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Cowardly people:

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posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 10:12 PM
The media mixes truths with lies, and conveniently misses many big headlines. They’ve pretty much determined the players in the 2008 presidential race- which only fuels the cynicism of an already aggravated country. So I suspect their going to do a come-from-behind story to reenergize the base of a few beleaguered campaigns and restore our faith in democracy. Oh won’t we be happy!

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by sexysadie

The OP has a good point.

I think humanity has a whole has forgotten there manners and show no respect for others or them selves.

It is real easy to be a rude self righteous jerk when you know no one can punch in the eye.

But it is not just rude people hiding behind there computers.

Just go to the store, or the bank. Young and old have no concern for other.

It would seem that most feel that they can do most anything to anyone. But how dare another tramples over there personal space.

What I find odd is a stranger on the street could call my wife a wh0&# and my children bast@&$%, and I would be the one to go to jail if I defended my family's honour.

I should just be quiet now. I probably missed the point of the original post anyway.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 01:33 AM
Heard a quote once of "great pain brings great love" as for cowards.....We are chalk full of them. Mostly on the left these days. The day when peace protests brought change is over. Now we are too fat and lazy or busy watching idiots b list celebs dance.......I want Nixon back...Early 70s Nixon no reality tv and we all could fit into clothes not xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxl

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:35 AM
Maybe it is good old Mother Nature - survival of the fittest. The strong and powerful people are at the top of the heap controlling the weak, those without power, money and influence. It is crappy to think about I know but it just might be evolution that makes us act violent toward each other. I have a big fish tank in my house. My fish get along well together but as soon as one fish gets sick all the other fish in the tank will poke at it until it dies. The fish want to kill off the weaker so that the rest will remain strong and healthy. Welcome to planet earth.

[edit on 11-10-2007 by zerotime]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:37 AM
Are you expecting rebels in this day and age>?

Well i'll tell you those type of people are in short supply

Normal citizens are clueless, They let the bigger boys do all the talking and thinking and decision making

Trust me on this...Society is *SNIP*.

There are no Ifs, Buts, WELL, LISTEN, MAYBE.

None of that "STANDING UP" and leading a group will work

Countries have invaded other countries and seriously *SNIP* and raped the people and the people did NOTHING and just let it all go

Majority of people are a joke

[edit on 11-10-2007 by NLXLENZ]

Edited vulgar language

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[edit on 11/10/07 by masqua]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by sexysadie

Such an interesting observation. That is indeed what is going on. I am glad to be out of it myself. I do not care about the next newest earth destroying car (ok sun is big part of gw problem but still does not help), or newest make-up products, or anything else. America is such a consumer driven place people compete for 'status' and must work pointlessly hard to strike it rich to show off. This goes back to my other topic (maya sun cycle theory) that the EGO has taken over, and that is why this place is like it is. Its because the ego has too much control in this mutation of people. Using such small percents of their brain, what do you really expect? It's only the people that break out, free themselves, free their minds, that matter, or can make a difference.

[edit on 11-10-2007 by 1337cshacker]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 06:07 AM
I haven't given up on humanity and in the real world I see a lot of good manners and courtesy. I see people helping others and I see respect for one another. Sadly this can't be said for the World wide web. I've noticed that a lot of people seem to leave there manners behind as soon as they log on to the net. Another trend and I haven't seen it on ATs is racism, I never see racism anymore in the real world but it's quite apparent on the net. These idiots should be ignored and you shouldn't let there drivel upset you as they are the minority.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by TXMACHINEGUNDLR

I think there are just as many cowards on the right. All the lock-stepping, all the subservient minds that fall hook, line and sinker for the rightwing spin machine, and for leaders who are anything but Christian.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by zerotime
Maybe it is good old Mother Nature - survival of the fittest. The strong and powerful people are at the top of the heap controlling the weak, those without power, money and influence. It is crappy to think about I know but it just might be evolution that makes us act violent toward each other. I have a big fish tank in my house. My fish get along well together but as soon as one fish gets sick all the other fish in the tank will poke at it until it dies. The fish want to kill off the weaker so that the rest will remain strong and healthy. Welcome to planet earth.

