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the shanksville incident flight 93

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posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:20 AM
all i can find here is the shot down theory. maybe i over looked a different one.

but one of the theorys i continually here is the flight never existed that it was a slide of hand kind of deal. ive heard the same about the pentagon being a slide of hand to take the entirety of the focus off wtc.

my question is of all these theory's other then the shot down theory noone talks about the people that were supposedly aboard that/those planes

my question is
what happened to the people

[edit on 10-10-2007 by pigchunks]

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:24 AM
They died.

[edit: removed unnecessary quote of entire previous post]
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[edit on 10-10-2007 by 12m8keall2c]



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[edit on 10-10-2007 by elevatedone]

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:28 AM
thank you



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[edit on 10-10-2007 by elevatedone]

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by pigchunks

Here is a list of the people who died on Flight 93. Maybe before you begin to speculate what happened to these real people you could do a little research on your own into their lives. You could even visit Shanksville next year on 9/11 and ask their relatives what happened to them.


Jason Dahl, 43, from Denver, Colorado, was the plane's captain. He had a wife and son. Dahl had a lifelong interest in flying, said his aunt, Maxine Atkinson, of Waterloo, Iowa.

Leroy Homer, 36, from Marlton, New Jersey, was the first officer on board. He was married and had a daughter.

Lorraine Bay was a flight attendant.

Sandra Bradshaw, 38, of Greensboro, North Carolina, was a flight attendant.

Wanda Green was a flight attendant.

CeeCee Lyles of Fort Myers, Florida, was a flight attendant. She reached her husband, Lorne, by cell phone to tell him that she loved him and their children before the plane went down. The couple between them had four children.

Deborah Welsh was a flight attendant.

Christian Adams

Todd Beamer, 32, was from Cranbury, New Jersey.

Alan Beaven, 48, of Oakland, California, was an environmental lawyer.

Mark Bingham, 31, of San Francisco owned a public relations firm, the Bingham Group. He called his mother, Alice Hoglan, 15 minutes before the plane crashed and told her that the plane had been taken over by three men who claimed to have a bomb. Hoglan said her son told her that some passengers planned to try to regain control of the plane. "He said, 'I love you very, very much, ' " Hoglan said.

Deora Bodley, 20, of Santa Clara, California, was a university student.

Marion Britton

Thomas E. Burnett Jr., 38, of San Ramon, California, was a senior vice president and chief operating officer of Thoratec Corp., a medical research and development company, and the father of three. He made four calls to his wife, Deena, from the plane. Deena Burnett said that her husband told her that one passenger had been stabbed and that "a group of us are going to do something." He also told her that the people on board knew about the attack on the World Trade Center, apparently through other phone calls.

William Cashman

Georgine Corrigan

Joseph Deluca

Patrick Driscoll

Edward Felt, 41, was from Matawan, New Jersey.

Colleen Fraser

Andrew Garcia

Jeremy Glick, 31, from West Milford, New Jersey, called his wife, Liz, and in-laws in New York on a cell phone to tell them the plane had been hijacked, Joanne Makely, Glick's mother-in-law, told CNN. Glick said that one of the hijackers "had a red box he said was a bomb, and one had a knife of some nature," Makely said. Glick asked Makely if the reports about the attacks on the World Trade Center were true, and she told him they were. He left the phone for a while, returning to say, "The men voted to attack the terrorists," Makely said.

Lauren Grandcolas of San Rafael, California, was a sales worker at Good Housekeeping magazine.

Donald F. Green, 52, was from Greenwich, Connecticut.

Linda Gronlund

Richard Guadagno, 38, of Eureka, California, was the manager of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge.

Toshiya Kuge

Waleska Martinez

Nicole Miller

Mark Rothenberg

Christine Snyder, 32, was from Kailua, Hawaii. She was an arborist for the Outdoor Circle and was returning from a conference in Washington. She had been married less than a year.

John Talignani

Honor Wainio

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by pigchunks

Few people seem to remember, but there was a news article, regarding flight 93, that remained online for a few years before it was removed by the site. The article stated that flight 93 performed an "emergency landing" in Cleveland, Ohio, due to a "bomb threat", the morning of 9/11, and that the passengers & crew were evacuated to the nearby NASA Glenn Research Center.

