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Bring the troops home, why ?

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posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 02:34 PM
Firstly can i say that i am strongly against the war in Iraq and the inpending war in Iran.

But i have one thing to say. Why ?, why should we bring our troops home ? They are soilders, they are doing there jobs, they are doing what they get paid for. Going to war is a part of a solider, surly every one knows this ? So except the reason that the war is unjust, which most of us agree on. Why should they be brought home ?


posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 02:37 PM
Agree! Doing what they were hired for not exercises. Nice post!

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 05:40 PM
Your logic assumes an offensive force. They are in fact a defensive force.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by ProTo Fire Fox

Do you really need a better reason than the war being unjust?

How about the cost of the war, the fact that it has weakened the military, that it has done more to create terrorists than defeat them.

[edit on 30-9-2007 by aye aye]

[edit on 30-9-2007 by aye aye]

[edit on 30-9-2007 by aye aye]

[edit on 30-9-2007 by aye aye]

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 08:09 PM
1) The U.S. Military was formed of and by the powers granted to Congress by the Constitution. The military was formed for national defense... not global policemanship.

If you would look at history... the U.S. Military has been the defender, not the aggressor.

2) Why would you wish our troops, our family members (fathers, mothers, sons, daughters), to be sent off to die for an unjust cause. Especially when this war was waged over lies.

3) After any and all other BS can be spewed... how about Bush stating the objective was completed?

I'm sure I could find a few more... without much effort.

What other reasons could there be?

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 04:57 AM
I am not sure I understand the point of this OP but from my interpretation I suppose I agree with you. While pulling the troops out now would have a huge benefit for the countries who have sent them there (and let's not forget the troops themselves) I don't think that it would benefit the ordinary Iraqis.

The withdrawal, without anything in place to fill the gap would create a vaccum that would bring a worse conflict there than it is now (if it could be worse). Perhaps if a better attempt was made to get Iraqi life back on an even keel beyond securing oil pipelines and production facilities they would not need to be there.

The Governements policy, carried out by Paul Bremer, to disband the existing Iraqi army and police force and ban Baath party members from holding government jobs (basically everyone in existing government positions) has left the Iraqi people without the means to grant themselves security and rebuild their own country. This means that they are completely dependent upon the US for even the small comfort that they do have now. To pull out after putting the Iraqi people in this position would seem to me like a worse crime than invading them in the first place. While Saddam was no nice guy by any stretch of the imagination the standard of living that ordinary Iraqis had under him was loads better than it is now (bar economic sanctions designed to hurt Saddam but hurting people instead). Saddam was a mass murderer and opressive to his people but the majority of people kept their heads down and made the best of it as people always do.

Do you think that the intangible 'freedoms' that they now have are worth more to them than the ability to not be shot, have electricity, not walk through human waste etc. It is only smug people sitting thousands of miles away who would say yes.

As to whether it is a good argument to leave them there just because that is what we are paying them to do - I will ignore that.

[edit on 1-10-2007 by EJHoover]

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 05:07 AM
I assume this is just flame bait to stir up a little action, but I will respond anyway.

Someone else pointed it out, our troops serve our country to defend it from enemies foreign and domestic. So while continuing this show in Iraq, they are actually reducing the security of the country. Which is kind of the opposite of what they signed up for.

Now, if the governement was honest about why we are over there, I think we could all give a little better response to weather or not they should come home. But when we the people get fed lie after lie about what the "mission" is, then I don't think any of us peons can give a valid response.

The sad thing is that we don't know why we are really there. I would like to hope that it isn't simply profiteering of the military industrial complex and that there is some sort of "greater good" but I am losing hope of that.

We won't be leaving anytime soon though.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 06:02 AM
Tool post to the hilt. Please don't encourage the riff raff.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 08:48 PM
Well, to all the people on here who don't want the troops pulled out, I wouldn't worry about it, they won't be coming out any time soon. All the bases built over there are for "long term" use.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 09:22 PM
How's this for the newest anti-war motto....

We are let's quit!

If you want the troops to come home, let them finish their job! Otherwise the situation will worsen, and we will have to go back.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
If you want the troops to come home, let them finish their job! Otherwise the situation will worsen, and we will have to go back.

What job would that have been?

This is not a one liner.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 09:44 PM
It's simple.

