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Are Polls Are Part of Conspiracy to Elect Clinton?

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posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 04:55 PM
The polls say Hillary Clinton is up 30+ percentage points over her democratic rivals. I think the polls are bunk.

I would be curious to see be a show of hands here how many people prefer Hillary over Edwards, Obama, Richardson, and others.

I know this is not scientific like those professional polls would like us to believe, but it might give us a rough idea.

When you post, update the running tally.

Let me start:

Richardson 1
Clinton 0
Edwards 0
Obama 0
Biden 0
Kucunich 0

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 05:22 PM
From my point of view it does not matter who is elected, the American people will still get a corrupt individual to lead this country. It has been like that from the start of this country.

As for the media polls they may be rigged, either way trust me they are not accurate.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 06:03 PM
Is it possible to log a negative number on your poll?
Just kidding...well not really. I would be curious to see where our ATS'ers stand with a board wide poll that covers all candidates.

To answer your question, I think the presidential polls and elections are wrought with fallacies with no checks and balances. More than likely, presidents are bought and awarded to the highest bidders behind the scenes and that is why a third party will probably never be viable either.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 06:15 PM
I wouldn't take any poll that serious - at least not in influencing my decision making. Why should a thinking voter care what other people thought about a particular candidate anyway? If you like them - vote for them. Make up your own mind and the polls be damned.

"Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. 14% of people know that."-Homer Simpson

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 06:28 PM
Hitlary as a lawyer broke the 'Sunshine' Laws when trying to subvert and nationalize health care, with secret back room deals on something that would catasprophically affect a trillion dollar private enterprise.
She wanted to socialize it, contrary to public opinion.
Just look at French and Canadian healthcare, and that is what hitlary would have done to it. Want a triple bypass? Wait in line until hitlary's commitee funds it. And of course, had she pulled it off, who do you think she would have installed as the 'chairwoman' of 'national healthcare?
That's what she wanted for you, in violation of law, as the prez's wife, and
not as an elected official.
As the 'world's 'smartest woman attorney' breaking sunshine laws that affect public policy is against the law, she didn't know this?
She should have lost her license, and gone to jail, like her husband did (lost his license to practice), and almost did.
I don't even have a doctor or go to one, and this pissed me off.

And let's not EVEN talk about how 'she' turned 1000 into $100,000 in the futures markets, with 0 knowledge of how they work. Worlds smartest commodity's trader too, I guess. Jail time. Didn't happen. Insider trading.
And let's not even talk about Vince Foster, and how he 'commited suicide'.
Can you say crooked laywer?
Can you say unconvicted felon?

Can you say lust for power?

Yeah, sure why not. I'll vote for her.

[edit on 10-10-2007 by Alexander the o.k.]

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 06:48 PM

Yeah, sure why not. I'll vote for her.

The sad thing is that people know all the things you mentioned and would vote for her anyway. Most brainwashed party line hacks could watch their candidate on video murder a human, set them on fire and urinate on them, and they would say " look how brave they look" or " it was the establishments fault they did this".

The biggest thing I notice about the two degenerate parties, is that the Republicans fold way quicker than the Democrats. Look at how popular Clinton I still is and then look at Bush II's ever dwindling support. It shows in the Congress as well. Republicans that get caught suddenly "grow a conscience" and fold like a deck of cards. Democrats wear their crimes like a badge and use it to get reelected.

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 06:44 PM
I wouldn't trust any polls that the news states. I remember in '04 ALL the exit polls were saying that John Kerry was winning almost every state. Then, as the actual totals were coming in all the new agencies, except Fox, had to say, "Umm, well, it appears that our exit polling is wrong as George Bush has won [insert state here] by [percentage here]"

As far as who I would vote for in the Democratic party, I wouldn't vote for any of them as I'm a Republican.


posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 06:51 PM
I've been wondering why ATS doesn't have polls for the presidential candidate too.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by Techsnow

Great idea!

Anyone up there in ATS Heaven interested in getting one started?

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