It always struck me as being odd that there were no "corrections" offered when the article was removed from the site, especially since it was from a "respected" Ohio news source, and because it included direct quotes from the Mayor, and a United executive, regarding the emergency landing & subsequent evacuation.

You can probably still google "Cleveland Airport Mystery" to find out a bit more.

[edit on 10/10/07 by redmage]

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by robert z

well since im so dumb for not thinking to look for this meaningless crap you have posted here

please by all means tell me


but thanks for telling me about theyr lifes before they got on the plane it helped alot

[edit on 10-10-2007 by pigchunks]

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by redmage

thanks ill look for that

after watching zeitgeist and several other things that seem to mention the complete disappearance of said plane the question no one ever asked and they never went into is what happened to the people who were suppose to be on the plane

it has bugged me since. but everyone seems to be focused on the main part of the lie instead of the details such as this

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by redmage

It always struck me as being odd that there were no "corrections" offered when the article was removed from the site, especially since it was from a "respected" Ohio news source, and because it included direct quotes from the Mayor, and a United executive, regarding the emergency landing & subsequent evacuation.

You can probably still google "Cleveland Airport Mystery" to find out a bit more.

[edit on 10/10/07 by redmage]

Yes, there were corrections offered on numerous occasions. They made a mistake and confused the landing of Delta FL 1989 with FL 93. They later corrected this error.

By the way, rather than Googling this and finding dozens of conspiracy sites repeating the same ill-informed nonsense, why not just call up the paper and ask to speak the the reporter directly?

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by pigchunks
reply to post by robert z

well since im so dumb for not thinking to look for this meaningless crap you have posted here

please by all means tell me


but thanks for telling me about theyr lifes before they got on the plane it helped alot

[edit on 10-10-2007 by pigchunks]


Meaningless crap? You mean the names and backgrounds of the missing passengers?

The only meaningless crap that I see is the thread you started asking the same lame questions that have been asked for 5 years on probably hundreds of threads by now.

The plane crashed. Therefore the question of what happened to the passengers if the plane did not crash is what is meaningless.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 11:13 AM
Originally posted by robert z


Meaningless crap? You mean the names and backgrounds of the missing passengers?

Robert z, I am delighted that you used the word missing. Many refer to them as 'dead' for which there is not the slightest bit of evidence that hasn't been contrived by the government.

The only meaningless crap that I see is the thread you started asking the same lame questions that have been asked for 5 years on probably hundreds of threads by now.

In fact I don't see the questions as lame. The fact that many questions are still being asked is proof that there are no satisfactory answers as yet.

The plane crashed.

There is no evidence of any kind that UAL #93 crashed in Shanksville or anyplace else thank you. There are no parts, no engines, no wings, no tail and no bodies. That little hole in Shankesville could have contained a Boeing 757.

Therefore the question of what happened to the passengers if the plane did not crash is what is meaningless.

And so from that we can deduce that if a crash has not been proven, which it hasn't, then we need to know where the passengers are.

As far as your fantasy post that the Flight 93 that landed in Cleveland and the passengers escorted into the NASA hangar, was a mistake and that is was a different flight number is just that: fantasy, or a better word might be fabrication. Flight 93 landed in Cleveland and the passengers were deplaned into the NASA hangar. Now if there is evidence to prove that this did not happen then that evidence has been fabricated.

I don't know where the passengers went. But I can tell you this: in my opinion not one single passenger or pilot died in any of the 4 alleged planes crashed on 911. Nor did any plane crash on that day. Not in the WTC, not in the Pentagon not in Shanksville. Nor do you have any proof that such a thing happened other than the governments word and hoaxed videos. Thats all you have.

It was a hoax, a PsyOp.

There are good people out there who know the truth. And someday the truth will be told and many, not all, but many of the perpetraters of that PsyOp, called 911, will be brought to justice.

Thanks for your post and your input it is greatly appreciated.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 11:21 AM
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posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 11:25 AM
I am not real familar with all the details pertaining to that crash in the field....?,..That list of people on the plane sure seems short ....Is this typical of the amount of people on these sorta flights >?..That plane certainly holds many more than that...Where is the money in that flight ?...I was ALWAYS bugged how there was nothing...nothing....but a small hole and gash in the soil...No other crash EVER has looked like that....just one of the many un-natural events of that day...oh ya,..I for one do think it was an inside 2 cents..

