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How to shapeshift yourself

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posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by debris765nju
Shapeshifting is not a deed accomplished alone.........there are unseen entities that are drawn to the person attempting the change. If the the person has enough character and intestinal fortitude to allow these entities to work with and within him then the change is possible.

One of my spirit guides is actually the spirit of a bear. If I was to attempt to shapeshift into an animal, do you think it would be easier for me to try a bear?

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by TheGreySwordsman
Great thread!

I have not mastered the ability to shapeshift, in a true sense. However, I can make it so that most people will not percieve my presence. Though cameras would pick me up, people simply wouldn't see me there.

I have also used this to enhance qualities of myself, to appear more meek, or powerful, etc so that I could get a response out of my students, and others.

Also, what you describe is very much a Tantric practice. One pictures a diety, buddha, etc, meditates on the qualities of said Buddha, in hopes to develop these qualities within oneself, and realize that they really are the Buddha they visualize.

Nice find, this is a fairly obscure practice.

[edit on 5-10-2007 by TheGreySwordsman]

I wonder if I can do the same. I was always shy and wanted to be left alone and it seemed to have worked on just thinking nobody notice me.

A few years ago I noticed my idiot uncle always got what he wanted. People would pretty much do whatever he said. I tried thinking Im better then you when talking to people and most of the time they treated me like I was better then them.

Another time I was thinking act tall. One day while talking to a friend over the internet I called him big and goofy or something and he goes your 6ft4 like me. I said Im 5ft9, he goes well you act tall then. This was the time I was trying to act tall.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 04:41 PM

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 11:09 AM
These days I was thinking about the adagio "The world is just a mirror".

Then I realized that my looks are very different depending on the looking glass I use. Different mirrors show me different images of my body and face. And that after seeing my image reflected I judged my appearence. Which one should I trust... I think none.

Then I realized that when I'm feeling very good inside, no matter which mirror, my looks are better.

Strange fact is that when I drank the "amazon forest tea" and looked on mirror during It's effect, I saw my perfect self. My face was perfect, It semetric, It was clear, It was... just perfect!
It was like in the matrix "the mental project of your digital self".

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I had a lover that is a shapeshifter. She scared the hell out of me. I would never have believed it if I had not seen it. Anyway if I had seen someone other than a lover do it I would not have been afraid, but when you see your woman do it...

Anyway I didn't not read all this thread but Skinwalkers are powerful Shamans.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 05:36 PM
I have just arrived to ATS after finding this thread in a search about shapeshifting. I have read ALL of the above posts with great attention, learning much in the process.

My experience is that people shapeshift for a variety of reasons.
In my own life:
- my own shapeshifting began as a child in a psychotic family. I found I had the ability to sense what was needed to maintain a more peaceful environment, and become this.
- as an infantile response to a bigger problem I developed this skill without realising I was negating my own self and ego development - neurosis.
- this aspect of abandoning myself to adapt to (a fantasy of) the other has plagued my personal and work relationships. More neurosis.

In exploring this to understand and help myself, I became aware that:
- most weak, hurt, psychotic, ... people- have a mechanism for their survival which enables them to appear different so as to mobilise people around them to their personal cause. Here we can cite a huge range of psychotically ill and weak people who manage to survive and mobilise others around them to their cause: Hitler, Stalin, Ghengis Khan, ...

My current summary:
- It is (partly) the power of the intention which seems to influence the ability to shapesfift.
- This intention can be conscious, unconscious, good or bad ( I would not usually use these terms), personal or impersonal, ...

I will add more of my reflections later

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by zysin5
Man, I wish I could share the info I have within my head about all this..
But quite frankly I dont think many people here on ATS are ready to even begin to fathom what it means to shapeshift..
There are so many different ways of going about this.. And Im not talking about changing into an animal, or reptile either...
But it is possible to shapeshift.. Yet todays society is not ready to really get into it.. To much judgement, and from what I have sensed on here sinec I have been here.. Im not opening myself up, just to proove a point.

If you really must know more you can U2 me.. But please dont ask me a bunch of silly questions, or mock me.
It is very possible to change ones light in this world.. And its done more often than you might think.. Yet some would lay claim it has nothing to do with shapeshifting.. So I will just leave it at that..

i want to know everything you know so badly!

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by wigit

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by wigit

Hello Wigit.

If you know more about this scottish guy (a name for example) do kindly post it for our information benefit. Thanks.
Hi Skyfloating, I'm waiting for a friend to get back to me with the guy's name and if someone can tell me how to make a link from another thread, I'll post it here so you can read more about him. I'll U2U some more info.

could you also send me some info on him? thanks

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 07:08 AM
First of all, thanks, I needed to read some of these things.

Second, in the light of the topic: I can shapeshift my body slightly, by this I don't mean a mental projection (clarify that next) but really changing the structure of my body, even if it is subtle, I won't detail it much mainly because other people's experiences are way more interesting. What I do, naturally may I add, is change my body to adapt to a projection/expectation of mine, I do this since I'm young, but only after a long time I actually realised what was going on. This mainly appears as a resemblance, I look like what I want to (though it takes time for it to settle in), I don't claim huge things, but everything changes ever so slightly to make me (for example) look like someone I admire, though I don't even bother to control it... Beyond a little weight control because I'm quite vain (and yes the whole thing is more perceptible than the same thing that happens with everyone, and yes I know everybody does it to a degree). Also related, my body seems to be quite more malleable than the usual too, changing with less difficulty (to over-simplify it). And I talk to my body, so my degree of control over it is at least a little higher than norm, I don't separate myself from my body as my writing may show though.

