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a ATS cover up?

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posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 10:36 PM
i posted several statements within the element 115 thread which were deleted by springer or lear himself that were in reponse to either what lear or springer had commented on and yet i was told i was off topic in one comment made i asked springer politely using his own terms i was off topic only to be deleted i made the assertion that perhaps ATS has made a monetary investment in john lear which is why a site owner himself comes to john lears aide and deletes any post that painted lear in a questionable light,
here is a exeample of my post being yet again deleted seconds after it was posted only to be pasted by lear and responded to in a semi mocking tone imho. so i figure this topic thread is on topic because i created it.

Originally posted by zeroeffect

it seems that a few of my posts have been deleted because springer deems them off topic and when i politely asked how they were off topic they were met with deletion isnt that a definition of cover up? to come to the aide of john lear then delete posts that are not only on topic but put lear in a questionable light. i wonder how long this post will last untill its deleted

Thanks for the post zeroeffect. If you have a question for me that is off topic for the thread please ask it on Questions For John Lear. I will answer it there.

Thanks again for the post.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 10:37 PM
Here's something that happened to me

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 10:43 PM
Guys, some # just shouldn't be posted. As right as it may be.

With that said, these ARE the conspiracy forums, no doubt. Its just for that though, "conspiracy". I don't think, even some mods, want the 'truth' out. Sad if you ask me...

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 10:56 PM
I assure you that there are no truths here that even "we" don't want posted. If there was a question for John Lear, then yes you have to post in the the John Lear forum, we have to keep this site as organized as possible as it grows everday. Also keep in mind that myself and Mr. Lear have had hearty disagreements in the past, even before I was a mod so I assure you that you are allowed to disagree with him

And Steff, you may have been posting in a thread that was sent to the trash bin. It may have been a duplicate thread or just plain offensive. I assure you though as someone who sees all of the "behind the scenes action" there is no inner conspiracy.. You have my respect as a CT's though, you must question everything.

carry on....

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by kleverone

I appreciate your reply...But I assure you, there was nothing offensive.......Granted, com puters themselves can have a tendency to crash, slow down, fail due to bandwidth etc.....It just felt very odd when it happened.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 11:34 PM
No doubt, I feel ya. That would seem strange to me to if that were to happen to me. Hope the explanation may have helped a bit. I'm not saying that is what actually happened but it's the best educated guess I have.

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