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by mrmajestyk6309

No, Fortunately on that day that was a relatively empty flight, and 40 people is a lot, but it is only because it was part of 9/11 that it is remembered so much. The MD-82 that crashed in September, had twice as many fatalities as UA93.

And with the hole, yes it seems small, and there aren't many examples to compare it with really, but here is the wreckage of a 737 which hit in a vertical dive at 300mph, slower than UA 93, but the wreckage still isn't that big, apart from one bit. And With a plane going faster, well , it would be even smaller I would expect.

Originally posted by johnlear
There are good people out there who know the truth. And someday the truth will be told and many, not all, but many of the perpetraters of that PsyOp, called 911, will be brought to justice.

If they are truly good people, I would expect them to say by now, unless they are too scared because they would rather save their own butts.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

There is no evidence of any kind that UAL #93 crashed in Shanksville or anyplace else thank you. There are no parts, no engines, no wings, no tail and no bodies. That little hole in Shankesville could have contained a Boeing 757.

John, this is an outright lie.

You are perpetuating a myth from a position of total ignorance. It is really disgusting and shameful. The ATS motto is Deny Ignorance, not exemplify it.

I have been to Shanksville on many occasions and had barbecue sandwiches with two of the first responders at Ida's store last year. These are the local guys who worked at the fire department and who were at the scene first.

Five years later they still tell the story of how they could not believe a plane crashed in the hole, but that they saw parts of the plane and body parts -real flesh from the victims who died in the crash. Many of them are still traumatized by it.

Have you been to Shanksville to talk with these people? Call up Ida's store and ask to speak to the husband. It is my understand that he worked for the fire department. Ask around to speak to any of the other dozen or so men that were on the scene before the FBI or police. These guys all claim they saw parts of the plane and body parts.

Do you think these guys are part of the psyop too?

Do you think it is disgraceful to imply these guys are part of a conspiracy to cover-up a mass murder just so you can get attention on an internet forum? I do.

I also spoke in depth with a woman who lives a few hundred yards behind the crash site and who was sequestered in her home for two weeks. She tells of finding debris in her yard, including pieces of credit cards, pieces of metal, and shreds of clothing. The FBI made her close her blinds when the gather the debris from her yard, but she snuck a couple of photos of them picking up stuff anyway.

Seriously, John, you seemed to have milked your 15 minutes of fame into more like 15 years. You should stick to discussing things you know something about, or that you actually took the time to research, rather than making things up.

Otherwise you just come across as looking foolish at best, and you take away from what tiny bit of credibility that remains with the truth movement.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by johnlear

Hello Mr. Lear.

Have read many of your posts and never offered a response before, BUT......
I was at the base of the towers that day. I admit, I did not see the first plane, but did hear an "explosion" of the supposed impact. A little while late, after hearing the roaring of what I percieved to be an engine, I looked up and from between buildings i could see what I perceived to be an airplane. A large jumbo jet in my opinion. I watched as that airplane then struck the second tower. I have read your hollograms theory and IMHO I just can't see it. I was there..... Its just not what I saw. I did not work in the building and thank God for that. I worked 3 blocks away. But like on most days, I would go fro a walk after our morning meetings before the trading day would start. I often visited with frineds in the towers and on many occassion spent the day working there with an analyst or a client. Many strange "building" things were always going since the first attack in 1993, and we were always told its just there way of improving the safety of the building. I lost a few friends that day, and many people I knew through work or work related channels. None of those people deserved to die. I was at the base of the towers enjoying a beautiful getting an egg sandwich from a vendor. Yes, not all the vendors were home that day like most people try to show.

I respect your views, as you have every right to them, but I am sorry I just can not believe that what I saw with my own eyes was anything other than what I saw.

I do believe, however, believe that the buildings did not come down on their own. I created a thread about this back in August and would love your opinion on"my" theory. The thread had more to do with the ethcial aspect of my theory, but would still love to hear your input.

