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The Great Conspiracy Of Time, Money, And The Pursuit Of Happiness…

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posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 04:50 PM
The conspiracy of time, money, and the pursuit of happiness…

Back when I was in high school as I was searching for a career and college opportunities, all I had in my mind was to get out there, go to college, and find a job to make money.

I was conditioned to take out large student loans to attend a university and gain my piece of paper. So when I was done with college I would have $50,000 in debt at age 22 and I am essentially a forced labor slave. I need to work hard to pay back the debt and pay for everyday life on top of that.

I was trained to be a good producer and consumer.

After 9-11, and the Wellstone Assassination I began to question things which for years I had taken as truth without question. Things like: our government always tells the truth and does the right thing. I also began to question college and the public education system.

I began to realize that both lower and higher public education are tools of propaganda to train the youth citizens to be obedient to our US government, and to be productive and healthy consumers.

Media, financial, and social influences guide the citizens to make choices which benefit the government and corrupt big business especially healthcare and insurance industries.

As good citizens we are trained:
-To own a vehicle, which then in turn requires us to pay outrageous costs for auto insurance.
-Own a home, which then in turn requires us to pay for outrageous home insurance costs.
-Be healthy, which then in turn requires us to pay outrageous healthcare and health insurance costs.

So now we got all those bills to pay on top of the money which a good consumer as already spent on clothing trends and hip gadgets. All this is designed to make you SPEND your money. The more you spend the more taxes you pay also. So we take out credit cards and 2nd mortgages which only propagates the situation.

So now as good consumers we are spending tons of cash each month just to exist and blend in with the rest of the working class.

With these high costs of living….
who has time to take-off work to protest?
who has the ability to take days off to travel to Washington DC for a rally or event?
who even has time to really pay attention to what is REALLY happening in the world?
For most people, they DON’T have the time to pay attention or to write a congressman, or attend a rally. At the end of the day we are tired and just want a warm microwave meal and to relax on the couch watching TV.

Most folks are good hard working people. They work 40 hours a week or more. They spend additional hours in stop & go rush hour traffic which only adds to the fuel and time costs of our life style.

Now I know that there are thousands of people who bike to work, or who had scholarships, or who do manage to balance work and keeping tabs on current events like most here on ATS.

What I am saying is that they don’t have to keep ALL of us busy with their financial systems, just the majority. They are succeeding at keeping us quiet, and obedient.

What everyone should be asking of themselves is:
Can I afford to pay attention to the changing world?
If you cant, its going to cost you in the end.

[edit on (10/9/07) by AllSeeingI]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 10:44 PM
Its "the big lie". This is programed to society that material items (homes cars pools TV's, etc) are more important than anything else. This is a big problem, and has been programed into societies for the last, say, 2600 give or take years. Constantine of old Rome was not creator of this big lie, but added to its "luxuries", also changed some of bible, also, king James men changed some of bible (although, not intensionally like Constantine) by a rewrite into English/other languages. Some of the bible code in King J version is inaccurate. Anyway, I feel what you are saying and its true. Much of this place does not matter, technology, or the such. The governments are fighting for control, they give us the "illusion of freedom", especially the USA. Things like republicants and democraps are two sides of the same coin, battling for control of people. Further, women have been taken out of the control picture for the most part. If anyone has never read the Leo Da Vinci code, I recommend it, not only as a story, but to see how the 'church' has taken the woman out of control and put men mainly in control. This is unnatural, because women are the balance of men, you can not have a successful society (yes, a successful system exist!) without women in control ALONGSIDE man, with equal power. This give the balance society needs (and does not currently have). The destructive nature of 'man' is supposed to be suppressed by the nurturing/recessive powers of women. This is so things don't go out of control, which in this world ruled by 'men', it clearly IS. Yin and Yang proves to have even more meanings!!

Everyone seems to think the type of religion matters, this is not so. The Mormans are not totally right, not catholics, nor budist, nor vedics, not anything, religion was a variation that happened though culture. Sure, go to church once a week and your fine right? No, but this is what some people still think anyway. You must repent and pray to god every day, follow his commandments, and love your neighbor. Also, golden rule, use it! An eye for an eye does not mean poke out his eye! It means his will be poked by someone else/another way, if, and usually IF, you turn the cheek.

I have a theory people (souls to be specific) came to earth because they (we) wanted to get away from god and see if we can do things on our own. This is earth. We do not remember being in the spiritual world before but we were there and the memory has been blocked, each one of us have existed for eternity. "Born" just brings us into these machines, which changes (every cell replaced) once over every 7 years (welcome to the machine). I am about to be in the third change over (21). I think the meaning here is to find god again, die, and return. While in the process, we are supposed to help others, help them find god, and better ourselves. I have found, with all true believers, they have been through some kind of big torment in their life (call it a test), and went to god. Real worshipers to God, I find, are chosen, called, and proved.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by 1337cshacker

Dont but buddhists and Vedas in there because you obviously have little understanding of those religions. And furthermore i would agree with you to a point. That men have too much power in this world. But I also have to say that most men in power have wives, and i bet those wives have a thing or two to say about things. The thing is is that we dont know what its really like behind the scenes of politics. We sit here in our comfy homes and rant about this and that but we dont change things. We as a people have tremendous power to move our government to change things. But we seem to be lazy. Too many times have I heard people blaming the establishment, blame the media, blame this or that.

