posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 07:02 AM
I'd like to make a few pointers/suggestions and ask some questions if I may.
Firstly, I'm no stranger to the paranormal, I had well over 20 years of sleep paralysis before I finally found out that something other than a
'medical problem' was causing it - whatever it was, I suppose you can call them Shadow People, are now quite afraid of me.
The best advice I can give you if it IS a SP is to sprinkle salt around the outside of the door or wear some around your kneck in a little bag or
locket. Also get a chunk of PLAIN IRON, no alloys, no fillers, no coatings, plain pure iron (I've tried rust but it doesn't seem to work, but an
iron nail works fine, I use a metal bar). These things seem to be unable to come anywhere within about 6' of the salt and iron, which leads me to
believe they might be related to the fay (faries) of old who were afraid of iron (because it 'hurt them') and also perhaps succubi in that they also
seem to cause sleep paralysis for some unknown reason.
I also became a Christian, so I keep a bible by the side of the bed too, but the iron and the salt seem to be the major factors in keeping them at bay
but they do respond to the name of the Lord, just it doesn't keep them away completely, they will reappear - though I guess it could be you banish
one, another appears, they all look alike. There is some anecdotal evidence from people's 'sighting' reports that daemon and aliens (which
personally I think are the same things) also dislike iron/salt, so it might work on whatever it is even if its not a SP.
Now, whether you can physically hurt a SP - not as far as I've tried. For years I was only aware of them out the corner of my eye, until very
recenty (last year or two, after I became Christian proper to be fair) when they appear quite bodily in my main field of vision, I have got no photos
or video of them however, mine seem generally to vanish as soon as I move, so to reach for a light switch or camera wouldn't do much good. They
generally look like hooded monks to me, bit like dementors/ringwraith, they have no apparent face but I did see a hand once, that looked quite human,
albeit it was grey in colour and the nails were fairly normal (no claws). The salt and iron DO injure them in some way because they back away from
it, as I say, they keep a certain distance and whenever I've managed to get the jump on them (twice so far) they fall backwards away from the iron
but strangely, the one did knock a solid object before vanishing, so I'd guess they CAN become corpreal for a period at will but generally appear to
be smoke-like.
I threw some salt at one once which completely spazzed out my cat, usually she ignores these things completely (although I did once wake up and
thought I saw one 'enter' my cat, but that could have been a dream), but I guess it screamed or something in a range only she could hear and she
went mental, arched back, fur up the whole nine yards staring at where it had been for at least an hour afterwards.
Right, now, do I THINK its a SP? No, it seems to be too well deliniated for a SP the ones I've seen, and pictures I've seen of 'supposed' ones
all look exactly as the name sounds, shadowy, you can see through them. If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say the coat or hoax theory.
Questions just in case:
1. Are there any vents in your cupboard that might cause the door to bang?
2. Can we get a picture of the cupboard open in the daytime to see the inside, from top to bottom, sorry if we sound like we don't believe you but
well, humans are far more annoying than anything paranormal in my books and much more 'evil'.
3. How do you feel when you're in the room with it and have you ever seen it actually completely out of the cupboard, like near the bed?
4. Did you have to run past it to get to your father and didn't that make you feel scared?
5. Any history of the house, deaths there, nearby graveyards, indian burial mounds, etc?
6. Have you recently tried anything occult in nature or converted to a different religion?