posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 07:23 AM
Thanks Hatax!!
If anyone is still interested here were the non-indigos that were involved: 1,5,8,10,12
I also think it was fair to unveil the whole intent of this study/experiment:
The whole point of this survey was to find a correlation amongst indigos between the different category, and a correlation in similarity between
non-indigos and indigos in terms of category.
This will first either make or break people's assumption. Being able to separate each group apart from each other, will help the people understand
why, it will help them find a correlation within the indigo group between the survey category and amongst the indigo and the non-indigo.
An indigo, or a believer of the phenomena, might try to find similar traits or description amongst them that showed across all of the participants
(who claim to be indigo) and may see that as a confirmation that they are indigo since they seem to be the same.
A skeptic might try and disprove the claim, by pointing out that there isn't a high correlation between amongst the description the indigo gave
themselves. Amongst various other things.
Saying that, my whole personal experiment was to find out people's assumption on the participant before releasing private information such as
"group" information.
Unfortunately, I assume there was a lack of interest to the sudden stop in response to this thread.
But, yes, I would like to here people's conclusion on indigo BASED ON my study. I know this study isn't very perfect, I know 14 participant doesn't
make up my majority of the ATS community, but its still something to work with.
I'll be giving my conclusion sometime this week.