posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 08:44 PM
I believe, and correct me if I am wrong, that the basic premise that this thread is based on, is slightly flawed. Young people can certainly go to
sleep by midnight, quite easily. And can be wide awake well before 11am. However, when they do stay up past midnight, and are rushed out of bed in
the morning to make it to class on time, it is no doubt that they are lacking the required REM sleep. Without the proper amount, the brain can not
function 100%.
If more of an effort was made to make it to bed at a better hour, getting up in the morning wouldn't be as difficult.
Albeit quite difficult at first, to turn our clock back a few hours. It can be done if our schedule were better reflected for school hours, on a more
consistent basis.
Schools themselves operate on the hours they do, as it is most convenient for young people to live a normal, and social life. Nothing is gained by
sleeping until noon. And if we were to, we'd be in school until late in the evening.
The normal work schedule for people is a 9-5pm job. Our school routine is programming people to operate on this schedule, so they can work
efficiently in the work force.
Now don't look at me as an old foggy who is retired and gets to sleep all day. I'm one of those that needs to wake his ass up in the morning
and drag himself in for a 9am class. I just know that it's only as tough as it is some mornings, because I didn't get to sleep at the appropriate
time. And nobody is to blame but myself.