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He’s back: Sandy Berger now advising Hillary Clinton

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posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 09:04 PM

Sandy Berger, who stole highly classified terrorism documents from the National Archives, destroyed them and lied to investigators, is now an adviser to presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Sandy Berger now advising Hillary Clinton

This is a very suspicious revelation. Why would Sen. Clinton take the heat for having him on board? Sen. Kerry fired him immediately upon finding out about the charges. And now that they are more serious than at first imagined, Sen. Clinton has no qualms about having him on the campaign.

This leads me to one of two conclusions. Either Sen. Clinton thinks the public doesn't care, and in essence actually believes herself that destroying classified information is acceptable behavior, and it will not affect her election chances....

Or, that this is payback for Mr. Berger, which would assume he took the documents under the direction of Pres. Clinton, and now that he took the fall, Sen Clinton is attempting to pay him back with advisory positions.

Otherwise, it makes no sense to take political heat for having him. After all, what can he advise her to say that she cannot get from another source that is not a hot button?

Very curious this move is.


posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 09:05 PM
The founder of the Hell's Angels? I guess hes pretty cool.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 09:08 PM
Maybe he's perform community service from his court sentence. He had to perform 100 hours.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by TheMesh
Why would Sen. Clinton take the heat for having him on board?

Keep your friends close and your enemies (potential rats) closer perhaps?

Originally posted by TheMesh
This leads me to one of two conclusions. Either Sen. Clinton thinks the public doesn't care

Or, perhaps she doesn’t care what the public thinks?

Originally posted by TheMesh
Or, that this is payback for Mr. Berger…

Seems to be little doubt about that. But maybe not so much a payback as it is “hush” money (promotion).

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 03:43 AM
ISn't this the same Sandy Burgler that took documents form the National Archives???

I didn't think that hilliary would show her true colors... i guess that she can do this knowing that the majority of the population would just go along with it, not questioning anything.

Very intresting...

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 11:33 AM
If he becomes a liability, she can always Vince Forster him.

Its worked in the past.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by pluckynoonez
The founder of the Hell's Angels? I guess hes pretty cool.

LOL! That's the first thing I think of whenever I see his name in the news? "How did the founder of the Hell's Angels get access to the National Archieves?"

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by TKainZero
ISn't this the same Sandy Burgler that took documents form the National Archives???

Yes. He stuffed classified documents down his pants and walked out.
He claimed he 'forgot about them'.
Speculation is that they were documents that showed how poorly Clinton had run things and how UBL got through to us because of Clinton.

I am shocked that Hillary has Berger as an advisor OF ANY KIND. He's toxic. He's a criminal (they all are), but this guy is an idiot and he's toxic.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by TKainZero
ISn't this the same Sandy Burgler that took documents form the National Archives???

Yes. He stuffed classified documents down his pants and walked out.
He claimed he 'forgot about them'.

Ok, just glad we had that clairified.

That is just high class comedy, i wonder, does he always store documents in his pants... Pants, Breifcase, whats the diffrence

I gues this is how Hillary is 'paying' him back for him helping out BJ.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by TKainZero
That is just high class comedy, i wonder, does he always store documents in his pants... Pants, Breifcase, whats the diffrence

It's funny, but it's the kind of funny that ultimately makes you weep.
Because these are the kind of people that our nation is seriously considering putting in power. I wouldn't trust these people to mow my lawn, yet they are considered by many to be the best choice to run this country. It's "high-comedy" all right, until you consider that these are the sorts that will have the authority to make decisions that will affect you and I and our children's lives. I suppose there can be laughter derived from this state of affairs, but it is the laughter of madmen in the asylum.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 08:10 AM
I think the interesting conspiracy now, is why this thread was moved from ATS to AbovePolitics. According to the stickied post by Majic,

"A Political Conspiracy is a plan to violate law for political purposes devised by one or more political figures or groups.

The key to any conspiracy is that it must be illegal. Campaign strategies and oily rhetoric may be unsavory, but unless there is a violation of law or a suspected violation of law involved, political topics belong on Politics@ATS, not here."

So then I say, well there is apparently nothing illegal about her taking him as an advisor, although she will at one point be getting classified briefings with him being her foreign policy advisor, which is potentially a legal problem. I have also read that rather than being "one of thousands" he is actually in her inner circle of advisors. But the real issue, and where the legal part comes in, is that these two (three including Bill) have very very old connections, and they have broken the law in the past, by stealing and destroying classified information, and that can mean there is a plan to put him back in place in Washington to continue the cover up.

There was a conspiracy without a doubt, laws were broken, and this was proven beyond a doubt, (which is more than most of these threads do) and it is very likely to be continuing.

Even right now I go over to that board, and there is some post there about the media demonizing socialist healthcare and whatnot. I asked why that was a conspiracy, and no response.

Media's Political Conspiracy

The media's stance on socialist healthcare has no legal insinuations, and it is by no means a political conspiracy. Unless you want to say the media is all on board behind Hillary as their favored candidate to push for it to come to pass.

This web site does not even remotely fairly represent the issues, with a massive left leaning crowd being quick to bash anyone not in league, and this extends all the way up through the moderators.

Hardly a way to deny ignorance.


posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 01:05 PM
Mesh, This probaly does belong in the US polotics disscusion section. Because that is what we are discusing here, the Polotics of a US presidential Canidate.

This realy isnt a conspiricy that Hillairy chose Burger, it was a political dissicion. Mabye it shows the true colors of Hilliary, but thats it. Now down the line when Burger goes in and gets some more documents, then we will have a consipiricy.

Even a thread of what Burger did in the past would be a consiricy thread, or what connections his Chiniese wife has back to the comunist party back in main land china would be, but just Hilliary hireing him.

Thats just political discussion.

And for you assertion about the Political values of the Moderators at ATS, they are all across the board. Pardon the pun, but they are equal, and don't let thier idiology get in the way of this Board.

Also, this entire population of this board is likly very broad as well, favoring niether Right or Left wing. I would even say that the population swings a little to the right on here... at least on PTS

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