On the same note I kinda do the same on other various levels (astral, mental, etc), but I don't wanna get into that.

What I meant by mental projection; While I was talking about actual physical shifting there is another thing that I would not actually classify exactly as shifting but that is a part of the whole process. What I mean by it is actually mentally projecting an image (or even feelings) that "trick" (not exactly) other people's senses, this include the usual invisibility, some charming, or the general "looking tougher", etc. Of course this can be said as a kind of shapeshifting, but it all falls down to semantics, for me it would be more an "incomplete shapeshifting" if it doesn't involve the actual shifting of the soul (at least). Physical shifting of course is the "highest" degree, but then again, everything is perception so stopping at the soul or even the mind is not that different from a physical shift...

Pardon me if it sounds confusing, it was clearer in my head.

"The spirit is the fire, The mind is the image, the soul is the mold and the body is the clay." --- I was supposed to put this somewhere in the text =P

[edit on 4-6-2009 by Raziel89]

[edit on 4-6-2009 by Raziel89]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 08:22 AM
shapeshifting in a mental perspecitive is absolutely possible, then after you have mastered that and can believe that you can change it physically, it will happen. Don't expect to change into a tree all of a sudden, because it won't happen that way, it takes work, hard work, and not many will believe what you know to be true, and what you can do.

Along a path to shape shifting, you will uncover truths about yourself, and the world. Some you will like, some you will hate. But a truth, is a truth, and it will have to be accepted. There are few absolutes in this world, and i know one is ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, and nothing is more true than that.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by Raziel89

Actually I believe anyone shapeshifts to some extent all the time. Merely changing ones facial expression IS shapeshifting.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 01:41 AM
I believe ((to an extent)) changing faces could be shape-shifting.

I personally have no experience in shape-shifting, but a partner and I are working together to uncover the mysteries of our unique minds starting with shape-shifting. It has been a dream of ours since we were younger.

anyways, I feel that just merely changing a look on one's face would not count for shape-shifting at all. But changing one's perspective of themselves or even their mood shifting changes unconsciously into some deeper kind of shape-shifting that we may or may not be able to be conscious of.

But in theory yes, changing the expression on one's face may lead to shape-shifting of some extent.

Hope that made sense to some.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

God i know who that scottish guy is.His name is dr who.I have seen him shape shift many times on tv over the last thirty years.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 02:57 AM
I can shapeshift

I'm sitting down now..

*2 seconds later*

...I'm standing up

I don't have proof... but you "shape-shifters" should understand, considering that is always the case.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by zysin5
Man, I wish I could share the info I have within my head about all this..
But quite frankly I dont think many people here on ATS are ready to even begin to fathom what it means to shapeshift..
There are so many different ways of going about this.. And Im not talking about changing into an animal, or reptile either...
But it is possible to shapeshift.. Yet todays society is not ready to really get into it.. To much judgement, and from what I have sensed on here sinec I have been here.. Im not opening myself up, just to proove a point.

If you really must know more you can U2 me.. But please dont ask me a bunch of silly questions, or mock me.
It is very possible to change ones light in this world.. And its done more often than you might think.. Yet some would lay claim it has nothing to do with shapeshifting.. So I will just leave it at that..

i cannot U2U you, because it says i have to have 20 posts before i can do that. which i think is completely stupid, so please U2 me. i want to know everything, and have no evil ambitions in which to use it. i just want free from this society. mankind is an evil thing, and only seems to worse as time progresses. if i have this, at least i can seek peace within my own self

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

OMG I feel so happy!!!! ive been trying to shapeshift for years now- and guess what i did! Right now im ACTUALLY typing with cat hands!! its soooo cute!
I'm about to cry!! I'm still practicing, though! Did you do anything yet? I reeeeally want to know if you have! I already know your calling me a lier :/

P.S. Just incase you wanted to know, (you probly don't), it took 4 years.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
I am a shapeshifter and I can turn into anything plants to animals, mythical creatures (dragons, fairies ect.) to creatures from different planets and believe you me that it isnt easy to change what ever.

this is how to shapeshift (if you are not a shapshifter then this wont work)

1. sit somewhere pieceful (anywhere where you wont be interupted)

2. close your eyes and relax

3. think of anything (e.g tiger) picture it in your head (think real hard)

4. act like the it and soon enough you will become that creature

good luck


It works!

But, now I am stuck in the form of a Naked Mole Rat.
And, I think I smell bad.

You didn't say anything about this!

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 08:12 PM
Other than shape shifting. A lot of people could be refering to a thing called "biokinesis" as well. Alternating your DNA, you need lots of experience with great focus. Can be very dangerous. Read a story from a guy, that his son went blind when he tried to change his eye colour.

If I wanted to try biokinesis, I would experiement it with my hair. If I end up bald, so what. I would still look good. ;D

I would like to change my hair color into a blue or red color. :3

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by Krystalia
reply to post by Skyfloating

OMG I feel so happy!!!! ive been trying to shapeshift for years now- and guess what i did! Right now im ACTUALLY typing with cat hands!! its soooo cute!
I'm about to cry!! I'm still practicing, though! Did you do anything yet? I reeeeally want to know if you have! I already know your calling me a lier :/

P.S. Just incase you wanted to know, (you probly don't), it took 4 years.

You type pretty good with cat hands. :p But you might want to shapeshift your hands back to normal. You know. Otherwise they might come and get you and put you in a zoo or something, if you know what I mean. :p

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 08:48 PM
My, My, My. Such a large, full net!

I am very interested in the existence of "Shapeshifters" myself. I have been looking high and low for these gifted folks.

Please. Feel free to visit my thread, and make yourselves at home!



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