Its society as a whole thats a problem. Causuality, we drive cars, thus we need gas, thus we need oil, thus we go to war in iraq. What we the people need is a real leader, someone that we can rally behind and make our voice heard. And we are not getting that from congress, we are not getting that from anyone really. These times are the most fast paced, crazy, ever-changing times in the history of mankind. Of course things arent going to be perfect. On the scale of the history of our planet we have only just showed up on the scene. And look at the amazing 'progress' we have made.

I believe that these times are going to persist for a long long time. I believe that we should do everything we can to change the world for the better. I believe that we forget that most of the world still lives in poverty. I believe that religion is a very good thing in that it gives hope to these impovershed peoples. I believe that religion is more for these impovershed people then the rich. I believe that spirituality is the key for our future, not organized churches and religion, our busy schedules and lifestyle do not make that practical. I believe that we have many many wars and tough tough times ahead of us. I believe that there is a better way. I believe that we as a human race will change for the better. I believe that this is going to take a long time. I believe that we should follow the teaching of the enlightened teachers that have walked before us..the buddha, jesus mainly. Not the church or what unenlightened corrupt officials tell us. I believe that we need to live how we feel is right, not how other people tell us to live. I believe we need to consciously evolve.

The world is one organism. An organism at war with itself is doomed. WAKE UP PEOPLE before we all wake up too late...


posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by gravytrain
reply to post by 1337cshacker

Dont but buddhists and Vedas in there because you obviously have little understanding of those religions.

Meh, I took esoteric seminars from vedas so I do know a little about them. D don't know the entirety no, but I do know quite a bit about them yes. Supposedly the religion goes back before 5000 years, and the last time the earth was cleansed. As for budist, I do know little about them true. Anyway, sorry if it offended you I threw them both in, but my point was not 1 religion, no matter how old or how accurate, has it down pat. Religion, unlike you say, is for the richest man, and the poorest man. The problem being, its usually the poor man following more/completely, and the rich, sometimes, not at all.

About what you said about a "new leader". This leader does not exist, if so it would not be human (or single human). A problem created in one state of mind take a newer one to truly solve (this is esoteric in nature, and was said by good ol Albert E.) What we need is a swift kick in the ass, then, a whole new society, where man rules beside women, and women rules beside man. Not as a wife, or side player, buy in a DIRECT and equal role.

This society won't continue much longer, in contrast. God will end this # soon enough, and thank him for it!

Originally posted by AllSeeingI
Now I know that there are thousands of people who bike to work, or who had scholarships, or who do manage to balance work and keeping tabs on current events like most here on ATS.

Heh, I'm having to join army to have a career. Yes I want to and money isn't forcing me into it, I do want to to serve my people. As sick as some of them are, as ignorant as majority like you say are, I will serve them anyway, because that is what god wants us to do, serve and love each other. Military Police, here I come! When I get out (if time permits) I will become a private investigator, with my own ninja persona twist. Using stealth and other means, I will gather information (legally), body guard, and further serve as many as I can. I feel serving people in this way is what I'm meant to do. I tried serving as a computer technitian, but job security isn't great, plus the solution these days is for people to buy another computer, so all business has suffered around here.

Originally posted by AllSeeingI
What I am saying is that they don’t have to keep ALL of us busy with their financial systems, just the majority. They are succeeding at keeping us quiet, and obedient.

They are not shutting me up. They will have to come kill me (unlikely) to keep me quiet about stuff like this. Besides, some philosophers have been saying things like this for years, no one really caught on though...

[edit on 9-10-2007 by 1337cshacker]

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 04:43 AM
Indeed AS1, this is a GREAT thread. And yes, it's directly along the same lines as mine that "took off". Though, my intended message is a bit different than yours, your message here is just as important.

For that, you receive a star, a flag and a free bump. Perhaps the life of this thread may come yet. It certainly deserves it.

I'll be back when I wake up a bit more to discuss to the actual subject at hand here.


NOTE: This is exactly the reason I started my "Are you an ATS Superhero?" thread. For people to post great threads like these that somehow manage to slip through the cracks. Unfortunately, Mickey Rourke and the monkey man decided to label it as a form of conceit, thus, successfully killing the thread. It's a shame when great threads like this don't get the attention and feedback they deserve.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 04:56 AM
GREAT THREAD. Hitting people at the core of the purpose of existance.

I am in this system (Senior at college with debt). ANd I question what am I living for and what I want to work for everyday?

