posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 09:01 AM
Nice try, take two separate newsreel events - one from March 1968 and the other from August 1968 - and try and link them
The reason for the 'exercise' was twofold: the UK Civil Defence Corps was being wound down in 1968 due to budget cuts (the advent of the H-bomb had
made it's chief role - search and rescue - irrelevant). Therefore various exercises were conducted in order to show that the UK could cope with major
civil emergencies without CD - hence the BP building exercise.
also, the then recent planned increase of high rise office buildings demanded evacuation plans, such as these, prior to completion; couple this
exercise with the Grosvenor Square demo (location of the US Embassy in London), which took place many months earlier, and you have a perfectly
innocent disaster exercise being cited circa 40 years later as a suspected false-flag event to bring the UK into the Vietnam War - something which the
Prime Minister, Harold Wilson had prevented since he came to power in 1964.
zero lift
[edit on 7-10-2007 by zero lift]