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New Investigation, brought to you by ZONE

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posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 07:31 PM
Hello My ATS friends and family! Once again budget dictates (after the purchase of a nightvision compatible camera) that our group set about in another case study. In this world were mysteries are a numerous as fact, I couldn't for the life of me figure to what I should do as a case investigation. Do any of you have any suggestions?


posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 07:54 PM
What kind of case studies have you done in the past?
That might help others come up with suggestions.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 06:49 PM
Most have been either claims of the supernatural (ghosts, strange noises, etc.) or cryptozoological (we did one on el cupacabra), but our most prominent ones were...

1) The haunted basement at Mena Middle School (it turned out to be leaky pipes or something to the sort... But we never had conclusive proof that that was just it)

2) The Bigfoot expidition... (Got a few vocalizations, but we were afraid that hunting season scared Sasquatch off)

3) The Camp Pioneer Abnormalities... (That one was postponed due to equipment failure... Im not sure whether I want to pick up on that one...)

those are the three most noteable... The first was practically debunkd... The second yeilded no conclusive evidence (Duh... lol)... and the third was postponed...


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