posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 09:49 AM
An interesting side note to this thread is, that back during the war in Viet Nam, many soldiers whom I have personally spoke with have stated that
during watches at night, many "fastwalkers" and stationary, luminance, orbs were observed at night while soldiers were on watch.
One gentleman in particular, stated that one night while on watch, he laid back in the grass and watched a sky full of objects. He said they would
come in (seemingly from space) light up blueish green while breaching our atmosphere, make wild zigzag turns and either disappear over the horizon or
zip back out into space.
At one point he reported these objects to his superiors being that there were so many, he felt it could have been some new observation vehicles or
weapons of the enemy. He was flatly told.." We know about them, they are of no military significants, and to keep his eyes on the saw grass and NOT
the skys on watch or face court marshal for dereliction of duty".