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I Don't Know Where You Live....

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posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 02:04 PM
Do we here in the United States have issues that need to be addressed?

Of course we do. The difference being is we'll openly talk and critized the government to our hearts content. Try that in lots of other places around the world like same Burma and see what happens?

Enjolies our neighborhood sound remarkably similar. I've traveled around the world and this is still in my humble opinion the best place to live.

Do we have bad cops? Yeah we do; the vast majority and in fact every cop I've ever had interaction with has been professional, helpful and caring. I don't know where the bad apples are but in almost 50 years of living I've not met one.

Thanks for starting this thread the good needs to be celebrated more.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by enjoies05Didnt a man get a plunger shoved up his ass in NEW YORK by the cops
Registered: 16-5-2006
Location: New York


posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by KLSyesca

Umm...maybe...maybe he wanted it...?

I have no clue.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 01:38 PM
Abner Louima was one incident carried out by ONE officer in an agency that has about 32,000 officers.

Using that logic it is then ok for me to label every member of ATS a lunatic nutcase just because 1 or 2 members are short a few marbles. Not fair isent it? Hey well thats what its like when you label all cops over one incident committed by a few. Just recently a teacher in my area was arrested for sexually abusing several students, does that mean that all teachers are sexual abusers looking to grope the breasts of their students? Nope. Same thing with cops.

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