posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 06:18 AM
Hi Coryblood
I have prophetic dreams from time to time (had a thread on it somewhere on ATS).
When we sleep, our body rests but our consciousness/spirit/soul is always active and "aware". During sleep our consciousness can tap into the
universal consciousness which is all there ever has been, all there is and all there will be (past, present and future).
Every dream carries a message - no matter how insignificant you may think it is - there is always an underlying message. Sometimes its literal,
sometimes its a little harder to decode. Dreams are also very personal, so a snake in my dream may be giving a totally different message to a snake
in your dream.
Keep a dream journal - write down any dreams remembered upon waking. Then read your entries and see if you can see a pattern or see if some things
have happened.
Prophetic dreams do happen and probably more often than we think. It also helps to hold the intention of remembering your dreams before you go to
sleep. We are in control of our own consciousness and if we have an intention, we will remember more.
I hope I have helped in some way.
Kind regards