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Comet Causes Great Earthquakes,Tsunami, And bad weather

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posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 06:28 PM

Did you see the report?

"Brownsville Texas gets first snow in 109 years!"

In California the rains are breaking records almost every day. Says weatherman Fritz Coleman,

"In two weeks, California has gotten a year's worth of rain."

"The worst snow storm in 18 years"

- CHP speaking of the Cajon Pass.

Funnel clouds over the Pacific and tornadoes in the Los Angeles area. Sounds like a recent movie. The Midwest and East are experiencing snowstorms that are halting traffic and transportation in its tracks. Nearly the entire United States over the past few weeks has had some of the worst weather ever seen.

And like Rush Limbaugh says, "It isn't Global warming!".

The Media has been focusing on the results of the 9.0+ earthquake and subsequent tsunami in South Asia. The destruction was quite severe. The estimates of deaths are really only beginning at 150,000. There have been plenty of other disasters over the past few years that have taken more lives. Typhoons, Malaria and other examples, consistently take equally or greater numbers of lives.

This is an article about an alternative theory of the causes for recent bad weather, other than "Global Warming"

What do you think?

Comet Causes Bad Weather

[edit on 2-10-2007 by zakd619]

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 06:47 PM
Correlation does not equal causation. Also, the article doesn't explain anything much other than comparing graphs. PLUS:

If these two tails of Machholz 2 are the trailing gas of a dirty snowball, then why is it that there is one tail behind the comet and one that stretches out in another direction? Many times comets have what are commonly referred to as "antitails".

Antitails? What is the author talking about? Comets have two tails because one is a dust tail that trails behind the path of the comet while the other is a plasma/ion tail that points away from the sun. Studies of the plasma tail is what gave us knowledge of the solar wind. The solar wind is making it point away from the sun, and hence why it can stretch out in a different direction.

That glaring inconsistency in the article kind of makes me think the author is just promoting pseudo-science here.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by Beachcoma

o i thought it was just an alternative to global warming which, anything would sound better.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by zakd619

You want an alternative to carbon dioxide caused global warming? Here's something you might want to check out:

Aircraft contrails contributing to global warming?

Yeah, it's my thread (shameless promotion) but you'll find plenty of supporting links in there.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 06:57 PM
Thats total nonsense comets never come close enough to earth to have that effect and the materials in their tails is too fine.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by grover

The article kind of talks more about comets disrupting the Sun or the Earth's magnetic fields or something to that effect. Still sounds kind of suspect considering comets are too small to seriously affect the field lines.

Why, a recent article posted by JacKatMtn showed how a coronal mass ejection chopped off a comet's ion tail (the one that's magnetized) with relative ease. And this was just chump change from the Sun.

Comet Collides With Solar Hurricane

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by Beachcoma

Even more so then, they never come anywhere close enough to have that kind of impact... unless they impact.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 08:34 AM
I dont believe in "Global Warming" I believe its something a lot bigger something we haven't really put much thought into. This Planet has gone through 4 Ice Ages, How many has Mars gone through? They just recently found out that the ice caps on Mars are melting, what would be the chances of that WHILE EARTHS last two ice caps are melting.

Im telling you, if anyone has a telescope or really wants to see something interesting, from Aug too Oct you can really see the red planet at its finest, all you need is a 8-inch telescope, you can ACTUALLY see these ice caps on Mars and their disappearing, almost at the same rate as Earths.

Think about it like this what effect does the moon have on our oceans, what would be the result if the moon all of a sudden just disappeared? We'd still have waves, the tide would still be there cause the Sun has a gravitational pull, maybe not as much as the moon has in terms of affecting our oceans, but we'll still see high tide and low tide. So if the sun can have a effect on us with producing us heat, and energy what else can it produce for us that we haven't put much thought and time into?

I think its very possible a outer space body like the Sun, the Moon, Mars, or Comets can affect Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions here on Earth. Actually I think Earth can have the same effect on Venus or Mars. To be honest I think we're all a little arrogant to the fact we still think everything revolves around us, we were all pretty quick to jump to the fact we're responsible for global warming, but are we? Remember there was four ice ages before man ever set foot on this planet, were we responsible for the rise in co2 then too?

We're going to get to the point where the Ice Caps melt and we'll be driving around in hybrid cars on hot a$$ days and we'll be left wondering why it RAINS SO MUCH!!!! By then I think most people will come to terms with the fact that for 50 years with the technology that we have we'll be remembered as complete idiots in history.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 08:41 AM
instead of comets as an alternative cause to global warming, how about Solar spots and solar activity. I had an interest in trying to make correlations between sunspot activity and volcanic and earthquake activity on earth... after some research I think that this theory might be one to seriously study from a scientific approach.

this was our attempt here at trying to connect the dots...

Severe Geomagnetic Storm Research Project:

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