posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 08:31 PM
It's come to my attention, through debates and simple observation that there is a wide-range of thoughts concerning the events which occurred on
September 11th, 2001. As part of the theme on this site, I feel it's necessary to compile these thoughts into one general thread. To list what we
believe, what is mutually exclusive, and what supports.
In this way, we can find common threads, and piece everything together -- Or, if we this leads us closer to discovering a lack of conspiracy beyond
government idiocy, all the better. It's win-win.
To that end, please post in this thread current conspiracies surrounding 9/11, and please provide some sort of reference. Preferably, your post will
resemble this:
Personal Commentary:
Feel free to add whatever further information you feel necessary.
Thank you.