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1,000 Try To Serve Citizens Arrest On Bush

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posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 11:40 PM

(I am in New Zealand, not Oz, btw)


NOOO! I liked you too!

Well, i still do. But as a sydneysider and matter of convention we need to make fun of each other, ok?

Damned Zealanders

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by ArioK
What if One day this 1,000 Citizens became 100,000? Would they be stopped? would You Join Them? If your not not fed up already to do so, you don't deserve to breathe free air.

why because this is your opinion. how about this if you never served in the military you dont deserve to breathe free air. im sick and tired of people screaming about rights they have never done anything more to protect than rant on a forum. it is people like you that make this country a bad place to live. if bush is such an idiot how and why did he get ellected twice. i would join the secret service and would fight off anyone who tried this wether the pres was democrat of republican. because he is our president right or wrong the majority of the people wanted him there so that is where he is.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 12:28 AM
hey atleast some people are trying to do the right thing. bush has caused america enough debt and harship as it is. out with the old and in with the new.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 12:58 AM
Wow, can't believe people are making fun of our school system. I understand that their are lots of dumb people out there, but there are school system in place for bright people like Yale or Harvard. Immigrants that don't speak English are the main reason why our education looks bad, especially people like China boy.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 01:04 AM

Watch Jay Leno's segment "Jay walking"

Yes, we are making fun of your school system. Why?

Because its #e, thats why.

I see pictures of American schools and high schools and i cant believe the waste. All the crap they spend their money on, stadiums, theatres, Endless supplies of Football uniforms and baseball equipment.

I talk to Yanks and most of the time i think i have to beat myself over the head with a lead pipe just to understand what they are talking about.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 01:17 AM

I'll bet these christians being tortured in prison find China plenty exciting.

I'll bet those folks in Tibet and the relatives of the dead slaughtered by Chinese troops in Tianamen square find China just exquisitely interesting.

China is doing great economically thanks to the traitors and useful idiots in the West who do not exact punishing tariffs, like any sane leader would and encourage all the Wests industries to migrate there.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 01:33 AM

Please stay On topic, and please stop the sniping back and forth. it adds nothing to the debate at hand.


posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by FredT

Please stay On topic, and please stop the sniping back and forth. it adds nothing to the debate at hand.


love your profile think green how amazing love it yeh people stay on the topic

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 01:49 AM
Well if you arrest Bush then please arrest Al-Qaeda for the brutal war crimes they have committed. It includes things like killing children and serving the children for dinner to their parents for cooperating with the US. Moreover there are a few beheadings and a little problem with directly targetting civilians. They don't seem to want to play by the rules that you want to ding Bush on. Meanwhile the terrorists get 3 squares a day in gitmo......

I have an idea maybe the protesters can travel to Iraq and Pakistan and serve the arrest warrant to the leaders of al qaeda themselves. I think that would be perfect justice all the way around.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 02:06 AM
Back on topic...
reply to post by C0le

That was a timely post, to say the least.

I find it mind boggling that Clinton was impeached for lying under oath while trying to keep his personal and private life private and condemned by the masses for a adultery (which isn't a crime, is much more common and accepted than people admit, and even Hillery didn't seem to have that much of a problem with it), yet Bush sits untouched while there is hard proof that he has told destructive lies and manipulated the public into supporting an agenda that has nothing to do with the welfare of the people!

I'm Canadian, yet this point of face makes me extremely angry on behalf of the American people.
If I was American, I'd lose it!

I say kudos to those 1000 informed and responsible patriots!

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by Octavius Maximus

(I am in New Zealand, not Oz, btw)


NOOO! I liked you too!

Well, i still do. But as a sydneysider and matter of convention we need to make fun of each other, ok?

Damned Zealanders

Yes, well if the Ockers and Kiwis can get on with each other it shows there is hope for the World yet!

