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9/11: The True Story

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posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 08:08 PM
I had a revelation today. A revelation in which all the planets aligned and all of my brain's neurons moved a little bit faster and I now have the absolute truth of how 9/11 happened. These are technically my theories but it was the most realistic revelation of a lifetime for myself.

So we all want to know..

Did Osama Bin Laden have anything to do with 9/11?
No. He was mixed up with the people involved though. He is just the puppet. It's like a gang only worldwide, and you don't leave it alive. He got his hands dirty in the NWO waters long ago. He didn't do it he was just the one of the many who got the bad reputation for it. Why didn't we catch him? It's obvious by now, it's their buddy they aren't going to hang someone who they hold stock in now are they?? NO.

Then who attacked America if it wasn't him?
This goes similarly to the above answer. We all want to blame America for this and America for that. Well SHUT IT! I say to you fools, it is a much bigger spectrum than that! Obviously the people with the most money run this country and this world. They have enough money to not just control the government but basically over our heads like rats in a cage they go behind our backs and make us look like cattle to them. That's right. I'm saying it now... The NWO was responsible for 9/11. It's obvious why if you have some knowledge about the NWO. They want the entire world to be one government. How better to do that then to start taking over territory that we can link to this massive atrocity.

Were planes used on the WTC?
Absolutely. What was on the bottom of them? Something that goes boom. Who & where the passengers are, Nobody knows. Those planes could've been manned suicide attacks OR EASILY unmanned military aircraft. They have advanced in that technology much more than they have shown us I am sure.

What about the one in Pennsylvania and the Pentagon?
I think NOT. Regardless of the scientific aspect of it, you know the whole not being a single planet part at either of the crash sites besides some Hollywood prop that was placed on the yard closer to the road then to the building? Besides do you know what a Boeing 757 costs these days? Even the NWO are gonna penny pinch on that one!
("but dude they didn't pay for them they stole them")
You don't think the American Airlines was bought off with a brand new replacement by the US government considering the amount of insurance you have to buy to operate that kind of business?!?! That's what I thought.

Were bomb's planted in the building?
Absolutely. Any construction job that tall that is struck in the side is going to bend over to the side if it were downed because of that damage. Instead they came down floor by floor even with the hundreds of verticle steel beams.
*Note: If you don't believe bombs were in the buildings have a look at the youtube video below:->
*And watch all of the steel structures and poles in THIS Military Grade building collapse like a slinky.

George Bush... what the hell??
You tell me he's a retard.. only NOT. Bush benefits from everyone thinking he's stupid because now we all underestimate him and juist hate him but don't try to impeach him. He is involved in the same organization as Osama, and has been for years.

Why haven't we impeached him?
Why it's simple you fools. We were hand fed two garbage categories. Democrat and Republican. These two garbage categories have such an outrageous highschool middle class freshman beef with each other, that they contently get into pillow fights and nothing ever gets accomplished. I say vote independent but I know America isn't smart enough to do that quite yet.

Is Anarchy the answer?
Absolutely Not You Fools! The U.N. & The NWO obviously have each others backs. Their whole goal is to make no revolution ever happen again!

Any questions?

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 08:27 PM
Stupid us! You've got it all figured out. Now, how about some facts, or at least something more than crazy ramblings to back it up?

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 08:56 PM
It's a shame that your Revelation and your neuron alignment didn't clue you in to some basic manners and tact.

Like DOcean, I too would like to see what you have as evidence.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 10:52 PM
Personally, blowfishdl, I think you've got it just about nailed. You might be wrong in some details but you aren't going to be misled by the government's bonehead story. The first thing to do would be to get Cheney and General Richard Meyers into Gitmo and start sweatin' em. If we did that we'd have this thing wrapped up in no time.

I still don't understand why Silverstein wasn't being slammed around in a precinct cell 5 minutes after he did the "pull it" interview.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 10:13 AM
They aren't senseless ramblings they are as close to the truth as I have ever perceived 9/11.

Besides, it's not ONLY the US government that wants the NWO. Come on now people!

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by DOcean
Stupid us! You've got it all figured out. Now, how about some facts, or at least something more than crazy ramblings to back it up?

Facts? I'm sorry I assumed since most people on ATS are slightly knowledgeable about the NWO. I'll be nice enough to post a vid. Fvideoplay%3Fdocid%3D-1319745137496669030%26q%3DNWO%26total%3D15740%26start%3D0%26num%3D10%26so%3D0%26type%3Dsearch%26plindex%3D1&usg=AL29H21Cu1BwRDUz 1gE9aMepwFBh17_Yjw

What part of this is crazy ramblings? Do you work as disinformation for the Government?

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 06:38 PM

Yeah, I got some truth for all you guys.

Please check out the website (below).


posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 09:42 AM
Don't call everyone fools, talk about a way to bottleneck your powerhouse. The fools know who they are, no need to use words to show your dislike of them, it goes without saying.

Anyway, I generally agree with what you said. Logically it is how things must have happened. I wonder what tricks they got up their sleeves to create the NWO without people noticing too much. Now that people have been warned about a one world government, they'll have to do it slyly for people to accept it and fail to recognise that it is the one world government they were warned of.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 06:01 PM
good basic thoughts, I too think that the NWO did it. the technical details (DEW, CD, ..whatever) are a problem, but THEY do want us to get confused and distracted, of course.
what do you think of the actual suit going on ?'

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 07:14 PM
You fools, how dare you fools. Fools, you better believe him you fools!

