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9/11: The True Story

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posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 01:49 PM
I read something interesting about the WTC.

(This is off the top of my head

-It was running at a loss since the 80's
-There were plans to tear it down from the late 80's
-Just weeks before 9/11, an insurance policy was signed up which, for the first time, included "terrorism"
-Just to tear it down would of cost billions, never mind that the contract stated it had to be rebuilt again etc.

There were a few more interesting things.
SO, could 9/11 have been the GREATEST insurance scam of all time?

It makes a nice change from shape shiftin new world orderes and little green men. Just plain old simple insurance fruad?

(any body who knows more along these lines, can you direst me to some sites etc)

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 03:09 PM
You should really at this point start up a movement and build a church with other peoples money.

I won't come and pray in it myself, but I will talk about how they came and filled it full of gas.

Everyone will.

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by anti72
no, there are facts which you needn´t discuss, like laws of nature. they are there, even without provement.

- the destruction from top to bottom in nearly free fall speed.(no its not imagination

Check, this is a fact.

-bombs goin off in the basement before plane impact.

Not a fact. Though there may have been bombs in the basement like some of the WTC employees have said, this is not a proven fact.


"Bin Ladin determined to strike in US" pretty much proves this.


Yep, FBI agents on stand down, fact.

the list goes on. call it what you want.
dont get in false discussions , guys. its called dis-info. they are here in the forum.

Remember, some people may disagree with you. It doesn't make them disinfo agents for the government.

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