Not top pat myself on the back, but if this is evolution - I must be a superhero, because not only am I physically stronger than these snipping dogs, infinitely more insightful, able to destroy them in an argument, and on virtually every other level of life, but I also have the wits to see that their behavior is reprehensible. I’m not trying to be arrogant but just make a point. Unless perhaps we’re un-evolving back into some lower form of life? If that’s the case I think I’ll just stay the course I’m heading.

fixed quote

[edit on 11/10/07 by masqua]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 10:49 AM
I'm not a very social person for this very reason.
Too often, I see people around me trying to improve the self-image they have by belittling others, by ganging up on those that don't fit their perception of the norm or by using threats of violence to challenge those they see as weaker.

I recently became friendly with a girl who has told me of the hard time she has in life because of what she likes and how she dresses (she's a goth)
My response - take no notice, if people are so shallow as to judge you solely for how you look then they are the ones with the problem.

Another example,
I like to spend my time reading or on the net, going out to the pub maybe once a week. Many people have said "it's not normal". What they mean is it's not normal for them, therefore they don't understand it and look upon it as anti-social or wierd behaviour.
What they don't understand is that I socialise with friends by being at their house (rather than in a pub) without drinking, and by discussing things we like, books we've swapped, interesting toppics etc. and this is alien to them so they label it as something in order to feel superior.

These kind of people so annoy me, but I rarely attack them - it would be much too easy and would bring me down to their level, something I'm not prepared to do.

[edit on 11/10/2007 by budski]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 11:22 AM
"They are of all ages, races, and political backgrounds, but they’re united by a common desire to hate everything, and everyone who stands apart from the pack. "
Modern American is taught,more than ever, to sedate itself from true feelings and the world's issues evolving. It is reflcted by shallow entertainment to replace and uprising of freedom revelutionairies. If you feel depressed over a personal issue, just sit down for your favorite show while shoving processed food into your mouth. The general public doesn't know better, they'd rather be in their own little world of gossip personal and Hollywood, MTV, internet only for chat or email, cellphone babble, and useless reality tv shows-that only demean the people shown.

The sedation is encompassing the world.

The media can have a good part to it, being honest allowing things often covered up to be shown for education and improvements of the issue/s.

[edit on 11-10-2007 by dreamingawake]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 11:31 AM
Amazing topic...

The media does have a great deal of influence, it's not often you see something in the news that isn't concerned with death by murder, accident, or war. Many other topics include Sex, immorality issues and topics against. There is quite an influx of the "negative" on the minds of many viewers.

The Bible says in Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Not trying to instigate a biblical discussion but compare what we see, and hear today with a verse written almost 3,000 years ago. I believe America is becoming that nation. We take lightly issues that if our founders could see today would be appalled.

The poster of this topic made light of cowardly people. I think Americans (myself included) as a whole see many problems and do nothing about it. The government time and time again is called to intervene and do something and that they do. We may be seeing a transition from a republic to a socialist state. Then again, I could be wrong...

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by sexysadie

greatly said, this is the situation with all of us, possibly more in the US at this time due to the controlled media, but yes i think we must lose this kind of attitude if we wanna progress as humans.

[edit on 11-10-2007 by luis9343]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by Aeronautical7

Just to turn this topic on its head, are not we complaining about people who do things we don't like. They slander behind peoples back(backbiting) they perpetuate hate. Yet we jump up and do the same thing to them. Not all people, and not all post here if any, but I think we all do it at times.

The 'woe' may be a form of pity or sorrow for those people, for we are told not to judge. Maybe the writer wants us to feel sorry for and bring them into the light by setting a better example....

flame away
OK that was another joke, another layer if you will
considering I may be flaming at those flaming the flamers.

I think the real issue is how it is done, with hate, secretive slander, and "all bite the dog bitten" gang stalking. Or with love and kindness honestly trying to share your views and improve yourself and others by discussing them.

[edit on 11-10-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by sexysadie
I feel there’s a growing number of Americans who are beyond reform...

