posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 10:17 AM
Yes, I am definitly disappointed with Granholm. The economy is worsening here in MI and what is she doing??? Pretty much nothing. One thing that
irks me a bit is the pending arrival of 100,000 Iraqi refugees to the metro-detroit area (warren, sterling heights, troy, etc.) Michigan has one of
the worse unemployment rates already...where are 100,000 more people going to find jobs? My guess is that this means 100,000 more on the welfare
system. Not bashing anyone on welfare, but throughout my life, my father has been laid off from his job many times. During these times (late 80's
early 90's) it was near impossible for him to find another job. That was over 10 years ago, and the Michigan economy was not near as bad as it is
now. Why bring in 100,000 more people who need work, money, and medical benefits when people who have worked for the "former" big 3 cannot even
find jobs?