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Ufo fleet, Vietnam.

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posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 12:31 AM
Hot off the presses, a new formation video hits the web. The video is short but sweet check it! CGI? BS? Why the --- did I post? Let me know what you think!


[edit on 7-10-2007 by dntwastetime]

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 12:32 AM
Video no worky Papa San.

And now it is...... Looks like a fleet of helicopters....

[edit on 7-10-2007 by Zenagain]

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 12:36 AM
That's scary. I'd think a fleet of planes, helicopters, somethin' like that. Man would I be scared if I saw that flying over me!! The government's really spying on us! Eeeek.

Pretty convincing footage though. Ordinarily, UFO's move faster, no?

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 12:40 AM
They don't appear to be helicopters to me, altough they very well could be. I would guess some sort of floating lantern, or a UFO.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 02:16 AM
Hi Guys,

those are the small hot air baloons that in south east asia they send off , especially on new year's , as good luck, to take away tha bad things from the past year. They sell them for a couple of bucks.
I did it myself a few times when i was there.
In populated places the view becomes impressive since there are hundreds sent off at the same time


posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 03:43 AM
Looks very similar to the white orbs seen about alot lately. Down to the 'glittering' effect. Great catch time.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 03:55 AM
Highly illuminated for a few bags of candles. Swamp gas, weather balloon, nothing to see here, move along.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 04:00 AM
Definently not weather balloons i can say that for a fact

Really strange, dont recall having seen anythin like that before

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 04:02 AM
It is even more stunning when they dart in and out the clouds in daylight. Quite a feat for bag candles.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by jpm1602
Highly illuminated for a few bags of candles.

That's because if it is what shasa and myself think it is, it's meant to be highly illuminated. Otherwise what's the point of releasing them at night?

Anyway is there any info on what date exactly this was released? That would certainly help prove or disprove if it was indeed those lanterns. They seem to be travelling at the right speed to be lanterns.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 04:27 AM
I want a full candle bag video comparison in the morning from same spot of video gather. You may well be right coma, then again you may not be. You cannot disprove me, nor can I disprove you. They really are more impressive in broad daylight though.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 04:31 AM
Never ceases to amaze me the haters out there regardless of millions of people seeing anomalous things in the sky. Guess I'll have to bring back a head if it really mattered to me. Which, it doesn't. Swamp gas, move along.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 09:20 AM
jpm1602, dont pull out that holier than thou bull#, you lose respect.

well at least you do from me.

Lanterns? Its reminiscent of some Asian traditions. Its a good explanation, one which may well be true.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 09:49 AM
An interesting side note to this thread is, that back during the war in Viet Nam, many soldiers whom I have personally spoke with have stated that during watches at night, many "fastwalkers" and stationary, luminance, orbs were observed at night while soldiers were on watch.

One gentleman in particular, stated that one night while on watch, he laid back in the grass and watched a sky full of objects. He said they would come in (seemingly from space) light up blueish green while breaching our atmosphere, make wild zigzag turns and either disappear over the horizon or zip back out into space.

At one point he reported these objects to his superiors being that there were so many, he felt it could have been some new observation vehicles or weapons of the enemy. He was flatly told.." We know about them, they are of no military significants, and to keep his eyes on the saw grass and NOT the skys on watch or face court marshal for dereliction of duty".

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 09:59 AM
Here is another new video from the same guy. The original video looked ok a bit CGI. this one looks fake as can be. I am suspecting a CGI student at work.He did manage to get alot of extras for this video though.

[edit on 7-10-2007 by dntwastetime]

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by jpm1602

From the original video at the top of page. I can see how this could be real as well J. I have seen some really crazy UFOs in my time, they look and move exactly like these. Also when the orbs go behind the telephone wires, It looks pretty convincing. I am trying to contact the video maker now to get the whole video.

[edit on 7-10-2007 by dntwastetime]

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 10:53 AM
The second u tube video (shot in Mexico i think) reminds me of a certain lizard invasion tv series in the early 1980's called V. Anyone remember that? !!

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 11:11 AM
The second video is of course highly suspect..heres why...

* Watch when the "objects in question" apparently raise out of the backround, they are studering or warping...

* Second point of interest is the camera man....If I was taping a report or interview...and witnessed what is supposedly depicted FULL attention would be on the "objects"...he pans back to the crowd too often as to illicit a reaction or set a tone for the video....

* There is no sound...

These three points negate any possibility, for me, of this being authentic.

My humble .02.

Edited: Typo

[edit on 7-10-2007 by 1nL1ghtened]

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by dntwastetime

Thats a very good video. Atleast it had the referance points to the ground and showed just about everything I need to atleast consider those lights in the sky to be UFO. I am not a military man, so I couldnt say if they are choppers, or just what they are..
But all the same good find!! This is just another link in the chain to the answers we all seek.
Time... Time is all its going to take for the answers to become clear.
But time is something many of us here dont have. So stuff like this is good to get the youngers ones interested.. I hope before I am old and grey that we get some answers..

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 12:39 PM
Seems as balloons floting up.

The 2nd video just confirms the nature of the 1st one, as fakery or misinterpretation..

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