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Saudi Arabia and the USA

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posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 07:24 AM

"I summon my blue-eyed slaves anytime it pleases me. I command the Americans to send me their bravest soldiers to die for me. Anytime I clap my hands a stupid genie called the American ambassador appears to do my bidding. When the Americans die in my service their bodies are frozen in metal boxes by the US Embassy and American airplanes carry them away, as if they never existed. Truly, America is my favorite slave."

King Fahd Bin Abdul-Aziz, Jeddeh 1993


WOW!! What an attitude!! I wonder how the Americans feel about this?
I wonder if they know? And then, I also wonder if it is a true quote?

I was actually reading up on the sex slave trade in Saudi Arabia and came upon this It is rather interesting to say the least!

The primary purpose of this newsletter will be to expose the Saud family's inordinate influence on Washington during the continuing tenure of Ambassador Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz. It has been said because of his access to large amounts of money Prince Bandar is one of the seven most powerful people in Washington. Documented material will center on how various Presidents have used Saud family money for illegal activities while Congress turned a blind eye. We will document the concessions the Saud family extracted from Presidents causing immeasurable harm to US and Saudi citizens. We believe it is important to reveal at this time the blatant behavior Presidents and their political appointees are exhibiting. Saud family manipulation is out of control in Washington. We will display US palaces to which Saud family members known to have committed atrocities against US citizens plan to flee seeking asylum within the US when the Saud family is endangered in Saudi Arabia.



[edit on 9-10-2007 by Thurisaz]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 10:01 PM
Is this site just some anti Saud propaganda site?

I came across this site looking for other information and was quite shocked at what I was reading. If the quote represents the King's attitude to the US, then it is pretty bad.

I for one, would object strongly if the country I lived in, was considered subservient to another and someone's favorite slave!

A tabloid says; "World's richest boy has seven Cadillacs and three jets, gets a mind-boggling weekly allowance of $6 million - and boasts a bulging bank account of $1.6 BILLION! ... Prince Abdul Aziz bin Fahd Al-Saud ... accompanied his dad [King Fahd] on a trip to London - where ... he tried to buy Buckingham Palace


6 million dollars weekly allowance?

That does my head in

Perhaps it is the lifestyle of being a Royal? It is just appalling!

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 10:17 PM
I'm smelling Zionist propaganda. Now, the Sauds aren't exactly saints, but I really don't think America has any meaningful choice over whether to support them or not. It pisses off Israel to no end that we support the Sauds no matter what, never mind Israel gets the same treatment multiplied times one million despite the fact that Israel has no significant natural resources and hasn't done squat for America.

CNN's God's Warriors recently did a good job exposing how the Zionist smear machine will ruthlessly attack anyone who proposes aid for the Sauds.

"AMANPOUR: Percy had supported selling high-tech military planes to another U.S. ally, Saudi Arabia. Pro-Israel lobbyists spent millions to bankroll his opponent's campaign and Percy lost.

PERCY: Since they said they will Percy-ize senators that don't adhere to their policies."

[edit on 16-10-2007 by uberarcanist]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 10:56 PM
Not sure about this website for the validity of your quote. But, isn't this King Fahd that you quote dead? Not that it completely invalidates his statement, if it's true, but it should be mentioned that his son is more moderate, correct?

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 12:43 AM
according to the economic hitman John Perkins thats how the saudi/US relationship works. after the oil shock in the 70's we helped build modern cities in saudi arabia and promised to keep the royal family in charge, and in exchange they keep oil prices in check. So you see, in the eyes of the elite in america and saudi arabia, dead US soldiers mean nothing as long as the "agreement" stays together.
Terrible that they trivialize human life in exchange for wealth and power. Thats why i could never join the armed services, not because im not patriotic, but because im not willing to die defending someone elses business deal.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 05:45 AM
Saudi Arabia is a descipable Islamic hell hole where no belief outside of their learned interpretation of Islam is permitted.

That being said, people whining about oil, I will start to listen when people give up their own economic, energy driven lives- it aint gonna happen though, people want to enhance their lives now, and who can blame em

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz

"I summon my blue-eyed slaves anytime it pleases me. "

King Fahd Bin Abdul-Aziz, Jeddeh 1993

Pass this on if you believe the following to be true! But not to the same people.

Ethically Eliminate ALL Political Corruption

The Bush family and other politicians are the puppets of the Saudi family. Need the basis of proof?

The Bin Laden Corporation is the most wealthy contracting company in the world. They generate over 2 billion dollars in "profits" annually. Yes, it is the same company associated with Osama Bin Laden. Osama is a main character in its' history. In recent years the Bin Laden corporation changed its name so as to become obscure so it can continue to do business.

His father, was top dog at the Bin Laden Corporation until he was "accidentally" killed in an airplane near the Bush family in Texas. What was he doing there? He was sent there by the Saudi family. Don't take my word for it, you can find the FAA accident report online at

Osama's older brother then took over the company. About 10 years later he was sent by the Saudi family to see the Bush family. He was killed in a small plane "accident" in Texas!

Now Osama has been trained since birth to be religious under the teachings of the Saudi family in a religious cult called Wahabbi. Wahabbi is a chopped up version of Islam where they denounce key prophets so that the Saudi family is at the heart of the religious cult. They are NOT muslims, they claim to be, but if you throw away parts of a religion, you are not part of that religion.

Anyway, the Saudi family manipulated Osama to spread the Wahabbi faith throughout the middile east. So he preyed on the impoverished and those that had no representation in their governments; with the help of the CIA. Yes the US Government under the control of the Saudi family began spreading Wahabbi throughout Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, ...

But they could not get into Iraq. Sadam Husein was successful in keeping Wahabbi out of his country. So under the direction of the Saudi family, Bush invaded Iraq. Now Wahabbi is entrenched in the current Iraqi government.

How is it that Wahabbi continues to spread even though they are not Muslim? The Saudi family supports the majority of all orphanages in the Middle East. Good right? Wrong. As a requirement, all the kids must be taught Wahabbi.

By the way, if you haven't guessed by now, Wahabbi is the doctrine that fuels Al-Qida and the Taliban!

Our government is NOT our government. Our Government is controlled by the Saudi family. Our Government does NOT have an ethical component to prevent unjust influence by the Saudi family, or by other big business.

The National Security Agency is supposed to look out for our national interests, but they are not. They are fundementally controlled by big business and the office of the President of the United States. However, as you have found out in recent years, the President is just a figure head. He bows down to whomever has the power to tell him what to do. The Saudi family. You know Bush represents big oil, well there is no bigger oil than the corporation that is the Saudi family.

We NEED State elected doctors of science to monitor and direct the efforts of the National Security Agency (NSA) to prevent our political representatives from acting outside the interests of the United States!

Ethically Eliminate ALL Political Corruption

Think of the Saudi family as the mafia. They attribute their own position as being of religiously just. They created Wahabbi 1400 years ago to enforce their corrupt activities. Bush is a puppet of those corrupt activities.

I am PROUD to be an American! But I am ashamed of the politicians.

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