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Are You Aware of the NWO Plans 4U?

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posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 06:40 PM
Maybe some of you are aware of the plans that the NWO aka the 'elite' have in store for the American sheeple and the rest of the world population?

Well heres the plan, youll get your chip and youll like it

◘◘ ...Plan is to Chip the WORLD with the verichip

◘◘ ...Plan is to eliminate paper and physical money

◘◘ ...Plan is to place all money on the VERICHIP

◘◘ ...Plan is if you protest or act up & get all uppity, the NWO will just turn your CHIP OFF.

Simple. How will you eat, where will you live, you will be a slave to the elites whether you like it or not.

The plan is to introduce the chip into mainstream hearts and minds by implementing it into common sense areas, areas like:

► Chipping your pets, so they don't get lost
► Chipping grandma, in the nursing home, when she escapes, u can find her!
► Chipping alzheimers patients, same warm fuzzy feeling as above...
► Chipping criminals on parole or other, I'm all for it! What can be wrong with that right?
► Chipping illegals, dammit you're illegal, get a chip so we can keep track of them...
► Chipping your small children, keep them safe - Get a Verichip, be a responsible parent!

So yea the NWO plan will implement these into our society and make it a part of our lives, it will seem more and more like a good idea, a necessity.

So who's ready for their VERICHIP IMPLANT?

Here's the scoop fellow chipless friends!

(down here)

[edit on 10/5/2007 by greatlakes]

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 11:38 AM
Very interesting, and a scary prospect...

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 12:21 PM
and when this time comes
myself, like many others, will disappear

maybe what we should discuss here is how
the non-chippies can find/remove these chips from others

if i'm out in the boonies
and i come across someone " trying to get away "
my first question will be " are you chipped ? "
and even if they say no,
i would still like someway to detect any possible chip(s) on their person

just wondering if a stud finder would detect a chip under the skin?
and what about a chip that was ingested or surgically implanted deep ?

and for some people asking . . .
" what if this person doesn't want to be searched/scanned ? "

what would you do with your survival/location on the line ?

i'm sure when pets/dogs start getting regularly chipped
future non-chippies will start experimenting
with ways to find these chips

question from a neighbour:
why did you wrap my dog in tinfoil ?

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 12:26 PM
I think the movie "V for Vendetta" shows a very likely society if the NWO becomes reality. Not to mention "1984". Actually we are already living in a world where the news cant be trusted.

The rfid chip will be introduced gradually. It is already in your passport. Soon you will be asked to have a Real ID card with a rfid chip, and they will argue that "since its already in your passport, why not take it?". So most will. They will sell it with convenience, using celebrities that the sheep look up to, as well as giving illusions of increased security if you have one.

I have no doubt they will succeed with the Real ID.

Looking forward to learning how Britney Spears thinks the Real ID will protect you and your children in the future.

[edit on 6-10-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 02:50 PM
This is very scary indeed. Very good movie. Its amazing how the public cannot see all the actions the American government is improvising to get to their ultimate plan. May God have mercy, or at least come before it all happens...

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 06:31 PM
this may be obvious but what is the major reason for the desire for more control. is a lust for power or addiction? is there an underlying cause that may actually be legit (that for some reason they feel the public won't understand).

why in the minds of the elite is this needed?

I understand because of the emotions of people and the complexity of maintaining a civilized orderly society with billions of people and dangerous weapons that some unpopular decisions have to be made everyday regarding decisions that may mean death to a certain number of people (think war) or even (false flags) to convince people to support the former(war)

but is it really due to a powerful elite group that run the financial centers trying to culminate a system of control due to greed and not necessity.

is there something happening that is bigger than us, (alien or other possible threat to the world) that may invite this sort of change.

i mean the best thing i can think of is " what,... do the elite feel like the dog and pony show of democracy is too much effort , and they would rather just chip everyone so there could be less resistance to a more two tier society and authoritarian rule?"

