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Now this is serious stuff! James Casbolts Revelations

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posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Rilence
reply to post by mr-lizard

However, if you were an NSA operative...Someone who had been broken down to their most base instincts as part of their "training"

I'm not sure you'd be able to make a real decision about whether you were doing was wrong or right ??


You obviously have no idea what NSA does. They sure don't kill children, nor do they assassinate.

If you want to see the largest collection of tech geeks and eggheads in one place, check the NSA parking lot at 5pm.

You seem to have NSA and CIA confused with each other.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 12:55 PM
Inadvertant double post.

[edit on 11-10-2007 by bg_socalif]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 01:15 PM
Wlee I was just sitting here tootling around when it suddenly dawned on me that James Casbolt had sealed his own fate as a Liar.

On his pages at the moment he states:
"I personally witnessed children being murdered during my time in the AL/499 facility and in recent times children's throats are being cut "

Take note of that phrase: "during my time in the AL/499 facility"
Now if you look around Casbolts website at his videos etc, he is proud to tell of his accomplishments yet nowhere does he mention working at AL/499 aka Peasemore!. In one of his videos he actually goes out to Peasemore, sits in his transit van and talks of the base being 200ft down with entrances at Harwell and Greenham Common,so why did he go to Peasemore if there is nothing there other than an underground base with no entrance there?. Hes trying embellish his lies by popping in yet another lie about him now actually being inside the base.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 01:54 PM
It is quite ridiculous to think that the Casbolts handlers would let him shout about such monstrous acts and get away with it. Do you really think that his handlers would let him tell the world about drug smuggling and children having there throats cut. He would be under surveillance and as soon as they picked up on anything damaging Casbolt would be found in the River Thames the next morning. There is no way he would be allowed to live. I also saw a email supposedly sent to Casbolt from the NSA threating him, do you think the NSA would send a email knowing full well it could be saved as proof of him being targeted. I'm not sure if Casbolt is a complete fraud or he's mentally ill.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by paul76threating him, do you think the NSA would send a email knowing full well it could be saved as proof of him being targeted. I'm not sure if Casbolt is a complete fraud or he's mentally ill.

Looking at what he posted, at his videos and at his interviews I would suspect he has serious psychological problems. Continually posting fake photos and lies.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 03:16 AM
link Ace Ventura once said.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 04:40 AM
I find this quite hard to believe but I do remember reading some years ago about the Russians broadcasting signals into the UK to alter peoples behaviour. A quick web search didn't turn up anything much (it was very quick
) but this was interesting:

NBC Magazine with David Brinkley, July 16, 1981 No. 47592. DB (David Brinkley): "It is known the Russians are working hard on controlling the human mind by remote electronic means. ...As I say I find it hard to believe, it is crazy and none of us here know what to make of it: the Russian Government is known to be trying to change human behavior by external electronic influences. We do know that much. and we know that some kind of Russian transmitter is bombarding this country with extreme low frequency radiowaves. "


I haven't explored the site so I won't make any guarantees on its credibility.

Another point concerning the killing of the children, why would they need to continue the killing? Why wouldn't they just record the signals of the first few and then continually rebroadcast those? This would eliminate the need for an ongoing kidnap operation and lessen the chances of anyone 'asking questions' or getting curious as to where all these kids are going.

Doesn't really make sense to me.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by Chris McGeeAnother point concerning the killing of the children, why would they need to continue the killing? Why wouldn't they just record the signals of the first few and then continually rebroadcast those? This would eliminate the need for an ongoing kidnap operation and lessen the chances of anyone 'asking questions' or getting curious as to where all these kids are going.
Doesn't really make sense to me.

Thats the problem.
The entire website doesnt make sense. It reads like the rantings of someone in a highly delusional state, I mean, James Casbolts close friend Griikeeper post on another thread that at a recent UFO meeting both he and James were bombarded by 'Condensed Radiation'.
Problem is, only they could see it. I think we have 2 very delusional people here. I do believe that they believe things, but that doesnt make them real.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 07:40 AM
The guy is a fruitloop imo.
The photos he claims are "possible aliens etc" are laughable and anyone who claims a baby infected by depleted uranium is a "possible alien/human hybrid" is quite sick.
What I find amazing is if these satanic child killers are wiping people out in droves why hasnt anyone killed him yet.
I think the police should be informed of his crazy ramblings and prove him to be the nutter that he is.

He also claims he used to sell drugs on behalf of MI6,When you hear him speak he seems so fragile that I doubt he would mix well in the shady drug underworld.
I think he's either very deranged or a conman,clinging on to the David Icke phenomina and after a quick buck.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Kilgour
The guy is a fruitloop imo.I think he's either very deranged or a conman,clinging on to the David Icke phenomina and after a quick buck.

Yes I have to agree with you there. I think he and his friend looks at whats happening in the US with people who stand up and shout (but usually rubbish) and they think they can do it too if they construct enough controversy around them, then get paid for public appearances etc.

But your suggestion of him being too fragile also rings home. I just cant see him talking to or dealing with a hard IRA Provo with a pistol in his hand.

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Copernicus

Here is the video embedded:

Google Video Link

James Casbolt seems to agree that we are going towards enlightenment in 2012 and the shadow governments are trying to stop it.
[edit on 11-10-2007 by Copernicus]

where do I find part 2,3, and 4?
it was not on Google?

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 09:21 AM
Hey you out there in outer space
You're lookin' at some style and grace
The blood and gutty human race
Well, come on down here to meet us

And all you sightings up there in the sky
Feel free to drop in anytime
Anytime you're just kinda passin' by
And you get the urge that you want to see us

Oh, we're fun and games
Just guys and just dames
But don't call us names
And most of all, please don't eat us

'Cause we're no baloney, homosapiens
We ain't phoney
Oh we're no baloney homsapiens

Listen, just 'cause you got
More ears than eyes
That just gives you more places to cry
And acutely hear all the moans and sighs
Of the relatives of the people
You disintegrated

And don't you say we're easy prey
'Cause buddy, that's the day
Your underestimation will defeat you
But don't worry, we're civilized
And we won't eat you

'Cause we're no baloney, we're homosapiens
We ain't no phoney
Yeah, we're no baloney homosapiens

We're black and white
You're green and blue
Well, we're all right, so are you... I think
My blood's thick red
You bleed black glue
So, let's not bleed at all
Is that all right with you

Yes, we're no baloney, we're homosapiens
We're not phoney
Yeah, we're no baloney homosapiens

Yes, we're no baloney, homosapiens
Take it back with ya
We're no baloney homosapiens
No baloney, homosapiens

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by Chorlton

i have heard of 100's of russian slavic children being systematically murdered (1 2 yr old
homeless boy; raped and killed on video; all the men (12) hold israeli passports. they were convicted. the network whom profited from it numbered 600. 12 is a religious number. the talmud which IS the zion religion allows subjection of infants to infanticide.
and considers human (whom unavow the talmud) animals. consider: president usa recieved a talmud and said thank you for it PUBLICLY.

it is well known that russian revolution was JEWISH revolution. and it consisted of explicit genocide. 'they are animals'. the texts of sumerian literature presents a vivid portrait that equilibriates the idea. they are animals IF NOT human. and being a HUMAN
is about existing in civilization.

killing of infants, especially of untalmud is explicit lawed by this criminal organisation.

however in the earliest texts, modern mankind is held as 'valid' persons. unkillable.
so somebodies attempting to twist reality.

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