posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 02:07 PM
The Cold War was raging at a time when technology severly limited tha accuracy of ballistic missile delivery systems. To make up for that, each side
designed huge warheads in the 4+ megaton range. That way, even if they got only relatively close to a target the attack would succeed. The sheer
size of these weapons (in mass and physical size) necessitated massive delivery systems.
These days, with sophisticated inertial guidance and satellite navigation, we can deliver weapons with amazing accuracy. This has allowed us to
engineer smaller, lighter nukes that can be carried faster by smaller, lighter and more maneuverable missiles. Nowadays nukes are in the 100-200kt
MAD continues to work for the super powers because each knows the other has such a large number of weapons that even if they were able to strike
successfully, the other would be able to strike back and inflict unacceptable damage. Our submarine launched nukes alone could devastate any country
even after we were seriously nuked.
Smaller countries, rogue nations and terrorist groups simply cannot amass the numbers of weapons needed to truly devastate the USA. Absolutely, even
popping-off a small number or even one would cause unimaginable destruction, loss of life and upheaval in the country. But we would most definitely
survive. And IF the perpetrators were acting as part of a country they would know that country's fate when they acted --- they would be glassed.
If they were terrorists their host nations would route them out post haste to avoid a similar fate.
The hysteria over Iran falls into this category. What if they DID build some nukes. Would they use them? Unlikely. They know without question that
retaliation would be swift and immense. Would they attempt to stockpile? That would be a mistake.
So, yes, I believe MAD does continue to work even today. Using a nuke in today's world ---whether a nation or a terrorist --- is certain social,
political and economic suicide.