perhaps they feel that the best chance for the continuation of a society as large and complex and w/ advanced weapons like ours is one where there are no more nation states (where head to head rivalry's threaten too much danger) and lead to higher capacity's for "mischief" and producing too much potential disorder, and that in order to unite all nations it requires a happy medium in terms of "world rights" i.e third world nations may get more rights, but U.S may get less. perhaps as the nwo continues more rights could be granted. I don't know

any thoughts

[edit on 6-10-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 06:38 PM
Thats all well and good, but why hasn't the NWO done this yet? Surely if they exist they would have come to power by now.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 06:56 PM
Everytime I read these sort of threads and watch these documentaries I always leave feeling quite depressed but determined that I for one won't be duped and the good of humanity will prevail over this evil. Out of all the conspiracies I've researched this is the one I truly believe is 100% genuine and is coming to reality. I expect things to move to the next step in the next 3 years with a massive disaster or a false flag operation in the USA. The narrator said in the above video, the people will demand these new laws and restrictions. This is the sad thing, the population is being duped into something that is terrible and by the time they realise what is happening it will be to late to do anything and humanity's fate will be sealed for a very long time. Unfortunately for the American people most of the players seem to be based in the USA, and I fully expect the NWO to implement there ideologies In the USA from the start, followed by the U.K, Oz, Canada, NZ and the rest of Europe. I hope I'm deluded and just a plonker, but I honestly feel there is substance to the NWO.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by cpdaman

The reason is simple - greed. The world is run by it. They essentially want a two class society. The elite and those who work to support their lifestyle. Just look at how the top 1% of the people in the world have 90% of the wealth.

Silent Weopon For Quiet Wars - A Must Read Article For ATS'


The objective of such studies is to acquire the know-how to set the public economy into a predictable state of motion or change, even a controlled self-destructive state of motion which will convince the public that certain "expert" people should take control of the money system and reestablish security (rather than liberty and justice) for all. When the subject citizens are rendered unable to control their financial affairs, they, of course, become totally enslaved, a source of cheap labor.

The chip is just a very practical means to exert economic pressure if you are not conforming or are engaged in dissent. The OP is correct in that this will not be forced on people, at least not in the obvious ways. The people will clamor for it in the name of national security or convenience. Same with Martial Law.

Think in terms of a pandemic - people will cheer for a complete lockdown of society so as to keep the germ from spreading. The question is once martial law is established or you are chipped - is there any turning back? Probably not once you have voluntarily ceded your civil rights.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 08:32 PM

thanks for sharing your opinion

the thing i question though, is if it is greed and not a mix of another emotion of even unseen need (like i described in my above post) then how will the elite get the "eastern world" to go along w/ the plan.

I mean they may be able to get north america, europe, australia, even possibly japan, but CAN they get Russia, and China, India to go along with this?

granted russia and china both already have more of a two-tier society than the u.s and more "authoritarian" rule, but i don't see the groups CFR, bilderbergs, Bankers, RIIF infiltrating those governments like they do in the "west".

I mean perhaps i am mistaken, but i think there would be aot of resistance to erasing the cultures in the east, as well as there soverignty. I will have to read up and see just how much control of the financial and monetary system these elite groups have in the "eastern country's". Because that is their method of control.

A world wide economic collapse would be a likely culprit, maybe the destruction of the middle class thru cost of living inflation (food, gas, goods, insurance) and a collapse of the debt/leveraged stock/derivatives bubble hitting the higher income /but not elite group.

update: upon further search it appears "western banks" determined in 2005 that china's growing economy yet underdeveloped and inefficient banking system was ripe for investment. the amount of influence these western forces have is undetermined In my understanding as of yet, but i do realize that recently they have secured more investment in the chineese central banks and alot of "middle class have invested in the stock market in "shang hai", i also understand th chineese gov't fears of a great civil uprising if something should collapse (i.e markets or job market) and the back lash may be significant enought to require or demand a re-structuring of gov't and the banking system under the supervision of the "western bankers".

and upon further searching the western bankers have had the smallest amount of investment in the russian central bank as of late 2006 around 13 percent (although that figure is growing)

lastly the united states attack on IRAQ who had shifted to selling oil in Euro's was a major sign to russia, venezuela, iran and anyone else who thought about doing the same, and thus messing with the economy of america. because such a change would cause rapid inflation of prices and simultaniously destroy the stock and asset markets in the U.S

sadly we needed to conduct a false flag attack to get national support for the war, because w/o this the people would have protested like no tommorrow, however the u.s had plans to go into the middle east since the mid 90's (read a clean break) as well as (Project for New american century) which both were written up before Iraq decided to switch to euro's on the request from France and other Euro zone country's. I wonder if the french and european country's understood they were setting up iraq. Also the PNAC group is also supporting the american'comittee for peace in chechneya ACPC. This is because Russia oil pipeline's to other country's go through this county, and if u.s can seperate chechneya from russia they can dramatically weaken russia.