Please understand that by disagreeing with you about the planes I am in no way saying you are wrong.....I just have to believe what I saw that day. It took weeks for me to watch any of the actual video they had and I could understand from the videos how all the different theories could play out.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:34 PM
Yet again John Lear posts his creative thoughts without a shred of information to back them up. As I said in an earlier post....he has a better imagination than Steven King....

I agree with the other poster, his 15 minutes of fame is over and he should probably move on to writing sci-fi since he seems to be able to dream up stories at the drop of a hat.

Just once I would like to see John Lear present some type of evidence to back up his wild claims. No where else on ATS would claims like his be given any credibility without some type of backup...yet the sheeple walk aimlessly behind him, awaiting his next fictional account. Sad very sad

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:37 PM
If I understand correctly the majority of the people that don't believe the official story believe that the government of the United States carried out the attacks on 9/11. Out of this group some believe it was done with holograms, while others believe they were remote controlled.

If I may ask a question of both hologram and remote control theorists: Why do you believe in these complex theory's as apposed to the Government actively helping the terrorists carry out the attacks. I am just curious, it would seem a lot less complicated just to pull some strings than fake transmissions, project holograms or fly planes from remote locations.

John Lear with his flight experience has said on one thread that he could not fly a plane and hit a building dead center, I imagine it would be even harder by remote control. that is a little puzzling to me as well, I could drive my car and hit a wall dead center. What is different about a plane?

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:41 PM
The Coroner says that he was not needed because there were no bodies, yet the good old boys with the volunteer fire dept. years later were of course all there that day and all saw bodies and plane parts, right? The fact that there are no parts displayed like in any other plane crash, and no serial numbers for the parts listed to prove the case, all mean that no plane crashed there. Mr. Lear is right, it was a psy op and a big one at that, on many levels.

But in Shanksville, there are NO major aircraft poarts shown: The fact that parts were strewn over a miles wide area says that something was blasted in the air and some parts ended up in a smoking hole 10 x 15 feet!! A tiny hole with no plane parts!! And they call that evidence? Unreal. The depth to which the average American will go to ignore reality is astounding. You cal tell most people any crazy and nonsensical story and as long as you stamp : " US Govenment " on it, it will be accepted by the majority as true, no matter how ludicrous it is.

The local Coroner says that he had nothinhg to do because there was not ' one drop of blood ', and no well as no seats or luggage or engines!! I know: Maybe Flt 93 happened to hit an opening for a huge mineshaft and the plane just disappeared underground!! Of course that would be impossible but it illustrates the silliness of the official story, which requires a reach to even get close to being able to be swallowed.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:54 PM
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posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by wsamplet

As a ' remote control ' believer, allow me to comment: I believe that the government did it because the highjackers, if real at all, would only have made things worse, mucked things up. There is NO WAY to believe that in four highjackings all sets of highjackers would have 100% success in being able to INSTANTLY disable the pilots ( all eight of them ) before even one pilot could key the mike and scream out an alert. There is NO WAY OTHER than remote highjacking to explain how the highjackers could have taken the cockpits instantly, before any announcement could be made. INSTANT takeover means REMOTE takeover, that is a given.

No human beings could have acted as fast as that which was needed to disable or kill, or convince , eight determined pilots to get out of the cockpit, and assume the controls, after having had to breach the cockpit doors..all this, and it had to happen INSTANTLY, before ANY radio calls could be made, and it had to happen FOUR times in a row with perfect success>. NOW do you see why many of us will not believe that scenario? it is crazy to imagine that happening.

It takes a split second, less than a half second, to key the mike button and yell a mayday ..but in ALL four cases, the ' highjackers ; allegedly managed to not only breach the cockpits, but kill or convince the pilots to get out, and then take control..and all so fast that a split second act like keying the mike button was impossible..we are asked to believe that. Not likley.Remote flyiong of heavy aircraft has been a fact for many years: A person sitting at a computer console could by camera see what he was flying and where he was going and all the info; fully taken over with a flip of a switch; check on the HOME RUN system, Israeli of course, as is all our most critical hardware and security systems...the Neocons have us right where they want us.

But in any event, there is NO question that to take four cockpits that fast is a fantasy, and no matter what happened to the people, the fact of an inside job is beyond doubt.

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