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For your First post a simple request

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posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 02:40 PM
Hi John

I hope your stay here at ATS will be a pleasent one.

for as many people that will greet your theories with warm and open minds.. there are just as many members that will greet you with scorn and ridicule, Do not let the place grind you down ..

Anyway onto my request.

could you please post what you consider to be YOUR top 3 pieces of 'evidence' with regards to your theories.

Please supply photo's/documentation our any source if you are quoting them so we can check them out.

Ty for your time and again welcome aboard

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 05:31 PM
The following are points of consideration, not proof.

1. The bodies of the Roswell and Aztec NM UFO crash victims were descibed as having Lizard-like skin. (UFO Crash at Aztec, by Bill Steinman and Wendelle Stevens)

2. Glen Dennis, Roswell NM mortician at the time of the Roswell crash, claimed to know a nurse that worked on base. She draw apicture of one of the alien hands and showed it to Glen. The fingertips of the victims had small circular pads. Arboreal (tree) lizards on Earth have small circular pads also. These pads are filled with microscopic barbs and that help grasp onto tiny irregularities on otherwise smooth surfaces (a weak magnetic field also plays a part in the adhesion process).

3. The humanoid form could have been achieved by reptilian-saurian creatures milions of years before humans. (The keyword here is "could"). Check out the "Dinosauroid" sculpture, created by Dale Russell and Ron Seguin in 1982 (at the Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada). While this if not physical evidence, it does clearly demonstrate a morphological potential that is strikingly similar to what is being reported now in the UFO community.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by CryptoHunter

i'll give you points 1 and 3 john as definatley possible especially point 3.

however point 2 is like i know a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that saw a reptiliian once....any chance the drawing was saved? how credible is glenn? what did he do then and what does he do now?

Ty for answering my request.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by Quantum_Squirrel

Glen has redrawn the image as he remembers it. The circular pads stick out in his mind. He was afraid to keep the drawing because his nurse friend said how dangerous it was that they talked about the bodies. He promised her, however, that he would hide and protect the perscription pad drawing with is life.


Glens credibility is about as good as anyone else, since most of what researchers have are the words of eyewitnesses and bystanders. His story of the nurse has been researched by investigators over the years, just as they all have. Since there has been no record of her existence at the base, his account has been questioned. We've got to remember, however, that the government has admitted to losing thousands of pages of records covering those years at the air base, so it would be of no surprise that records of the personnel immediately involved with inspecting the bodies would also end up missing.

Glen Dennis was the mortician in Roswell during the crash event. He claims to have been contacted by the base and asked to provide hermetically sealed coffins for bodies the size of children. Today he is alive and well, living in Roswell. Although he is not on their board of directors any more, Glen still attends the Roswell UFO museum activities.

Glen Dennis's account corresponds to the findings of authors Wendelle Stevens and William Steinman. It is also in argreement with the report given by sereant Melvin Brown.

In addition to the reptilian-humanoid description provided Glen by the nurse, sergeant Melvin Brown, a man claiming to have been a guard at the crash site and that collected debris for the on-site commander, also reported that the crash victims had lizard-like skin.

"There was one individual, who claimed to have been at the recovery site, stood guard, and helped pick up the debris from the crashed saucer. This man was never interviewed by any of the authors and his daughter tells his story. In UFO Crash at Roswell, Beverley Bean, the daughter of Sergeant Melvin Brown, tells us the story of the collection. According to Bean, he talked about the event extensively while lying on his deathbed in 1986. Out of fear of retribution from the military, Brown’s daughter and wife did not talk about it until the investigators arrived. Beverley recalls that Melvin was directed to help with the recovery and was in the truck that was transporting the materials away. In the truck was a tarp that was covering something and there was ice to keep whatever was underneath cool. Curiosity got the better of Brown, so he and one other soldier snuck a peak under the tarp. Underneath the tarp were (surprise) alien bodies! According to Bean, Brown said that they were, "...smaller than human. He said the skin was yellowish-orange, but that may have been an effect of the lighting or decomposition. He said the skin was similar to that of the lizard, meaning it was leathery and beaded, but not scaly." (UFO, Kevin Randle and Donald Schmitt).

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 11:32 AM
Really! Is that it!!!!

1 and 2 refer to aliens found on UFOs. So that leaves only "it's theoretically possible" (paraphrased).

Don't want to sound rude but (clamping hands over mouth) ggghrrr mmhpphh bbbbzzzttt.

(edited the sounds effects. Still not right though...)

[edit on 19-10-2007 by shokdee]

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 05:59 PM
So do you like disregard all of the eye witness testimony that casts reptilians in a bad light? For example, many people claim to have been attacked/molested by these things. Do you also disregard any and all testimony concerning shape shifting reptilians?

If you are truly trying to be scientific in your methodology, why don't you consider any and all evidence, rather only that that fits your hypothesis?

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by Meatclown
So do you like disregard all of the eye witness testimony that casts reptilians in a bad light? For example, many people claim to have been attacked/molested by these things. Do you also disregard any and all testimony concerning shape shifting reptilians?

If you are truly trying to be scientific in your methodology, why don't you consider any and all evidence, rather only that that fits your hypothesis?

Even though this post is regarding evidence of reptoids and not behavioral characteristics, I'll answer your question for you here.

I have always considered all the evidence and have never disregard or favored any one kind of report over another. If you listen carefully to what I've said and written over the years, you will clearly see that I've always stated that some people have terrible experiences with reptoids and some people have great ones. I've never said anything less.

To verify this, check out any web site archival sites listing dating back to 1997. You will see that, for years I prominately posted the account of Clarita Villanueva in Puerto Rico. It was truly terrifying and it certainly did not portray the reptoids in a good light. As a matter of fact, it showed them as acting in a very demonic manner toward the poor woman!!!

I would like to ask that you please review the historical facts as to what I've said or done before accusations of one-sidedness are cast in my direction. I appreciate your question and thank you for requesting a clarification.

[edit on 25-10-2007 by CryptoHunter]

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