posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by coryblood
Hello again Coryblood,
I will not try and analyse what you may have seen, but perhaps offer you a way of getting rid of the problem...
Firstly, if you can let go of your fear this thing will not bother you, negative entities are attracted to fear! If indeed there is a shadow
person/negative entity that is around you, there are many ways you can get rid of it.
First and foremost - don't be afraid, tell the damned thing to leave and don't come back! Secondly, we all have spiritual helpers that are only too
willing to assist if only we would ask, you see, our spirit guides cannot intervene unless we summon their assistance, call on your guides/angels to
protect you from any negative entities (they don't care if you have ignored them your whole life - they are happy to assist).
Many energy workers (myself included) cleanse their homes, cars & workplaces with the wonderful herb - sage. I either burn a small amount of sage
though my house, or otherwise I mix a few drops of pure sage essential oil in a spray bottle and spray around the whole house whilst mentally asking
that any unwanted energies be removed.
You can also sprinkle salt around the outside of your home whilst mentally asking for any unwanted energies to be removed.
If you would choose any or all of the above and I can guarantee you will feel more comfortable in your home.
I hope I have been of some assistance to you.
Kind regards