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history will justify the 9-11 inside job

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posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 12:24 PM
bush said history will justify him. Ive been mulling it over a bit lately. How will it justify him? Because his criminal buddies write history? OR is it because time travel? Thats right i said time travel. What if the military has time travel now. Used it and saw the future? Perhaps 9-11 was a deliberate distraction from someone elses intentions, perhaps worse?
THis thread is merely for speculation on what Bush meant by justification of his subsequent actions after 9-11.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 12:36 PM
That is certainly an interesting discussion point. Unfortunately, Bush is far to dumb to organize let alone pull off such a thing.

If whoever controls Bush had access to a time machine and were using it to control the outcome of the future, that's pretty scary. Molding the world in their evil image?


If time travel were possible and they had acces to it, really, what hope would we have?

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 12:44 PM
pearl harbor did. hitler had to be stopped. pearl harbor was an american plan executed by the japanese.

was or is there a threat (besides us) as vile as the nazi threat? if there is/was its justified, as terrible as it sounds.

however, i doubt it.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 05:56 PM
This point has been raised in a couple of places, I believe. I'm pretty sure that Mike Ruppert touched on it in Crossing the Rubicon and it could also have come up in the video Oil Smoke and Mirrors.

Google Video Link

The basic point is that when America REALLY starts to run out of oil, nobody will care about how oil is obtained. Both the cited works make the point that 911 is about "peak oil". Everything else is window dressing. Bush, the oil man, knows that very well, as does Cheney.

Bush believes that Americans will be praising his foresight, down the road when the catastrophe of oil depletion starts to be felt.

Americans, like Zbigniev Berzhesinski (The Grand Chessboard) have been planning to pull out their Saturday night special and grab the oil marbles for a while now. It's a pity that we (the sophisticated first world) are still in that mindset and that some other way, some humane way, couldn't be found to solve the coming problem.

Anyway, oil trouble is coming. Bush is taking care of the problem for America by acting ahead of the curve. That's why he thinks that history, at least as written in the States, will smile on him. He's the designated thug for a moment that the big oil/military/industrial boys believe requires a thug.

[edit on 11-10-2007 by ipsedixit]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 08:22 PM
I know this wont be in comparrisson, but learning the thruth about 9/11 will belike learning the truth about the death of Princess Diana.

The truth about 9/11 will never be proven no matter how much, those who seek the truth will get. It will be cover up after cover up no matter how much people try.

Them behind the 9/11 attacks will be hoping it will all go away, eventually it will, we will all be dead before we know the truth behind the attacks off 9/11....

Heck they are already telling us all, that it is time to move on............

Im sorry but doesnt anyone find this a little bit of patronizing??????????

I was shicked when I heard on the news about moving on fromthe incident... How dare they....

[edit on 12-10-2007 by spencerjohnstone]

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 03:02 AM
I dont want to get in trouble for repeating this since ive made another post about the subject, but there are so many alternatives, practical ones that are being slandered by greedy ***********... in the name of extended profits and market stability, which hey! its good right, a little more time before the party ends, and they start theyre innevitable plan to turn the world into a police state, using the ecominic reality to justify harsh policing and military. Then the world falls into there waiting hands.


America makes its own reality, and uses our natural resources like plant oils, alchohol, hydrogen, solar, wind, magnetic motors to create a free energy utopia, where people can return to learning about life on earth, not the city street. a rocky lifeless invention for the car, an antiquated machine by some stadards.

Propulsion theres always hydrogen, electricity and tesla.

Also oil is the blood of the earth, humans 2000 years ago in writings called the men who drain this oil, fornicators of the earth.

[edit on 13-10-2007 by mastermind77]

[edit on 13-10-2007 by mastermind77]

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 04:10 AM
One of the points sometimes made by people who subscribe to the "19 hijackers turning NORAD inside out" theory, is that it would be impossible for "the monstrous Bush administration" to get the necessary cooperation from the key people to make an elaborate plan like the one talked about by "those 911 conspiracy loonies" to work.

America's vulnerability in a time of dwindling oil supplies provides a strong motive for certain people to participate in a crime like 911 for the "greater good". There would be a high seriousness in the mind of someone like Dick Cheney or Richard Meyers. Such a person would see assisting in a scam like 911 as a type of higher patriotism. Such a person could be convinced that knocking off 3000 New Yorkers now would be a small price to pay for insuring the survival of millions of Americans down the road when the oil pinch becomes very, very tight.

I personally believe that the collateral damage to New Yorkers would have been sold to these key people as much less than 3000, in advance of the day. The cost benefit analysis would have been presented in a much more favorable light. In fact I think that the death toll would have been much smaller if things had gone according to plan. Unfortunately the efficiency of the FDNY forced the perps to "pull" the south tower before everyone had been evacuated. The north tower also had to be "pulled" ahead of schedule as a consequence (since it had been struck first.) Quite the muddle.

Thus the whole "historical justification" angle is important because it would have been a factor involved in the planning stage long before the event.

[edit on 13-10-2007 by ipsedixit]

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 12:32 PM
time travel and backwards..
well even if somebody had developed it, it would not be percisely usable IMO. because there are some streams into different futures. so ,which one is the right one?
and I think there are other spiritual powers involved in the development of our world, that not even the NWO can change, even if they want.

where are this prototypes, why isnt he developing it with the industry?

[edit on 13-10-2007 by anti72]

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