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Earth's Whole Future? 'Five Biggest Questions' "The 5 Discoveries...

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posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 03:07 AM

"The 5 Discoveries"


[ Spectacular Links, Pictures, Movies, & Graphics ]

"We have entered a New Era in Scientific Discovery--

With just the following first two mainstream discovery announcements alone--

All related Science either in print or on the internet is automatically outdated--

What we thought 'we knew' is simply now become subject to updating..."

--and possibly now without a moment to lose...


Now approaching 60,000 reads and still yet to be proven untrue...

[edit on 5-10-2007 by Scienceguy]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 08:47 AM
*****OF NOTE is the Two Inventions that will touch the lives of every person who either drives or rides in a car and save not only our $ and personal time everyday, they will reduce the climate change carbon footprint of needless waste of billions of gallons and $$.

*****The inventor is right now giving these out to humanity Totally Free to effect change ASAP.

*****Also the invitation is given for all to become part of constructive change in both asking our reps for the inventions asap and seeking basic funding for publishing a mainstream book for getting the word out to the public, as the Earth Changes discussed may mean people need to be given sufficient time to relocate out of harm's way to what will be stable dry land.

"a grass roots effort... People of vision making their will known is the way constructive change always takes place..."

*****Right now the info is Free To All and there are no annoying banners or pop ups on the site. To spread the word asap because of the calendar timeline for the planet means not just waiting for the private effort on the inventions to take its course but just get them out there.

*****The inventor is forfeiting six figures at least with the offering to humanity of these inventions alone.

"The mind is like a parachute... Unless open it is of little use..."

[edit on 5-10-2007 by Scienceguy]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 11:28 AM
People lose courage and get locked up with fear and some of it is for good reason...

...for they have not been told that they should not have stayed where they settled in the first place as regards what areas were gonna be still left dry.

If/when the subsurface pools of magma shift and there is a rising and sinking of the ground layers it is not just a function of either sea levels rising or washing clean the coastlines with tsunamis... many areas inland will possible just sink lower as they float as a thin crepe-like crust on a pool of magma which is heating up and can redistribute with magnetic shifts leading to physical shifts:

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 11:39 AM


With the passage of NASA's Voyager I & II out of our Solar System it was noted that both Uranus and Neptune
have experienced recent pole shifts and Uranus with its rings is now actually seen as physically lying on its side --
seemingly in consonance with the angle of the Milky Way where we are clearly now heading in to finally merge.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 11:44 AM

"We might be tempted to think there is little left to discover on Earth in the 21st century, yet the deep sea remains almost
entirely unknown. Only a tiny fraction of the sea floor has been explored. The true extent to which the ocean bed is dotted
with volcanoes has been revealed by researchers who have counted 201,055 underwater cones. This is over 10 times more
than have been found before. The team estimates that in total there could be about 3 million submarine volcanoes, 39,000
of which rise more than 1000 meters over the sea bed. "The distribution of underwater volcanoes tells us something about
what is happening in the center of the Earth," says John Hillier of the University of Cambridge in the UK. That is because they
give information about the flows of hot rock in the mantle beneath..."

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 12:08 PM

The 'Ariel Atom'

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 12:16 PM
Awesome thread. Im reading about the 5 discoveries right now and its very cool. So we dont live in the Milky Way...

[edit on 5-10-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 12:18 PM
Going... Electric?

...or still stuck on fossil fuels and want a bit more HP?


1001 HP

10 radiators

"needed the other 700 H.P. to push from 153 MPH to 253 MPH"

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Copernicus

Awesome thread. Im reading about the 5 discoveries right now and its very cool. So we dont live in the Milky Way...

Source LINK:

Star-Map Graphic:

"The new understanding is that we (as a solar system) were not ever directly a part of the Milky Way.

If you go outside and look you will see that it is actually sideways in the night sky....

We were from a smaller galaxy that the Milky Way has put the 'come hither' on and we are apparently going to actually turn and join with
the Milky Way after some 2 billion years of circling around it at a near right angle as part of our parent galaxy called the Sagittarius Dwarf.

Sagittarius Dwarf is now so stretched out that it has lost gravitational hold and cohesiveness to our solar system and we will finally join the "sideways in the sky" Milky Way for the first time in our history. Our solar system is apparently going to finally take a right angle turn for the first time in history and start going around in the Milky Way whirlpool. This is all newer information... and yes it appears to be fact. How fast we may turn and/or pivot or see the magnetic shifting of the poles like other bodies in our Solar System have recently in polar shifts-- and just how fast any resulting changes may be going to happen are simply not predictable -- as we simply have witnessed the joining in with a new galaxy before as a solar system like this."

[edit on 5-10-2007 by Scienceguy]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 12:43 PM
Ok, about the inventions, I only found the Free Flow Smart Traffic Signal, but there is to be two? What is the other one?

