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My new NR 1 army is ::: Chinese Army

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posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 09:11 AM
Here it is, the insane number is just an treath it self.

Even the 90 years old man can kill someone with his dragon skills.
Insane they are maniacs, they will kill just like ants.

take a look !!

Large armys just works by the numbers.
I remmember when my captain said on a shooting range exercise, " imagine a hole chinese attack. Just shoot do not save any ammo. No bullets will miss. Just shoot!!! "

I wonder if the americans have any sweet stuff for the angry chinese army ants.

They have a amazing army, they obey, you say JUMP they say how HIGH!!! . Perfect zombie army..

My last word is "RUUUUUUUUUN" or just nuke them

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 09:47 AM
here is some more red army vid..

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 09:52 AM
Couple questions.....

What is NR 1?

"Here it is, the insane number is just an treath it self." What in God's name does that mean?

And most importantly of all, what is this thread FOR???

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 10:17 AM

Even the 90 years old man can kill someone with his dragon skills

And the US have the Power Ranger 1337 skillz as well !!!111oneoneeleven

btw just how will the chinese move such a large army? walk them over to the usa?

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 10:56 AM
lo0ks impressive, the women army alone is our population... thats insane!! what is the total count?

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by KINGOFPAIN
lo0ks impressive, the women army alone is our population... thats insane!! what is the total count?

can you imagine if china Invaded the united states and just sent in the women to fight,

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 01:05 PM
I like the smoke-making helmet! Cannot see what the brick-breaking head trick is supposed to demonstrate except (a) poor brick-making skills (b) thick heads.

The Chinese armed forces have been good at keeping the population under the heel of the Communist Party. I see no evidence that it is any good, apart from a vast number of people.


posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Zenagain
Couple questions.....

What is NR 1?

"Here it is, the insane number is just an treath it self." What in God's name does that mean?

And most importantly of all, what is this thread FOR???

To awnser your burning questions:

NR1 = NumbeR 1. That equates to that Reckon puts the Chinese army at the number one spot, the best army in the world.

"Treath" = Threat. He finds that the sheer numbers off the possible Chinese army size are capable off destroying any opponent. Wich is offcourse bull#.

And to awnser your final question: This thread is propably for pure propaganda. Or it is an attempt to give info about the possible size and induvidual strength off the Chinese army.

I hoped i awnserd your questions.


posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 02:26 PM
There is something very very very hypnotic about that first clip

I nearly donked my head on the screen

Is that some kind of promotional video for the Chinese Armed Forces?

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 03:52 PM
A few things that this video totally misses. There are not more women in the chinese army then there are ppl in the US. That is the term for "able bodied". Same with the men. China, however, could not raise such an army. Were this mid-evil times, where the "more the merrier" still applied, china would own. Todays technology makes numbers obsolete however.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 04:00 PM
If you combine the Russians with the Chinese that a pretty scare thought if you ask me. Sheer numbers would win any battle.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by paul76
If you combine the Russians with the Chinese that a pretty scare thought if you ask me. Sheer numbers would win any battle.

Again.. your wrong. Sheer numbers do not assure anything other then a higher casualty turnout. Do feel free to elaborate though.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by West Coast

Yes I agree but like The Germans found out against the Russians In WW2 it goes a long way to winning a war. Although War has changed alot in the last 50 years a ground invasion is pretty much the same tactics as in the past and I can't imagine what it would be like to invade a country with such a huge army or to be invaded by such numbers. The battle of the Somme comes to mind, thousands upon thousands dieing in a single day.

[edit on 10uWednesday07/27/20 by paul76]

[edit on 10uWednesday07/27/20 by paul76]

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 06:17 PM
With the methods of death we have... I don't know. The U.S. is powerful. We could destroy their invasion fleet from space possibly, if not space, certainly with high-altitude bombers dropping "invisible" munitions.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 09:30 PM
Yeah? And a large Expeditionary force is useless if you can't get it to the frontline in enough numbers and fast enough.

It takes the U.S. less than a week to 100 percent mobilize, I'd hate to think what it takes the Chinese... 2, 3 weeks? I don't even want to consider the logistics involved with an army that massive.

Keep in mind a massive army is useless if you have no where to put the soldiers, no way to shuttle them back and forth to the battlefield, and no way to adequately resupply.

I doubt the numbers make an significant impact. Besides they're so cluttered together that a few Paladins with shrapnel shells can shred the platoons up. Just ask the Iraqis about the "Steel Rain".

Wikipedia World Military Ranks

China might be ranked first, but the US is not far off.

Shattered OUT...

[edit on 10-10-2007 by ShatteredSkies]

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 09:40 PM
It would be interesting to see how China would support an expeditionary force of massive size. Feed them, re-supply, so much metal for ammunition.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by depth om
It would be interesting to see how China would support an expeditionary force of massive size. Feed them, re-supply, so much metal for ammunition.

All the while taking on the most prolific military this world has ever seen..

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 10:01 PM
it's nice to think your the best on the block.. which i honestly hope we are... but to know any outcome under any circumstance is inpossible to know.... who knows what they have that we dont know about... we (citizens) probably dont know 90% of what our gov. has or is capable of... so what makes you think our gove could absolutly know what they have?'s not i am sure they have no idea of whe we have.... so... a fight on american soil would be a devistating one...

the one true force they would come against....when they put a fo0t on a street corner... it the american,pissed... and armed.

[edit on 10-10-2007 by KINGOFPAIN]

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 10:47 PM
The German Army lost because they were in the middle of the Russian winter, Starving, had minimum munitions, were spread way to thin, and pretty much all strung out on that crazy "Nazzi Dope" we know as methamphetamine.

It would be almost impossible to mobilize that large of an army on foreign soils with out a steady stream of munitions, supplies, and support. But, if a country was to attack China on their own soil, China's army would more than likely rein supreme.

When i was in the Navy i do remember hearing something about a torpedo the Chinese were developing that had a range of about 300 Nautical Miles. As the torpedo reached maximum range it launched a rocket that carried a nuclear payload to a predetermined target. Thats pretty scary.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 10:53 PM
I despise American exceptionalism as much as anyone, but there is a valid point being made by that side, here on this thread.

Feeding, clothing, transporting, and cleaning up after an army of a hundred-thousand infantry troops is hard enough, never mind an army the size of China's. Realistically, they simply couldn't mobilize the whole of it, and so the numbers are pretty misleading.

A great big army can actually be a detriment, if you consider the logistical support required to keep them moving.

How would their army get to the shores of America? We're talking billions of pounds of food, munitions, clothes, medical equipment, armor, and so on. It's an obscene scenario that will almost certainly never occur.

One possibility that can't be overlooked, is that if China is absolutely 100% positive that they want to engage us (can't imagine why, unless they're facing a revolution at home), they could feasibly smuggle soldiers into the country over an extended period of time, and have a force already in position to distract and sabotage while another large force makes its way by sea. It's a very unlikely scenario, but who knows...

One thing to be said for an army of that size, is that it will probably win any war of attrition. Here in the states, we lose a few hundred soldiers and the national will deteriorates perceptibly. If we lose ten thousand soldiers, there aren't ten thousand more, and ten thousand more, and ten thousand more, and so on.

I certainly wouldn't want to play the numbers game against the Chinese army, they can afford military losses that would depopulate entire countries.

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