Btw, for forum members: we shear sheep in NZ, in OZ they share them

Back on topic: I would have been amongst the 1000 if I had been anywhere near. I realise that it might not achieve much, but at least it has got a bit of attention and maybe raised (piqued?) public awareness.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 02:14 AM

why because this is your opinion. how about this if you never served in the military you dont deserve to breathe free air. im sick and tired of people screaming about rights they have never done anything more to protect than rant on a forum. it is people like you that make this country a bad place to live. if bush is such an idiot how and why did he get ellected twice. i would join the secret service and would fight off anyone who tried this wether the pres was democrat of republican. because he is our president right or wrong the majority of the people wanted him there so that is where he is.

it pains me that there are people who still think like this

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 02:15 AM
its within the constitution to form militias in order to facilitate deposing a corrupt president. 1000 people are a joke to them. Its a statement that says were fed up with tyrants lying, and getting a fearful public to follow a cause against a paradigm called enemy. When as we all can see for ourselves in both paradigms, its the international leaders who breed this strife over time, on purpose. And is why they are serving him, or attempting.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by mind is the universe
Not all Americans are stupid I will agree... But by christ alot are acting it, if they voted an idiot (forgive me ignorance) back into office the second time.

Not as many people voted for him as you may think.. The ballots were rigged, lol.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 08:09 AM
Wow, this whole thread is pretty disgusting right on up to this last page.

It's almost impossible to stay on-topic but I'd like to vent a'tad. I'll also have on-topic thoughts later on in the post, so, bare with me.

First of all, the U.S school system is extremely varied throughout the states and districts within the states. There are plenty extremely strong public schools in M.A especially in the Newton district. Then there are absolutely dreadful schools like in Detroit. Where I believe only 50% of the students go on to graduate. Then we have our universities which are also as varied. The only difference is: the majority of those schools are above the average level of teaching ability. It's completely up to the students, though. I find that most kids screw themselves over in the process... Everything past middle school here is all about your own ability and want to learn. A lot of kids simply don't give a squat and end up regretting their lazy decision. It's easy to blame everyone but the kids.

Is this unique to the U.S? I find that highly unlikely.

(If somebody is going to contest the amount of countries I've witnessed: I'm Hungarian, I've visited: Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Italy, Switzerland, U.K, Turkey, Canada, Japan, & Brazil - Not just for 1 - 2 day visits, but each for extended periods of time & multiple times. I live in the U.S currently.)

Second of all, gun rights. I find it to be an extremely bad idea to outlaw people who have weapons. That takes away every ability to defend yourself & to revolt under a legal pretense. If you believe it's harder to find guns illegally after making the ownership of weapons illegal, you're kidding yourself. There are far more guns to traffic. People who want guns for sinister purposes will always be able to find them, while people who want guns for defense or non-sinister activities will not be able to own one legally. So they wont attempt to get one. Gun violence will (and has) increased because wannabe criminals have far less to fear. Owning a gun in such a country gives FAR more power to a criminal then owning a gun in a country where weapons are legal.

"I want to rob that guy, I know that there's absolutely no way that person will be able to defend themselves"


"I want to rob that guy, there's a possibility he may be packing - there's a possibility that someone around us may be packing - is it worth the risk?"

There are campuses in the U.S where students are permitted to carry pistols. At those campuses violence is non-existent. School shootings never will occur because you know after the first shot you fire, you'll be facing people with weapons just the same. End of spree.

(I'd like to add: I do not own a weapon legally or illegally in the U.S but have friends in N.H who do.)

Now, for the actual topic at hand. This was more of a publicity stunt then anything. It can (and WILL) be spun in a completely bad light to dismiss legit concerns about the current administration. The influence such an act can have on future decisions is actually pretty astonishing. People can hardly think for themselves. It's simply not possible with such a limited amount of people to get any point across. Not to mention Bush and his crooks are completely invulnerable to war crime accusations. I believe they passed something through congress before the democrats took over that guaranteed their safety. So either way, they'll never be looked at.