The page is a bit difficult to find things in, but its worth reading just for the sheer wow factor if the stuff it says is true. :=)

[edit on 5-10-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 01:05 PM
"A second invention also designed in is the "pre-change indicator" for drivers approaching the green light from a distance:

Drivers approaching on the tail end of the green light will get a new feature-- an additional and simultaneous 3 slow yellow blinks near
the tail end of the green-- while the green is yet full on-- nearing end of cycle to tip off the smart driver approaching whether to either
let off the gas and coast, or that they will clearly make the light no problem-- saving time, gas, momentum, and even grief either way."

The implications are staggering. Think about not having to waste all that fuel in getting your lost momentum back up...
I don't take anyone's word for-or-against on 'nuthin' or 'nobody' myself, yet this is running strong with 60,000 reads and still not proven to be untrue.

The supporting discoveries 1 (+) 2 along with the star maps and galactic links make it all pretty much obvious. The one scientist that initially knee-jerk commented and ended up hastily assigning a botched up debunking attempt in an industry blunder was in answer to an inaccurate stolen sensationalized version of the blog's data...

Scientist has formally back-tracked and left the question open again:

[ NASA/ JPL podcast 09/07/07 ]

"We don't know the basic things about our place in the galaxy, our sun's place in the galaxy."

Found Midblog:

The breakthroughs in science are coming now so rapidly that even at this very moment-- most astro-science personnel that could be consulted for comment on even the first two mainstream science sourced breakthrough discoveries listed above (that) have now fully "undone" all related
textbook science all the way back to Copernicus-- may not have had ample opportunity to be properly updated on these and actually able to be definitive in any related statements issued.

Professor Majewski, (University of Virginia Astronomy) lead author heading up the team releasing the 2003 paper (which revealed the hidden in plain sight loop shaped structure of the intersecting dwarf galaxy through our near space) has now clearly offered a fresh new scientific perspective on the state of our earlier understanding, and disclosed details of the launching of a new mission, instrumentation, and funding:

[ NASA/ JPL podcast 09/07/07 ]

"We don't know the basic things about our place in the galaxy, our sun's place in the galaxy."

Looks like these things had been hidden in plain sight and it must be that somebody in charge upstairs wanted to get the word out so that those supposed to stick around will have the foreknowledge and possible timing still to relocate to what will be the new dry ground..?

It looks like it may just be a little bigger than all of us...

Steer clear and enjoy the ride?

It was not until the most recent discoveries out just this Spring that all of the pieces of the puzzle fit together... When one begins a search effort to determine the current state of humanity's understanding of the astro-sciences, it becomes apparent that such new discoveries can be happened upon and reported in some obscure area of the internet that completely supersedes all other related discoveries and published data on the topic while the now incorrect data remains up for years-- going uncorrected in either the textbooks or the bulk of the internet sites.

Such is even the case with things as large as the 200 billion star Milky Way galactic structure being recently discovered to be completely lopsided with no spiral arms branching out from the other side:

"has extra long arms sprouting out on one side and is warped and armless on the other." [DISCOVERY CHANNEL] [PIC: NASA]

This last link on the Milky Way having no spiral arms on the other side has been out over a year and yet the majority of us never heard 'bout it!


[edit on 5-10-2007 by Scienceguy]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 01:11 PM
Thanks for posting all this Scienceguy, but what if all this is really true and we will have the earth tipping on its axis in 2012, cracks in the ground and so on, why are we focusing on the inventions? What if most of the cities are destroyed? Who needs cool traffic lights then?

Even though the articles do say that it should be possible to survive it, if ready to move, as I understood it...

It will be interesting times ahead for sure. I would feel safer if we didnt have a idiot in the White House though.

[edit on 5-10-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Copernicus

Thanks for posting all this Scienceguy, but what if all this is really true and we will have the earth tipping on its axis in 2012, cracks in the ground and so on, why are we focusing on the inventions? What if most of the cities are destroyed? Who needs cool traffic lights then?

Even though the articles do say that it should be possible to survive it, if ready to move, as I understood it...

It will be interesting times ahead for sure. I would feel safer if we didn't have a idiot in the White House though.

Your welcome.

Evidently the inventor is laying all the cards on the table and is willing to sacrifice and to even forgo a potential future six figures from the inventions to actually demonstrate and get the idea across that this is not only for real, that the time line is not only potentially for real, but is worth seeking help and immediate funding for to publish ASAP in print for the word to get out...

...Out to the general population in time for the meek ( 'who will inherit the earth' ) who may need extra time to study the data and enter a free will deciding of their own future (or not).


[edit on 5-10-2007 by Scienceguy]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 05:39 PM
I read the article and found it to be interesting, but the writing is so poor its very difficult to follow. It was easier for me to skim the article itself and read the attached links. While I cannot say that the article is incorrect in anyway, I also fear that they writer may be jumping the gun on some of his conclusions, even though they seem logical enough to me. There are several other pages out there based on the original article which do a better job of presenting what the author believes is happening to the solar system at this point.

