posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 05:47 PM
I know it's been up before but this guy is admitting to knowing about numerous MISSING PEOPLE who potentially have been kidnapped, tried doing a
basic search on how many there are, anywhere, not easy info to retain, anyone, can get those numbers?
Q -- If you can, give us some information on the upcoming war with the aliens. When does it start? Do you recommend going underground?
A -- The war has already begun. To start, they use "weather control" devices that can cripple a city in hours. Storms, flood and drought -- with
those few things they can bring any country to their knees in a hurry.
Q -- What are the Greys susceptible to?
A -- The grays are photosensitive, any bright light hurts their eyes. They avoid sunlight, and travel at night. Camera flashes causes them to back up.
It could be used as a weapon against them, but they recover quickly. It could buy enough time to escape. Use commands, or nonsensical words in the
form of commands and they will back up. Their brain is more logical than ours and they do not create 'fun'. They do not understand poetry either.
What really confuses them is saying things in "pig-latin". We learned that in a hurry, and used it against them [the GREYS] in the Dulce Wars.
But, let me stress that there are ALL TYPES of people being held against their will in the Dulce Base! There are tall heavy men and women, teenagers,
elderly folks and very young girls in the cages AND the vats. I only mention the most common age-size are the small young men and petite women. The
boys are favored because at that age their bodies are rapidly growing, and their atomic material is adaptable in the transfer chamber. The young small
women are frequently very fertile. The men are used for sperm. I have no idea why they prefer small to average size men.