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 07:40 PM
Osama was behind the attacks, Bush was equally guilty simply because he knew they were going to happen.. That's the true story behind the attacks.... But even so, I don't get why people continue to pop out theories about it, it won't bring those ppl back from the dead.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by RelicKnight
Osama was behind the attacks, Bush was equally guilty simply because he knew they were going to happen.. That's the true story behind the attacks.... But even so, I don't get why people continue to pop out theories about it, it won't bring those ppl back from the dead.

It's not about "bringing ppl back from the dead".

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 10:42 PM
Ok, so let's assume there for a moment that you're correct, what exactly do you propose the people that believe in such should do? is there anyone with the money to match the power to go up against these individuals? or do they get away with it?

don't get me wrong, i can certainly see where some stood to gain from this monstrosity that was 9 eleven, but unless you have the position of power to counter manipulate world events to benefit the people and they're land, i dont see this going anywhere but right here.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 10:35 AM

good basic thoughts, I too think that the NWO did it. the technical details (DEW, CD, ..whatever) are a problem, but THEY do want us to get confused and distracted, of course.
what do you think of the actual suit going on ?'

Thanks for positive reinforcement. I believe the lawsuit really missed the point. Instead of using a wide scope and declaring the government simply responsible for the attacks, and the use of it for a global "war on terror" they came up with this crackpot theory. No planes? I totally disagree with that theory. Holograms would've been more money then remotely flown aircraft ANY DAY of the week.

You fools, how dare you fools. Fools, you better believe him you fools!

When did Mr. T join ATS? Welcome Mr. T, I hope you enjoy your stay.

Osama was behind the attacks, Bush was equally guilty simply because he knew they were going to happen.. That's the true story behind the attacks.... But even so, I don't get why people continue to pop out theories about it, it won't bring those ppl back from the dead.

I value your stance on this. Although we cannot bring them back from the dead, we can prevent this from ever happening again if everybody wises up. Besides, even 6 years later aren't you pissed that the government let this take place to benefit themselves? I sure am.

Ok, so let's assume there for a moment that you're correct, what exactly do you propose the people that believe in such should do? is there anyone with the money to match the power to go up against these individuals? or do they get away with it?

don't get me wrong, i can certainly see where some stood to gain from this monstrosity that was 9 eleven, but unless you have the position of power to counter manipulate world events to benefit the people and they're land, i dont see this going anywhere but right here.

Well stated. I do not have a proposition Sir. Hopefully someday, when we can prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt, a political leader will take the American people underneath his wing and defend us rather than antagonize us.

Update: Were bombs planted?

As stated above yes, they were planted in all of the buildings. The reason I'm mentioning that fact again is because we want to know the truth. Why does it all seem so fishy? Why aren't any political leaders taking a stance on this? It's simple really, they can't stand in front of all of America and admit that we aren't the super power. They can't stand in front of America and admit that there is an organization in the world with enough power to plant bombs in one of our federal buildings without us even knowing it! Now THAT is the scariest part of it all.

[edit on 8-10-2007 by blowfishdl]

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 02:31 PM
of course military kind of explosives were used. no doubt.
IT ALL STINKS COMPLETELY (not to mention all the facts, pre-knowledge, NWO-motives.!.)
about the suit, it was said its a false flag thing, that they are stawmen by the government to destroy the truth movements.

I thought that DEW was used for the total pulverisation of the buildings, but some here know better some technical details. besides, microwave weapons were used in Iraq.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by RelicKnight
Osama was behind the attacks, Bush was equally guilty simply because he knew they were going to happen.. That's the true story behind the attacks.... But even so, I don't get why people continue to pop out theories about it, it won't bring those ppl back from the dead.

Because it's not exiting enough. People want to hear about holograms, lasers, and explosives. It's really a shame. The stand down is a real, proveable thing, and it's ignored by CTs and discredited by sceptics because of all the hysteria that surrounds this subject. Are the people from the planes still being held on the international space station?

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:13 PM

Update: Were bombs planted?
As stated above yes, they were planted in all of the buildings. The reason I'm mentioning that fact again is because we want to know the truth.
[edit on 8-10-2007 by blowfishdl]

Not a fact. This is your opinion, I'm not sure if you provided proof to back up this opinion but if you did I missed it. This distinction between fact and opinion is often ignored here on ATS, let's try to keep the two seperated.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by InnocentBystander

Update: Were bombs planted?
As stated above yes, they were planted in all of the buildings. The reason I'm mentioning that fact again is because we want to know the truth.
[edit on 8-10-2007 by blowfishdl]

Not a fact. This is your opinion, I'm not sure if you provided proof to back up this opinion but if you did I missed it. This distinction between fact and opinion is often ignored here on ATS, let's try to keep the two seperated.

It is a fact. It's a scientific fact, and if you don't believe me do yoru own experiment and make a steel beam collapse on top of itself.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by blowfishdl
It is a fact. It's a scientific fact, and if you don't believe me do yoru own experiment and make a steel beam collapse on top of itself.

Sorry, not a fact. You can call it 'The most probable scenario' due to the research you have done, but you can't call it a fact. You could even say, 'It's a fact that no steel structure has collapsed from fire,' which is how many were duped into believing your point of view, but to say 'It's a scientific fact that bombs were planted in the WTC' is incorrect. Surely you see my point. How can you expect to be taken seriously if you don't understand the distinction between fact and opinion?

On another note, I think your avatar is really creative, well done.

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 01:32 PM
no, there are facts which you needn´t discuss, like laws of nature. they are there, even without provement.
of course you can discuss the rules of megnetism or gravity with any scientist, if you want.
- the destruction from top to bottom in nearly free fall speed.(no its not imagination
-bombs goin off in the basement before plane impact.
the list goes on. call it what you want.

dont get in false discussions , guys. its called dis-info. they are here in the forum.

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