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Where is Cheney?

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posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 02:27 PM
I've been wondering where Cheney has got to, since he spoke at that top secret meeting of top secret people about top secret stuff! For some reason, with him out of the main press, i get a kind of uneasy feeling. Anyone feel the same.

MODS - i didnt know where to put this thread, so if its in the wrong place, please move it to where it should be!!


posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 02:29 PM
If Cheney goes underground I would make sure my gas tank was filled up. Why? During 911 he went underground as part of the contunity of goverment thing and maybe something is up??????

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 09:48 PM
Ummmm....why? Because he isny\t mentioned in the press on a daily basis? LOL, are you guys outside his home or something and havent actually seen him?

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 11:43 PM
Maybe he's taking an extended nap in his coffin, resting up for something big.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:17 AM
Gods honest truth, but I had a dream last night..
Bush, and Cheney were present..

It was like a public rally, picnic chairs, people listening while they talked on the podium..

all of a sudden I was standing with a handful of people on the stage, watching him talk...

I butted in halfway through a sentance bush was giving, and asked why he allowed 911 to occur, and why he felt Iraq should be destroyed for corporate ambition..

he stopped in his tracks and staired at me.. didnt say anything..

then, all of a sudden... I was sitting again in a chair... watching them talk... and found chenney was in the chair next to me.

I leant over and told him, he was going to pay the price for his crimes..

he just looked at me and said
'' really?... its coming, wait for it ''

and I woke up..

Im not saying it means anything, just felt odd....

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop


It helps, from time to time.


Politicians and puppeteers have one thing in common. Strings. Follow those and you're sure to "see" what they're up to at the moment.


posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:52 AM
Someone said that. Where is Cheney? Well, Cheney is dead, because Saddam Hussein killed all the Cheney's. He was a brutal dictator that divided people, and there's going to be a need for time to heal, and I understand that...

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 01:16 AM

You know, my doctor gave me the same advice, on many a occasion..
But I need something to take my mind of the allblacks losing..

throwing darts at a map of france just isnt the same as a portrait of bush.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by shaolin_dragon

I've been wondering where Cheney has got to, since he spoke at that top secret meeting of top secret people about top secret stuff! For some reason, with him out of the main press, i get a kind of uneasy feeling. An

There is Not much notice or traffic here on ATS about V.P. Cheney's
two exercises that are begining today ! Oct 15-thru-?

TOPOFF4 and Vigilent Shield 08
are his operations and it is reported that the V.P. will actually tavel
to Portland OR to oversee the; rumored release of low grade radioactive materials into the Portland environment with 'dispersal devices'...

i really suspect that Cheney will visit Portland on Monday 15th,
on the set up day for the exercise, but after he leaves---maybe for Arizona,
another state where the (textbook) radioactive releases are to be conducted...that will leave Tues/Wed/Thur. when an 'accident' or
an actual 'false flag' calamity could occur...especially in Portland

keep in mind that lots of people are rumored to have already removed
themselves from the test-area in Portland, going on vacation or some
other travel for the week long exercise...pretty astute & proactive imho

without going into a 'the sky is falling' rant, Cheney's Office of Special Plans(OSP) is where he has sequestered himself lately...

preparing the 'TOPOFF4/VigilentShield08' exercises in OR and AZ locations...
these 'exercises' are designed as 'tests' of official responses to radiological releases (presumably by terrorists),

I will remind you...there is still up-in-the-air; the ?missing nuke?
ala the Minot-Barksdale AFB, B-52 shuffle,
then there's the crowd/population control that will be present in the form
of Militarized Police & Homeland Security officials at the 'test' areas this week,
Also remember there is NSPD51 which GWBush already has in place,
along with a host of antidemonstration-regard you as terrorist-nonlethal
force programs that are in place already.

this could be a very un-nerving week that unfolds

[edit on 15-10-2007 by St Udio]

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 10:11 PM
Not just Cheney, really. I haven't really heard anything about the administration these past two weeks. It's like an eerie silence, like something big is going to happen soon.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 11:26 PM
Maybe they are scrambling to get control back after the military stopped the b-52 thing. That might explain why Cheney had to fly to a top level meeting. And might be why they are keeping a low profile in the media.

What we see in the news is a reflection of the corporate agenda more then the actual moving or shaking, so it might be they want America to stop thinking of Darth and Puppet for awhile.

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