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My experience with aliens: part 1

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posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Comatose

Yeah….enough about getting a camera……those motion sensor cameras cost up to a [snip], $500, I’m not paying that much……[snip]…… I’ll just buy a tape recorder and hope for the best………

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 27-12-2007 by elevatedone]

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by andre18

I dont believe you.

If this BS is happening to you. especially for so long. and now that you've kissed them, apparently multiple times. and still havent tried to even open your eyes or even video taped it.

HELL! im from australia. ill buy a motion sensor cam for you to use. no red light, you dont even know its on, or there.

and if this was happening so often. im sure you would (as chopper would say " Harden the *#&$ up andre")

this isnt an attack on you, but it is seriously irritating the fact that this isnt going anywhere and after so many visits still no detail on anything.

where abouts in Australia are you?

who else knows about your on going encounters?

do these encounters happen when your with your friends at their house or when they stay at your house.

told your parents?

I also find it funny that after this happens so often that you arnt in a psych ward or something?

i want to believe you i really do. keep me posted andre.

but untill you have some proof your just a horny little teenager, with growthpains and a vivid imagination.

I really want you to proove me wrong man. Make me look like the fool.

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 03:54 AM
Its been a while since you last posted on your thread... a few months. by now surely you have evidance???... even the tape recorder would do man...

if you get fottage you know what that will mean? thats proof of existance. validates you, and everything you will ever say ever again,... you'll be famous... and they havent hurt you yet... so i doubt they will even mean you harm. or even realise the camera sitting in your room....

or.... unless you did take footage and it did turn out that your just a horny teenager with an imagination?

hence no more posts.

I flagged you man. so dont let me down

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 06:13 AM
lol…I started laughing when I read your reply

where abouts in Australia are you?


who else knows about your on going encounters?

family……some friends and a docter…

do these encounters happen when your with your friends at their house or when they stay at your house.

Just when I’m in my own bed by myself alone

I also find it funny that after this happens so often that you arnt in a psych ward or something?

Well, I guess I understand somewhat what’s going on….i understand this mentality….Although if it happened to my sister…..she’d probably go insane…and attempt suicide…when this first happened 2 years back….(possibly 5-6 years ago) I thought a whole lot of different things were happening to me…..but over the 2 year period…..I think I’ve come to terms that it’s a reality…..

I actually went to the doctors to day just for a check up…..I guess it’s a coincidence you restarted this thread at such a time…..I talked with the doctor, nice guy Indian...who recommended me to see someone about all this… to talk to….and so in feb that’s what I’m doing…..if I was making this up…I wouldn’t be telling it to a doctor…

but untill you have some proof your just a horny little teenager, with growthpains and a vivid imagination.

lol……….yeah…..and I’m yet to get a recorder……

even the tape recorder would do man

im just too damn lazy……I haven’t really cared about proving it to the people of ats…..although I could be famous…..there would probably be like 100 sceptics on my ass in 5 mins if I gave some audible proof….to tell you the truth…..i just wont to find the truth to all this my self…….i don’t wont to involve sceptics or what ever…..and I’m pretty paranoid that “they’d” some how find out what I’m trying to do….and would stop visiting…….I hate to say it…..but it’s kinda fun… never know what the next night will bring…..

and they havent hurt you yet

well they have…but I’ll talk about that some other time..ok..

i doubt they will even mean you harm. or even realise the camera sitting in your room....

Im sceptical about them not hurting me……and I think any advanced race would be smart enough to check for something like a recorder and such…

or.... unless you did take footage and it did turn out that your just a horny teenager with an imagination?

lol…….. I just wont to try and get the courage to ask them what’s going on…..if I can get some kind of communication, conversation going….that will be enough proof for me…..and I might even get taken away from this crappy planet…..that I’d wont more than almost anything else….. I guess for now I can’t prove a thing…..

Since my last post I haven’t been stuffed to do anything about it……though it happens once or twice a week….. it happened about 2-3 days ago recently…so….i can tell you it’s really happening…..though….of course you don’t yet believe me….If I was you…..I wouldn’t even give this a chance……so I’m grateful someone’s out there who believes me…..somehwat……

[edit on 21-1-2008 by andre18]

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 07:14 AM
We are going to need proof pretty soon son. My daughter has a Fisher Price video camera I picked up for 20 bucks that would do this job nicely. If you can’t get proof this thread is nothing more than a tall tail and we need cold hard facts or the thread need to be moved to Skunk Works. Presenting your life experience or opinions/beliefs on the subject just isn’t enough for this forum anymore.

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by tommyknockers

ok.....the next time I get paid.......I'll buy a crappy video camera....and wait a few days.....and nights and so until it happens.....but then.....and this is the do I get it....say video footage....onto the ats website?

Uploading and all ...?