[edit on 2-10-2007 by Donoso]

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
Then the thousand got back in their SUV's and drove home with no IED attacks or car bombings. They then walked into their air conditioned houses and log onto their high speed internet to complain to fellow marauders how bad the US is why they shop on ebay for Star Trek Collectables....

The mere fact that they were able to do this shows us that liberty is still alive in the US and our rights are going nowhere. Why was NO ONE arrested? I mean, the NWO wants to get rid of all protesters, so please, tell me the logic as to why these people were not all tased and arrested if this is such a police state that we live in.

They could have each donated 3 hours of time to an inderpriveledged kid and taught him to read or even jsut paid him some attention instead of the waste of time they occupied.

The only way to bring aboiut change is to start small, and before they, the ones who do not want change know it, you are in control. We can do that if we start now in local politics. In 20 years, we could take back our country......

It's quite hilarious that you say that and then have "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance" -Thomas Jefferson

as your signature. It's abundantly clear you have no idea what Jefferson meant by that statement. heh, it's irony on a base level but it's a hoot.

You also characterize luxuries and free speech in the same boat. Newsflash, they aren't mutually exclusive.

Bringing about change starts on all levels. There are those who work in local politics and those who work on a national scale and one doesn't deride or nullify the other. Were the Sons of Liberty concerned with biding their time for "20 years" or did they go out there and effect change when it was needed?

Understand your history, it's more important than you know.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 08:52 AM

Second of all, gun rights. I find it to be an extremely bad idea to outlaw people who have weapons. That takes away every ability to defend yourself & to revolt under a legal pretense.

Your trying to tell me that i cant revolt without guns?

Wow, disabled much?

There are other ways of combat beyond just popping a cap.

talking is usually an option too.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 09:09 AM
This pretty much sums it up for all those who try and compare us to far worse places, which btw is no excuse, I mean one country could be raping all of its citizens and the next could be killing them, well raping isn't so bad I mean you could be dead right?

just a cop out.

And to those who think you shouldn't have an opinion if you haven't served well guess what?

The military purpose is to protect the rights insured by the Constitution, it isn't to be used as a tool to flex corporate muscle and increase the wealth of the elite few, Iraq isn't a threat to my Constitutionally insured rights, nor is Iran.
If you served or serve in either of these two wars, you aren't protecting the oath yo took, you are being used.

Your oath applies not only to outside threats but from those within who threaten the rights insured by the constitution, yet you stand by while things like the patriot act are written into law, while the president gives himself powers, while congress establishes laws it has no authority to establish, while those who are in power create laws which make themselves immune to war crime punishments and various other illegal acts.

basing what we can do here, off of what we cant do elsewhere isn't a means to establish that we have it good, it means we have it better, but that doesn't change the fact we don't have whats ours, absolute freedom, unless we violate the rights of another.

all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security

Those guards mentioned above are those of you who took the oath and ignored it.

Thats why those who served, Your opinions are to never be regarded higher then anyone else's.

[edit on 2-10-2007 by C0le]

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by Octavius Maximus

Go talk to the citizens of Germany, Russia and various other nations throughout history who were disarmed.

And you are right there are other ways to revolt, These tools are being used everyday by patriots, These tools were being used in the street by these 1000 citizens, They are being used by every citizen who takes 5 min out of his day to write a letter to his leaders to voice his opinions and concerns, They are being used every day in court to try and make change, They are being used by those at town hall meetings, They are being used by citizens who know their rights and don't back down to corrupt police.

Taking an armed stand is the last option, but is an option. that few countries have.

[edit on 2-10-2007 by C0le]

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by DaleGribble

Hitler was elected by the people, he was their leader, I guess your statement applies to him also right?

Fallowing a leader blindly is ignorant, elected by the majority or not, the majority doesn't rule the rights of the individual nor does it change the fundamental laws of the constitution, if anyone who takes the oath breaks it, It cant justified by the fact he was elected, thats why he takes the oath in the first place.

thats why there are punishments for those who break it...

[edit on 2-10-2007 by C0le]

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