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Ahmadinejad a CIA agent?

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posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 08:29 AM
So I just saw on FOX new that Ahmadinehad and Malaki met secrety during his UN visit.

The report showed him and Malaki hamming it up for the camera, like old buddies.

Last month, I heard General Pervez Musharraf tell Wolf Blitzer that Iran is “cooperating” with Pakistan in their operations against al Qaeda and the Taliban. During the same week I heard Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri Malaki that Iraq and Iran have “good” relations and that Iran is helping in the fight against al Qaeda.

On that same note Hamid Karzai and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian President met on August 15th , with Karzai describing Iran and Afghanistan as "two brother nations with common interests, cultures and histories", he told reporters

Pretty odd behavior for a guy who wants Armageddon.

[edit on 6-10-2007 by stompk]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 10:47 AM
Wow, this is very interesting...
I hope I aint being brain washed here, but it does reconcile Ahmi's words with his actions. I've wondered how long he was going to talk and until he took action, now I see, I don't need to worry, he won't take action, not until TPTB tell him its time...oh, crap, now I'm scared again, cause its about time isn't it...

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 05:03 PM
the patttern is obvious from one country to another

CIA & American gov are thee world terrorist for at least the past 100 years if not its very founding

its the classic make friends then install corrupt, self-destructive strongman leaders across mideast & asia to make american democracy & imperialist outreach appeal & shine in the highest light to the world over and . that was the case with 1953 American coup in Iran to befriend then overthrow Persian Shah and install best tyrant to lead the persian country to its misery with Ahmadinejad, the bigger picture is not about alliances or relationships or even promote democracy but actually to accelerate civil & social burnout of countries then move in for the final kill

this is exactly the type of leader CIA clan want and has installed for all nations over the decades it's been successful in coup/revolution so far ie Pol Pot, Castro but its a bipolar behavior thats why the love-kill cycle complements of u,s.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by stompk

I am glad you brought this up. I have wondered the same thing for some time. I have kept telling people I don't trust him at all and I didn't mean in the way most people do. I meant that I thought he was working for the US and against the nation of Iran. It is quite funny to see him get up and tell the truth about the US government and how criminal they are. However this is a tactic used to distract and reflect the obvious.

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