posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 12:14 AM
This moarning, Barrack Hussian Obama was at a church, and spoke.
" A kingdom right here on Earth"
WHat does that mean, where does this type of Rethoric come from?
Even if you ignore the obvious pandering that he is doing (which is part of the political game i supose) have you heard a more terrorfiying phras in
this election cycle?
What does this mean, is there some religious subtext that i am missing, and what is he calling for. What is this kindom on earth, is it a kingdom OF
earth, is this what he wants to do, have our nation counquer the earth? Under faith?
Do those last 2 lines not define the doctrine or the Islamic radical?
He also mentioned that he wants to be an instrament of god! What is this maddnes?
Mabye someone here can clarify what he is saying, becuse i hope i am missing the point.