Yes there are. They are the media, the politicians and socialist bulshaviks who do things like that intently to create copy cats, kind of like terrorists, all the government losers do is go out and commit terror like 9-11 in the name of an enemy, the enemy gets all fuzzy inside and goes after the bait. So in the same sense they do this societly as well, ever heard of "The Amrican Expiriment? Wwhich america is not an expiriment, its a real country, the communist losers only want us to view it in the context of one so they can get away with making us guinea pigs for theyre big buisiess which is really a front for elitie killers and losers who whine when mommy takes away baba-

I agree I hope the people of this country get together and make some better standards for themselves. Do we all want to live in a world with loud gangster cars, food stamps, fast food, wal-mart, ignorance in general?

I dont..give me intellect and drive, and the tools to invent.

[edit on 11-10-2007 by mastermind77]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 12:10 PM
post refering to changed. nevermind

[edit on 11-10-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by sexysadie

Not top pat myself on the back, but if this is evolution - I must be a superhero, because not only am I physically stronger than these snipping dogs, infinitely more insightful, able to destroy them in an argument, and on virtually every other level of life, but I also have the wits to see that their behavior is reprehensible. I’m not trying to be arrogant but just make a point. Unless perhaps we’re un-evolving back into some lower form of life? If that’s the case I think I’ll just stay the course I’m heading.

Excellent point but I'm not sure morals ever evolve. These are just thoughts of mine. One of my hobbies is human Psychology. I do not believe that morally we are any different than any other group of humans that have lived on the planet. We have the good and we have the bad and each generations is different. The morals of each generation is only relevant to that particular generation.

All of these things that you talk about are very common in mother nature. Packs of animals work together but if one animal steps outside of the unit, the pack turns on that outsider and attacks them. Humans do this too.

The animal with the most power becomes the hierarchy-dominant leader who controls every aspect of the pack. humans do this too.

Animal packs establishing rank and order through psychological warfare and fighting. Humans do this too.

The Alpha males dominate social orders. Humans do this too. And the list can go on and on...

Human beings tend to follow mother natures established rules for animals working in a pack. These rules do serve a purpose. The only thing possibly making us different is that we have the ability to fight against those evolutionary instincts.

The frustration comes when a person wants to change the system but in doing so they become the outsider to the normal established system of pack order. So, of course, the pack is going to turn on that outsider and outcast them or attempt to destroy them for the greater good of the pack. Morals have almost no factor in this process. It is an almost machine mechanic of a survival instinct. Brute strength, wisdom, etc are all worthless unless you are at the top of the pack hierarchy. That's the only way the pack will allow a change.

[edit on 11-10-2007 by zerotime]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by zerotime

Your argument assumes the outcasts idea is not only seen as malformed but is. What if the outside idea is better and most of the pack see that? Wouldn't that then fail to follow the model of the entire pack turning on the outsider, might they join the outsider and as your example states, turn on the previous alpha leader?

So morals might have an effect, if they are the deciding factor in un animal like fashion of weather the outsider is malformed, or actually correct.

[edit on 11-10-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Redge777

It does happen. Members of packs break off and form other packs. If you look at the USA for example there are multitudes of packs - religious packs, business packs, political packs, social packs. When there are enough members of a pack who are dissatisfied with the direction of the collective then they break off and form together. You can also see this happening in the USA with the different religious denominations, different political parties forming, etc, all from the discontented members of other groups. Sometimes discontented pack members do not create new packs but seek out alternative packs. Almost always the new packs and the old packs are in direct confrontation with each other to hold dominance. Ideas being better does not factor in. Dominance is all that matters. If your idea is great but your pack has no dominance in the world hierarchy then your idea might has well be worthless. Alpha leaders are always challenged. The problem is that to beat an alpha leader and take its place you basically have to be an alpha leader. Alpha leaders tend to be carbon copies of what the pack expects from its leadership so the change in leadership usually does not mean much change for the group. And for the most part that is how packs like it. Dramatic change is something that the group’s survival instinct will fight against.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by zerotime

I agree with your assertion that human beings tend to follow mother nature established rules , but I’ve seen meager men lifted from the lowliest places from their packs to great places by merely faith in either good or evil supernatural forces and then effecting moral change as Redge777 explained.

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