream of.

Thats not real Perfection. Sometimes I wonder if Communism and Nazism was demonically inspired. Where would that leave Paul? Was that really Jesus on the road to Damascus?

I'll leave you with this it regards the Ephesian Church. I'll let you figure out who they rejected as evil.

"I know your works, your labor, and your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are Apostles and are not, and have found them liars." Revelations 2:2

Rant Alert All Clear

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
Ann Coulter knows how to push some peoples buttons, as clearly evinced by the number of replies to this thread in such a short time.

That's what makes her such a successful author and TV personality. All of you making a big deal out of her and her statements, saying you hate her, etc. are only playing into her hands and putting more money into her bank account.

I love to watch to Ann, media darlin' of the "right," push the wrong buttons she's good at it. Anti-semetic statements might be one reason to add to your list of reasons for so many replies dj'. She's a professional - of the oldest type imbued with the prefix of "media". Clumsy.

She's a successful author? Maybe with you and her target audience of preached to and converted, same as that Klein idiot on the other side ideologically. I don't think she (Coulter) has enough original ideas to fill a Post-It note. Intellectually she's a feather-weight. TV personality? Who cares? Fox? You? Hahahahah TV. Reality, uh yeah.

Make a big deal out of her and her statements? Her statements... yes the little matter of her statements. Do you support her statements in this specific matter dj? Huh? Do you? Yes or no will do.

I don't hate her... "hate" seems to be your word of choice dj' and perhaps the sentiments behind Ms. Coulters "statements", n'est pa? Perfect.

Playing into her hands? Ewwww, those greheeheesy hands. Icky, just thinkin' of where and what those hands are responsibile for makes me wanna take a shower.

Putting more money in her bank account? Give your head a shake. Please. She's unlikely to have any increased value in her Christian "stock" or bank account owing to this "Mother of all bloopers" despite what the spin-masters pawns of the net do for damage control. I pray your God will send her to Canada to speak in public those words she stated. Perfect.

Cheers dj,


[edit on 12-10-2007 by V Kaminski]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by SevenThunders

I think you need to read up on your religion. The Book of Revelations - the one that talks about the Jews converting - states that only 144,000 will be thus saved, twelve-thousand of the twelve tribes (Rev 7:4).

So. What happens to all the Jews who aren't part of this 144,000? Same thing that happens to everyone else. Mass death at the hands of a vengeful Christ (Presumably with either his laser-beam eyes or the sword sticking out of his mouth - Rev. 19:12-25), followed by being cast into a pit of eternal fire and torment (Rev. 20:14-15)

Y'know I simply can't figure out why Jews might be a little reluctant to convert to this religion.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by CreeWolf
I'd bet her most recent book makes it on the Bestseller List.

That doesn't mean they're any good or contain anything useful.

McDonald's is the most popular "restaurant" in the world.
Does that make their food good?

Ann is a hack. She is to politics as Paris Hilton is to pop culture. A worthless parasite that feeds on her ability to popularize her indiscretions. I have read some of her work and found it to be uninspired restatements of Neo-con official line.

Try reading some Chomsky.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 05:23 AM
I find it so funny that in this day and age, people are still believing in judaism and christianity so wrongly. Believe it or dont, but if you do, please at least take the time to understand the religion you've chosen instead of just saying you are what you are and actually taking the name of the religion down with you.

Neither Jews nor Christians understand the bible, if they did - they wouldnt be going to church or banging their heads against a big wall.

Incidentally, Jesus had no established religion, and he never went to church to learn - he went to teach. interesting.. people follow a religion ABOUT the man, rather than the religion OF the man.

Heres what it boils down to... Jews dont understand the Old Testament, and Christians dont understand the New Testament. And neither of the two understand that the bible is not the world of God.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox

I think you need to read up on your religion. The Book of Revelations - the one that talks about the Jews converting - states that only 144,000 will be thus saved, twelve-thousand of the twelve tribes (Rev 7:4).

Wow, what a special number. Isn't that also the number of prophets there are/were?

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 06:46 AM
Yeah the wench also said recently that if you took away women's right to vote we would never have to worry about another Democratic president.

Of course "she"
could still vote.

She's trash and not worthy of attention. She should go back to the drag queen circuit.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 07:53 AM
I find it astonishing the kinds of things I have read on this thread. There are people here who are referring to Coulter as a Nazi, a man, and saying incredibly hateful things about her up to and including wishing her death! All this because the woman has an opinion that you don't agree with! Not because she murdered, or raped, or robbed; but simply because she has a viewpoint that you don't share! It's unbelievable, especially to see this on ATS!

Listen, the fact of the matter is that she can say whatever she wants to. Her viewpoint is one shared by many Christians. In fact, as a member of ANY religion and they will basically say the same things. That's the basis of religions. You believe yours is correct and you want other people to see that for their own salvation. Just because you don't agree with that does not mean you should wish death upon them!

And you accuse HER of hate speak and hate mongering! Amazing!

The things she says are no different than the garbage liberals have been spouting for decades. (And continue to spout). The only difference here is that it's a conservative saying them.

And we all know it's just not "cool" to be anything but a following liberal these days.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 08:10 AM
What I find amusing about this is how many of you let this womans statements get to you and respond in a almost angry-aggressive post.All you are doing is making the point she made in her book more viable when she says " liberals resort to personal attacks when ever they feel they are loosing an argument."

Now I am not a fan of hers at I just don't listen or just brush off what she say's. What I have seen here has been pretty much immature statements made by many new and many older members to which I am shocked. You guys know the saying...if you don't like whats on tv then change the channel.As I said in my previous post. She knows what she saying is shocking and that is her point. She is not taken seriously in the true political commentary world(ENTERTAINMENT like Howard Stern). Don't take it so literally.

[edit on 12-10-2007 by CaptGizmo]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by nyk537

I am a liberal and I pay no attention to Move On and I think that most liberals are the same way.

Ann Coulter makes a career out of spewing hate and venom. Its all she does. She has nothing positive to offer.

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