Also the failure in iraq has weakened the u.s standing and has opened the door for other country's to actively sell off some dollar assets as well as "diversify" some of their reserve's, which is now showing signs of slowing the u.s economy , despite desperate attempts to de-regulate the financial markets to mainatin the illusion of successful stock markets. With more countyr's moving slowly and in unison w/ the military largely "tied up" the jig maybe almost up. Perhaps the elite bankers feel it is time to move on, and the u.s will not be on it's thrown for much longer. Perhaps the ousting of the united states as world power , thru an economic collapse will provide the chaos out of which the new world order will be born. Perhaps the dollar falling to it's lowest historical levels (b4 a slight but temporay IMO bounce recently) is the beginning of the end.

Another reason is the U.S economy depends on consumer spending. typically as the economy slows down, the fed cut's rates to boost spending, unfortunately the fed does not have the best intrest's of a country in it's plans, and even if it did it's hand's are tied because further cut's in the intrest rate will weaken the dollar much more which reprices upward (inflation) the cost of food, energy, goods (walmart) and KILLS consumer spending, which in turn = more unempoyment, and the cycle continues, perhaps with all the chaos people will demand more security and a stronger gov't.

Perhaps the world gov't and Chip will be the solution

Martin feldstein who has been whispering rate cuts in bernanke's ear thinks this will help boost falling housing prices, sorry no dice IMO, what it will do is increase price inflation and kill the dollar and the middle class consumer, and likely lead to a spiral of more inflation and unemployment. consumer spending has been resilient in the past, mostly due to bloated housing prices and i beleive the time is up.

[edit on 6-10-2007 by cpdaman]

[edit on 6-10-2007 by cpdaman]


posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 10:03 PM
Im in Australia and I can guarantee the same companies that employ myself and my peers are the same ones that employ most people across the globe. The companies I use to survive and trade with are the same ones every ATSER irespective of location does. In the last 10 years they have managed to buy up every little Australian company and merge it with bigger multinational ones. The same people own it all and they could cripple us tomorrow if they really wanted.

See they already have us by the balls, the only way out I can see is to purposly get of the grid, and be non dependent on the system. Stake a bit of land in the sticks and learn self sufficiency. Anything you grow you can sell at the markets. And know you have a couple months survival time up on the suburbanites. If nothing happens then you will still be better of mentally for not having to deal with the urban nightmare we call life.

During the depression people survived because they already had chickens and vegetables in their yards. The neighbourhood was safe, if you wernt related to your neighbours you knew them like family. Everyone helped each other out. A scenario like that nowdays would ensure that we turned on each other and not help each other. That scares me more than chips do

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 02:18 AM
In the Netherlands the party ChristenUnie wanted to outlaw such chips by adding an article to our constitution. It did lead to some debate, but not to many people I debated it with are aware of the potential abuse of such things and think about things such as if you got nothing to hide, ect. Don't know about the rest of the video, but that chip-thing.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 02:37 AM
A couple of points on this topic, the chips are IN your passport but only as of last year or the start of this year. I don't know the date but it's admitted when they started doing it. Also, DO NOT GET THE CHIP FOR YOU OR PET.

A friend works for a vet that volunteerily chips pets and they've been getting CANCEROUS LESIONS within a couple of weeks where it goes in the skin. So to the poster asking about seeing it or not, probably YES since they'll all go in forearm and a bulge will form where it is when CANCER STARTS.

This is when we need to take back the gov't and congress and not go running in the woods, that'll give THEM all the REASON TO PUT US IN FEMA CAMPS should we fight it from day one, they'll have to supply reasonable living situations should earth be ruined by massive earthquakes ever.

Chipping is all over the products you buy to gauge selling consumer stuff and the likes, might as well figure they track you like that should you have paid for items w/ credit/debit cards.

RESIST THE CHIP. Oh, look up the chips' manufacturer, their company is, get this, "alien technologies"

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 03:22 AM
If we have a choice, we should all be open to anything that will trick us into getting the chip.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 03:48 AM
All I know is if someone asks me to take the sign in my hand or my forehead I will either starve to death if the grass and the bark do not sustain me or I'll just go see Jesus early. Period.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 04:47 AM
I live in the UK and was talking to a relation of mine about NWO a cashless society and about haveing a chip injected into us .....there reply shocked me i was expecting them to be agenest it but they wasnt they was all for it saying it would make there lives eaiser saying they wouldnt have to fill in forms,they would be able to check and see where there children where they wouldnt have to carry cash etc etc