Speculating on a power source to be used after 2012, seems to be really jumping the gun as we do not yet know exactly what will happen, nor if anyone will still be here to use such a power source. I would concentrate more on the event and less on any supposed power source that may or may not function after the event.

These are some much more clearly written pages based on the original page:

Sceintists now know: We are not from around here
Doomsday the Mayan Prophecy

It is possible that the entrance into the Milky Way is what is causing so many unusual events on the Earth and in our Solar System to unfold in these few years proceeding that major event, the idea is interesting to say the least.

Ps. Posting everything in bold makes a lot of folks on this site skip over your thread, so i would keep the bolds to a minimum.

[edit on 10/5/2007 by defcon5]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by defcon5
I read the article and found it to be interesting, but the writing is so poor its very difficult to follow. It was easier for me to skim the article itself and read the attached links. While I cannot say that the article is incorrect in anyway, I also fear that they writer may be jumping the gun on some of his conclusions, even though they seem logical enough to me. There are several other pages out there based on the original article which do a better job of presenting what the author believes is happening to the solar system at this point.


These are some much more clearly written pages based on the original page:

Sceintists now know: We are not from around here
Doomsday the Mayan Prophecy

It is possible that the entrance into the Milky Way is what is causing so many unusual events on the Earth and in our Solar System to unfold in these few years proceeding that major event, the idea is interesting to say the least.

How about moving from "skeptic extraordinaire" to being truly a "constructive contributor" and since this is clearly a topic that is possibly going to affect all of us ... dare to step up and put your hand to the plow?

If you can see how the information can be presented better...

...then dare to rewrite the info and help the inventor-discoverer to get the information out in the most ideal form.

This information belongs to all of us by birthright and if you have talents to contribute then go-do-for us and report back the results....

[email protected]

He is clearly showing dedication to the effort in sacrificing a potential six figure invention royalty to the effort and may consider your constructive suggestions.

It is easy to sit and criticize and not do anything to help 'eh?

This is for real.

The data is very complex and if you are able to be accurate in description then dare to 'man up' and help!

Here is what the data 'could' sound like as scientific but accurate jargon:

The "Viewzone" article you quote is "actually" the thing that almost stopped all of humanity from being able to learn of it because it was a "stolen version, fully plagiarized, sensationalized", and jumped the gun on the scientist's approbation before they had done so specifically. This created such a backlash that the knee jerk damning of the real thing has had to be waded through. Thank God that the data was fully supported this Spring by the other mainstream discoveries!

"EDITOR'S NOTE: There was an article on a site called Viewzone that lifted quite a bit of this content and then mixed/ matched
quotes here with those of scientists in a "sensationalism release" without the proper substantiation. This may have resulted in an undue
prejudicial treatment of the topics by some, who seem only too eager to dismiss the potentially timely breakthroughs offered here without proper and due consideration for the advancement of science. Given the fact that even the mainstream discoveries such as discovering that we have been wrong since Copernicus about which way we were even going in space until just months ago, makes it unfair to scientists to ask them to make snap statements on any of these topics until they have updated and equipped themselves on all the new data. Therefore, any premature pronouncements implicating this work in with any Viewzone article inaccuracies may simply be an unwitting exercise in guilt by association and unfortunately throwing the baby out with the bathwater in a blinded by circumstance resistance to progress." (snip)

'man up' dude! 'eh?


[edit on 5-10-2007 by Scienceguy]

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 08:59 AM

"Earth's Whole Future"

(Courtesy NASA)

The Milky Way

THE MYSTERY -- Why the Milky Way is "sideways" in the night sky has never been answered -- UNTIL Now...

-- Astounding NEW ANSWERS --


Using new digital infrared telescopes and super computers we are now tracing in a type of galactic archeology where we actually came from...

The 200 billion star Milky Way has continually been capturing and absorbing 'many' smaller galactic systems termed "dwarf galaxies".


posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 09:07 AM
-- Intermission --

"Starship Groove"

"Thunderbolts of the Gods"

[edit on 14-10-2007 by Scienceguy]

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 09:08 AM

[PIC: Streamer remnants across the sky of previous dwarf galaxies Milky Way has drawn in
and absorbed (Preview graphic of upcoming study release [Credit: Kathryn V. Johnston])]

"Astronomers Discover a River of Stars Streaming Across the Northern Sky"


Astoundingly -- one of these "dwarf galaxies" has been found to be "directly intersecting" our local space --

-- actually nearly on top of us...

-- and there's more...


[Credit: David R. Law Caltech]


[Credit: Kathryn V. Johnston Wesleyan U.]


[edit on 14-10-2007 by Scienceguy]

shortened 'line' - distoring page width

[edit on 27/10/07 by masqua]

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 09:51 AM
Milky Way Sideways in Sky


posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 11:43 AM
Absolutely fascinating...

The irony of it is, there's people fighting for territory and what-not on our funny little planet, but we have only just figured out what galaxy we're in...


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