posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 08:32 PM
thanks for sharing your opinion
the thing i question though, is if it is greed and not a mix of another emotion of even unseen need (like i described in my above post) then how will
the elite get the "eastern world" to go along w/ the plan.
I mean they may be able to get north america, europe, australia, even possibly japan, but CAN they get Russia, and China, India to go along with
granted russia and china both already have more of a two-tier society than the u.s and more "authoritarian" rule, but i don't see the groups CFR,
bilderbergs, Bankers, RIIF infiltrating those governments like they do in the "west".
I mean perhaps i am mistaken, but i think there would be aot of resistance to erasing the cultures in the east, as well as there soverignty. I will
have to read up and see just how much control of the financial and monetary system these elite groups have in the "eastern country's". Because that
is their method of control.
A world wide economic collapse would be a likely culprit, maybe the destruction of the middle class thru cost of living inflation (food, gas, goods,
insurance) and a collapse of the debt/leveraged stock/derivatives bubble hitting the higher income /but not elite group.
update: upon further search it appears "western banks" determined in 2005 that china's growing economy yet underdeveloped and inefficient banking
system was ripe for investment. the amount of influence these western forces have is undetermined In my understanding as of yet, but i do realize that
recently they have secured more investment in the chineese central banks and alot of "middle class have invested in the stock market in "shang
hai", i also understand th chineese gov't fears of a great civil uprising if something should collapse (i.e markets or job market) and the back lash
may be significant enought to require or demand a re-structuring of gov't and the banking system under the supervision of the "western bankers".
and upon further searching the western bankers have had the smallest amount of investment in the russian central bank as of late 2006 around 13
percent (although that figure is growing)
lastly the united states attack on IRAQ who had shifted to selling oil in Euro's was a major sign to russia, venezuela, iran and anyone else who
thought about doing the same, and thus messing with the economy of america. because such a change would cause rapid inflation of prices and
simultaniously destroy the stock and asset markets in the U.S
sadly we needed to conduct a false flag attack to get national support for the war, because w/o this the people would have protested like no
tommorrow, however the u.s had plans to go into the middle east since the mid 90's (read a clean break) as well as (Project for New american century)
which both were written up before Iraq decided to switch to euro's on the request from France and other Euro zone country's. I wonder if the
french and european country's understood they were setting up iraq. Also the PNAC group is also supporting the american'comittee for peace in
chechneya ACPC. This is because Russia oil pipeline's to other country's go through this county, and if u.s can seperate chechneya from russia they
can dramatically weaken russia.
Also the failure in iraq has weakened the u.s standing and has opened the door for other country's to actively sell off some dollar assets as well
as "diversify" some of their reserve's, which is now showing signs of slowing the u.s economy , despite desperate attempts to de-regulate the
financial markets to mainatin the illusion of successful stock markets. With more countyr's moving slowly and in unison w/ the military largely
"tied up" the jig maybe almost up. Perhaps the elite bankers feel it is time to move on, and the u.s will not be on it's thrown for much longer.
Perhaps the ousting of the united states as world power , thru an economic collapse will provide the chaos out of which the new world order will be
born. Perhaps the dollar falling to it's lowest historical levels (b4 a slight but temporay IMO bounce recently) is the beginning of the end.
Another reason is the U.S economy depends on consumer spending. typically as the economy slows down, the fed cut's rates to boost spending,
unfortunately the fed does not have the best intrest's of a country in it's plans, and even if it did it's hand's are tied because further cut's
in the intrest rate will weaken the dollar much more which reprices upward (inflation) the cost of food, energy, goods (walmart) and KILLS consumer
spending, which in turn = more unempoyment, and the cycle continues, perhaps with all the chaos people will demand more security and a stronger
Perhaps the world gov't and Chip will be the solution
Martin feldstein who has been whispering rate cuts in bernanke's ear thinks this will help boost falling housing prices, sorry no dice IMO, what it
will do is increase price inflation and kill the dollar and the middle class consumer, and likely lead to a spiral of more inflation and unemployment.
consumer spending has been resilient in the past, mostly due to bloated housing prices and i beleive the time is up.
[edit on 6-10-2007 by cpdaman]
[edit on 6-10-2007 by cpdaman]