I pointed out to them what will you do if they turn your chip off for w/e reason you would be screwed you couldnt get a cash in hand job like you can get now (although this is becomeing increasinly harder) and surport your self would be wiped off the system never to return ...and still they couldnt see it as a bad thing ...the response was " well im a good citizan i dont break laws so i wont have to worry"

OMFG..............this was a person i thought had a certain amount of intelegance i see them as just another sheep dieing to become a lemming

The day they try to "chip" you is the day you need to really wake up and fight back.....for me that day "IF" it comes is the begining of the end and no matter how "they" try to gloss it up and how much better "they" tell us our lifes will be with this "chip" its lies you will be cattle infact more than that you really will be just a Number we even less controll over your life than you think you have now

And with the flick of a switch you will be Terminated

ITS SIMPLE REFUSE THE CHIP AT ALL COSTS you wasnt born with a chip inside you why die with one!..... i wont

EDIT: wiil your priminster/president or the so called elite be chiped? I doubt it why should you?

[edit on 7-10-2007 by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H]

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H
I live in the UK and was talking to a relation of mine about NWO a cashless society and about haveing a chip injected into us .....there reply shocked me i was expecting them to be agenest it but they wasnt they was all for it saying it would make there lives eaiser saying they wouldnt have to fill in forms,they would be able to check and see where there children where they wouldnt have to carry cash etc etc

I pointed out to them what will you do if they turn your chip off for w/e reason you would be screwed you couldnt get a cash in hand job like you can get now (although this is becomeing increasinly harder) and surport your self would be wiped off the system never to return ...and still they couldnt see it as a bad thing ...the response was " well im a good citizan i dont break laws so i wont have to worry"

OMFG..............this was a person i thought had a certain amount of intelegance i see them as just another sheep dieing to become a lemming

This summaries most replies to the ChristianUnion proposal. Most couldn't see why such thing should be outlawed, stopped before it can begin.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 06:59 AM
I doubt the Human population is currently blind enough to accept something like this at the MOMENT. But it scares me to think how society can change even more in the future. It would only take a little bit more to convince the public that ID chips and what not is best for them. Even so I doubt that everyone in the world would just sit by and watch it happen, they would have to have some kind of resistance.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 10:29 AM
I think I understand your post - it gets into a lot of heavy info and I'm just not that well versed in the topic!

Maybe this is what you are already saying, but it seems to me that Russia and China are already consolidated into a two class system. In fact, their elite classes are even smaller in number than our own and their populations are already completely at their mercy. So to me, this kind of substantiates my argument that greed and control (of money, of resources, of technology, etc) is the main goal of the so-called NWO.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 11:03 AM
If your idea of freedom is to go through the world undetected than your freedom is coming to an end. It is not just a chip like this it is everything around us. Do you think you can buy anything or go anywhere in a city without you being videotaped? Cell phones have GPS tracking that is good within 3 feet. You use your debt card and before you blink it is registered to your account time and place where you used it.

So now there is a chip and it really doesn’t matter for you are already tracked by everyone, but just think in 10 or 20 years how much more advance all that tracking will be. The scarier part for me is not so much as the NWO conspiracy, but something much more real and just as dangerous in its own way, and that is advertizing.

The ability to know what you want before you know what you want is rapidity coming soon and you will see very soon very personalized choices all based on your footprint of buying, age, income etc. You will see advertizing that will tell you to buy something and you will agree that you need it…very scary.

One funny but not so funny real story is the business man who checks into a hotel and the wife and kids turn on the TV only to see all these porn movies choices that is being provided based on the business man’s footprint in past hotel visits.

Now because we are really screwed with or without the chip there are actually good situations for it.

1.Convicts to be chipped to me is a good thing. Have them chipped for their parole duration and even life for the repeaters.

2. Passports to me are also a good thing to be chipped for your safety, but I’m kind of 50/50 on the idea. Well at least you do not need to actually have it on your body and if the chip is removed or the passport is stolen or sold it can be canx and worthless.

3. Children to a set age. I see that as a good thing being a parent that really worries for my kids’ safety. But what is too far? It seems as you protect people from the bad elements of the world you end up reducing their freedom too.

We are not only heading towards a cashless society but also a cardless one too. Very soon you will be using something like just your finger print to buy. No need to ring anything up you just bag your stuff and a quick thumb print and you’re out the door with everything automaticly accounted for before you leave the store.

I see a new service coming… one that will do everything for you by proxy. You put in an order and one of my proxy buyers will get it to you…I’ll be rich

[edit on 7-10-2007 by Xtrozero]

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