I see nothing but truth in this thread.

What is the possible ways out? And still keep friends and be happy.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

Nice thread, you got my first star ever on ATS.

Like I said on another thread: It really eases my mind to see that people are in fact waking up.

AllSeeingI, you posted a very LUCID realization of what's going on with everyday life for the american people. I know you probably already do this but, never quit trying to "wake up" those who are beloved.

And to ease your mind as well, this lie, this conspiracy all this matters you brought to discussion, its' not happening ONLY in USA, believe, this sickness has spread ALL OVER the globe, but few people can actually realize this atm.


posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 10:40 AM
Conspiracy of the useless

Originally posted by AllSeeingI
As good citizens we are trained:
-To own a vehicle, which then in turn requires us to pay outrageous costs for auto insurance.
-Own a home, which then in turn requires us to pay for outrageous home insurance costs.
-Be healthy, which then in turn requires us to pay outrageous healthcare and health insurance costs.

We are trained to own a home?

Who trained us?

Who trained the American pioneer, whose first act after driving in his claimstake was to clear some ground and put up a log cabin?

Who trained the forest-dwelling primitive, who puts up a shelter of leaves and boughs and then defends it with his life?

Who trained the Iban to his longhouse? The Inuit to his igloo? Agamemnon to his hall? The Neanderthal to his cave?

We are trained to own a vehicle?

Tell that to the man who rode and broke the first horse.

We are trained to be healthy?

Tell that to my cat.

I've read some silly things on ATS in the three years I've been on here, but this has to beat them all.

The only conspiracy here is a conspiracy of the indolent, the inept and the irresponsible. The object of the conspiracy is to put the blame for their uselessness on other people, on the rich and powerful, or on society at large.

You're not fooling anybody, you know.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 03:27 PM
I know this is an old thread, but I found it and wanted to say I agree with you in large part.

I didn't have to take out much in student loans because my employer paid for nearly all my college education. Which of course is great. But I gave up five years of my life working full time and going to school full time, I missed a lot of time to be with my then young child.

Why did I do it? Because I was living on welfare, in poverty once I had my child (the father was an alcoholic and somewhat abusive -- we broke up for good after a few years). I had to support myself and my child and get out of the unsafe, scary neighborhood I was renting in -- where people were constantly breaking in and I feared for our lives. I worked hard, many many long hours, missing much of my kid's childhood moments. Slowly, promoted, slowly applied for higher level roles in the company. Slowly received raises.

My kids are grown now, and I look back at my life and it was all struggle. I am grateful in some ways for the opportunities I had and the education -- but I am not "smarter" for the college degree - just was "acceptable" for higher paying jobs. I still work at the corporation -- and feel I am a slave to my mortgage, my car loan (I have a small unassuming car - I'm not buying $30K vehicles). But taxes and the price of everything, especially insurances, keep going up so much so that my small raises never keep up. I am worse off today than I was back in the mid 1990s it seems in terms of money to save, the amount of discretionary income I had. And I make a good salary. Doesn't make sense to me.

I would not encourage anyone today to rack up college loan debt. Knowing what I know and feel now, I wish I had never bought a home with a mortgage, never bought a car with a loan. I wish I had put all that energy that I had put into my college courses, into my climbing the ladder, into making money for my employer and making my boss look good -- and instead put it into my own life, my own relationships, my own business and multiple streams of income.

I don't waste money like many I see - I don't get manicures, buy designer clothes, eat out in nice places, buy lots of stuff. I don't have the latest tech gradgets. I don't find it rewarding, I tend to be more frugal and -- yet -- I still don't have much in the way of money saved. I'll never be able to retire, but I also know that as I get older, I'll probably lose my job and not find one of equal pay and be flipping burgers where I started this merry-go-round at 16.

I began to realize that both lower and higher public education are tools of propaganda to train the youth citizens to be obedient to our US government, and to be productive and healthy consumers.

I agree with this statement wholeheartedly.

While some debate the use of the term "corporate slave" -- that's what I feel I am. Yes, maybe I chose it, but we are certainly groomed for it, and taught to be good consumers, that getting a mortgage is sound and sitting in traffic is normal, and asking permission to take "time off" for a week is what adults should be doing. No one ever said -- maybe you could invent something, create something, be entrepreneurial, start a business. No guidance counselor at school or college, no teacher nor professor, ever encouraged independence.

And you don't hear authority figures, friends, family saying, "don't buy a house or car or anything unless you can pay for it in full." After all, it's how it's done -- go into debt. It's what everyone does to get their dream of home ownership.

But working so hard in fear of losing one's job and then being unable to pay for one's mortgage and debt, let alone food, means you end of tired, sick, fatigued mentally and physically. Beaten. And there's little energy left for creative outlets, volunteerism, taking care of oneself through exercise, rest and meditation, getting educated by reading, thinking, traveling, participating....and certainly no time to quesion or protest.

Thank you for your post.

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