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 09:52 AM
andre8 im on the fence atm with your claim. i do have a very open mind which is why i get so paranoid about ufos and such. oh I added you to msn so accept!

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 10:03 AM
oh and btw, thanks for answering most of my questions andre.

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by judasfish

Can you help me out with uploading and stuff….like not now but….if say I buy a tape recorder…that’s a tape, very old tech…..and I get something one night on the recorder….how would I go by getting that on my computer…and then on ATS…?

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 10:16 AM
Its not too difficult man. ill be able to help you through it. you could possibly do it through USB if the camera is usb compatable (which it probably will be). if not ill help you out man. no worries

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 06:36 PM
I've had these esperiences also.
I'm 21 years old, just a normal guy going to work and school.

I do have a very huge interest in alien life, personally i know they exist and they are here but ive had no real proof. No sighting, no abduction, nothing, i just know. I even have the feeling im not from here myself but i have nothing to base it on.

Anyways, to get ontopic. I know about astral projection, lucid dreaming etc etc. Now this is the part why im posting in here.

I have been through exact the same kinda thing several times. Im lying down, hoping to fall asleep soon.
Suddenly i get some weird feelings, like something is stimulating some nerves or whatever. Then i get paralized. Cant move anything, cant talk, cant open my eyes. Thats when the fear is kicking in. im in terrible fear. Not fear of something or someone being there doing something to me, but fear of the unknown.
I dont know wtf is happening but i do know about OoBE's and that sorta stuff so i dont want that to happen because i feel im not ready for it.

Now, because i cant open my eyes is why i dont know wtf is happening and if or aliens are involved, some trick of the mind or just something else.

I just had to tell this because the whole thing you experience before you go to the alien(s)(ship) or they come to you is the same as i.

I now am so far with it, i can even induce it on myself. The whole thing starts over again then when i want it to and then, 10 minutes later, im back in control because of the same old fear i happen to experience every time.

Even the "getting back in control" manouvre is almost the same. You shake your head, i wave my arm and say "i dont want this" in my head.
hen i do that, 5 seconds later everything is over and the only thing i experience is a heart going crazy.
The crazy thing is, i really feel like waving my arms but they just keep laying next to me cause i cant move of because im paralized.

Now i dont wanna claim anyting beyond this planet or realm and i dont want to claim #, it could just be tricks of the mind because i am always researching alien presence, alien existence, astral projection, lucid dreaming... almost everything non-mainstream, so maybe my mind is f*ckin' with me... but when i read what you experience in bed it hit me like a unabomber.

P.s, forgive me my spelling errors, im a 21 year old go from the other side of the planet, Holland. I know my perfect aint english so feel free to ask me if you guys dont understand some sentences.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Ziltoid_the_Omniscient
reply to post by andre18

you might want to look into hemi-sync or other binaural beat programs - cd's or software to generate the beats. In theory you should be able to go into that state at will with the help of these products. You seem like a good candidate, I was never able to get to that place , i always end up asleep.

I myself can induce the state of the weird feelings and the loss of control over my body myself (paralysis). I just need to think about it and it happens all over again.
Do you know what it means? I mean, do you know something about why i have the ability to induce it with just some thoughts. I dont need the hemi-sync software, i just know what to think to make it happen.

Its just that i get so #ing scared i just try to move my arm and then it stops and i can regain control over my body again. So im wondering why i do have that ability of self-inducing it while i dont use it. Its like buying a car whilst you cant even drive, whats the purpose.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:38 PM
Andre, if you have the courage to put your experiences out there for the world to read, then you have the courage to seek "them" and ask "them" your questions (this goes for all of you reading this as well). Use meditation (self induced hypnosis) to get you there. Don't be afraid, they won't bite, (if I remember correctly you bit one of them!). Just be polite and try to keep a sense of humor about it; It'll help keep you from freaking yourself out. Most likely they'll "escort" you out but they may answer some of your questions on the way. I didn't mean to ramble on, so good luck!

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 02:31 PM

i smell a very clever hoax here,from the part of andre now im not saying this crap cant happen, but i smell something fishy with andre, and "thenetherlands". now not onlly the name "thenetherlands" meant to throw us off to where hes at. but also the VERY VERY SIMILAR TYPE OF TYPING. I.E. #, WTF,

anyone who is smart enough to catch it, the way im seeing it now, understands exactly what im saying. # is very odd, in fact i never seen it used by 2 differnt people, ive seen #@$% OR $%@#& similar, i dont know if "thenetherlands" is SUBLIMILY (sp?) picking up on the # or ABBREVIATIONS, its just very odd. to see,

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by noone81

What the hell are you talking about? Do you honestly think TheNetherlands and I are the same person or something????? I think you’re going to need to u2 TheNetherlands to clear this up. I promise you I’m not him/her……

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