The debate last night was interesting, amusing and sometimes painful to watch. I think Howard Dean came back really well and did the best.
Kerry was about a yawn away from being in a coma. He is so not inspiring. The only thing he inspires me to do is catch a few winks of sleep. Sorry,
but if he's got an ounce of passion in him, he really needs to break it out. Otherwise, he ain't gonna beat Dubya.
Lieberman was a freaken lunatic. Horrible, horrible performance. He came off as impotent, uninteresting, yammering on and on almost becoming
incoherent and shreaking. Total war-monger, also. He might as well go join the Republican party, cuz he's neo-con all the way. After New Hampshire:
Don't go away mad, just go away.
Clark came off no better. Every word he said sounded totally rehearsed without an ounce of true thought and reaction. Sound bite city. And he didn't
talk about ANYTHING other than defense. He sounded like that General in "Dr. Strangelove" (played by George C. Scott). I can't for the life of me
understand why anyone would vote for the guy. He is not qualified and by all accounts, he does not have the character, temperment or brains to be the
president. He's even attacked Kerry by pulling rank and saying basically
Kerry was nothing but a navy lieutenant. That's just wrong. Despite
my reservations with Kerry, I would not attack his service. I think he served admirably. For the General to say such a thing is below the belt -
exactly the point Gen. Hugh Shelton made about Clark.
I don't think Edwards distinguished himself. I actually think he stumbled over a few of his positions. But he wasn't nearly as bad as Lieberman and
Clark. So so performance.
Sharpton.. good ol' Rev. Sharpton. He actually did exactly what I've been hoping he'd do. He gave a nice nod to Dean. When he began his first
answer, he looked over at the Dr. and said, "Howard, don't be so hard on yourself. If I had come in with 18% of the vote in Iowa, I'd still be
hootin' and hollarin,' too!" Big laughs. "Thank you Reverend," Dean replied, smiling broadly. It was a nice tip of the hat. When asked about
fiscal policy, however, Sharpton clearly showed how in over his head he was. That's where he broke down. That's ok, though. He's come a long way
and has played an important role in speaking on certain issues. Hopefully he'll steer his constituants toward Dean in the end. That would be
excellent and much needed.
Dennis Kucinich was his usual good-natured and sensible self. He's an honorable man. Small in stature, yet has the courage of a lion. Maybe he'll
have a place in a Dean administration. He'd be a good one to have on your team. Ok - maybe not over the Department of Defense!
But definitely
something on the domestic side of the house. He'd be a good attorney general, actually, because of his integrity. He was good until he broke out his
policy of removing the troops from Iraq in 90 days. I think that's naive and highly unrealistic. But, that's ok. He bravely and correctly opposed
the invasion and for that he has my utmost respect.
Dean threw a real zinger at Kerry, Edwards and Lieberman when he said all three of them voted for the war. So true. And ya know what, he is right to
point that out. Don't think for a second those guys voted for it for any other reason than they did not want to appear weak. It was totally
political. Covering their own A$$e$. Funny how Kerry and Edwards are now singing a completely different tune. At least Lieberman admits he STILL
supports it. Neither Edwards nor Kerry can honestly say "Bush lied to me, so I voted for the war." If I knew before the invasion Bush's line was
false, those two damn sure knew he was lying.
Dean won that debate. I hope he can pull off a win in New Hampshire. I think he's got a good shot.