posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 10:42 PM
All religions that have rules for obedience and subservience were created ONLY in societies that had a ruling class oppressing the masses. Whether
you believe in one or the other matters not because you allow yourself to be ruled and your religion promotes it and justifies it. Obey and in the
next life you will get your reward. Have children and teach them obedience so that they too can enter into slavery willingly. Hush your women lest
they teach you or your children to question authority or resist enslavement.
If the bible were fact written by God, it would not need interpretation and religions would not have evolved as societies evolved. Religion offers
the illusion that you should suffer now because everything will be made okay AFTER you die. The meek shall inherit the earth.
Sorry, but I would rather live my life freely now than to wait for something that is never going to happen. I am not sure what kind of man prefers a
meek push-over for a wife because I have not met one yet. Every man I know is far more attracted to a stong (but not overpowering) woman... his