posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 05:03 PM
Oh my god you ranting about "like" was so funny Jonna! But I so totally agree, like, I hate people who always use this too! It's so useless, and it
*seems* to me it's moslty used by young teenager least it seems.
Either it is or it isn't, you b@stard! You didn't "like" go to the mall unless you did. true...
Gets on my nerve too...
What "small things" pisses me off?
People who drive and don't use turn signal light. (blinkers?) It simply drives me mad. It's like (lol..) this thing didn't came as an option, it's
there so YOU USE IT, GODDAMN IT!!! lol... And it's not just for other drivers, you m0f0!!! good to rant that off...
And also...let me think... When my ADSL modem can't synchronise...I hate that...and...
Geez, I guess there's not a lot of stuff that piss me off...
When people leave the water jar almost empty in the fridge...that piss me off, I'm a heavy water-drinker...
Edit: Got another one! This one pisses me off BIG TIME! WHen I'm at some fast-food snack and then I order hamburgers, and I always ask them "no
pickles please" and sometimes it seems they just don't care, and they put pickles anyway ! I HATE PICKLES IN HAMBURGERS OR SANDWICHES! Tis
disgusting! Waste all the taste... And sometime I forget to check and bite away and taste them pickles, and I'm like (just messin' with U lol..)
...and people who'll light a cigarette in my room or my car, without asking first?! I stopped smoking cigs a year ago, what makes you think I want to
smell that nasty smoke from so close?!?! But it's more the lack of respect that pisses me off, cuz if people ask I'll usually let 'em smoke
anyway...Well...some people...
[Edited on 23-1-2004 by m0rbid]