It costs tons of lives and money. It is morally unjust. There is practically no return.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 08:24 AM
I have just pulled out some old cd's and was enjoying listening to them then I came across this track which I have copied from you tube it relates to the song 19 by Paul Hardcastle,. Listen to it and it may give you some reasons for not being in Iraq or going even further and entering Iran or god forbid anywhere else.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by Ihatealiens
I have just pulled out some old cd's and was enjoying listening to them then I came across this track which I have copied from you tube it relates to the song 19 by Paul Hardcastle,. Listen to it and it may give you some reasons for not being in Iraq or going even further and entering Iran or god forbid anywhere else.

Sorry but entertainers do not influence me on political issues. He wrote a catchy tune that repeats the average age of a Viet Nam soldier, 19, about a thousand times, and I'm sure he made a heck of alot of money from it.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 07:59 PM
Why bring the troops home?
Well here is my 2 cents on the issue......

The troops should be brought home because....

1.We have already lost enough troops in this war.
2.We have already had enough wounded.
3.Things arent getting better in Iraq.
4.The situation in Iraq can only be settled through diplomacy,not through the millitary.
5.The soldier's personal lives are suffering,and for what?
6.Yes,the soldiers enlisted to protect our country,and all they ask is to not be put in harms way without a good reason.
7.The soldiers were sent into a war based on lies,lies and more lies.
8.Why are we there again?Democracy?War on Terror?Oil?WMDs?
9.How does anyone define winning this war?
10.America's millitary is suppose to defend it's country,not police the world.

The bottom line is,so many people who want to keep our troops in Iraq have the comfort of being arm chair warriors.They sit back and encourage the war.And they do so while their loved ones are home safe and sound.
And im curious,why do people support the war,but not enlist?Afterall,the millitary needs all the fresh blood it can get.
America/Britain have lost enough family members,to many lives have been torn apart,and so little has been acomplished in Iraq.How many lives are people willing to sacrafice to find this ever elusive victory?
So few have experienced the horrors of war,but yet want it to continue,as long as its fought by everyone but them and their family.

Support the troops,not the war.
Enough is enough!
Bring them home.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Black_Fox
Why bring the troops home?
Well here is my 2 cents on the issue......

The troops should be brought home because....

1.We have already lost enough troops in this war.
2.We have already had enough wounded.
3.Things arent getting better in Iraq.
4.The situation in Iraq can only be settled through diplomacy,not through the millitary.
5.The soldier's personal lives are suffering,and for what?
6.Yes,the soldiers enlisted to protect our country,and all they ask is to not be put in harms way without a good reason.
7.The soldiers were sent into a war based on lies,lies and more lies.
8.Why are we there again?Democracy?War on Terror?Oil?WMDs?
9.How does anyone define winning this war?
10.America's millitary is suppose to defend it's country,not police the world.

Sounds just like something off an Al-Queda video.

I don't know if the anti-war people are getting their talking pts from Al-Queda or vice-versa. They both sound exactly the same.

[edit on 2-10-2007 by RRconservative]

[edit on 2-10-2007 by RRconservative]

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 09:01 PM

Please do tell why you think the troops should stay... and while you're at it... please answer my previous post...

Originally posted by Infoholic
What job would that have been?

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

If you would be so kind to point out where im wrong in my reasoning?
You say it sounds like something off of a terroist video,but im not a terrorist.Im a concerned American.and thats all i need to be in order to have an opinion.This is my country too.
And why am I so wrong?
And seeing as your so pro war,when are you going to enlist?
What about this war is so glamorous,that it needs continuing?
Where is the threat to America?Why hasnt there been a single attack on America since 9/11?It sure isnt because of the "war on terror" thats making us "safer".
Think about it,there dosent have to be another terroist attack on this country,when our government has already offered up 3,000+ to the terroists in Iraq on a silver platter.
You think about winning a war in Iraq,when every day a mother,father,child is losing a loved one.
The only winners are those left living.
And there has been enough sorrow and death to last a generation between 9/11 and now.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 10:20 PM
Answering a question directly gives all the control to the questioner. Since you are not worthy of control, I will not do that.

However....I will throw out the new anti-war motto out there one more time.....

We are winning...let's quit!

What the heck...this one is for the ignorant....

Stay in Iraq and finish the job. The job of stabilizing Iraq and handing over complete control to a fully functioning Iraqi government which would stabilize the region.

Leaving Iraq in defeat would means hundreds of thousands of deaths and give complete power of the region to terrorists worldwide.

Terrorists feed off of weakness, and instead of keeping terrorists on the defensive, they will claim victory, and will be emboldend to pull off more terrorists attacks against the U.S. worldwide and here in the U.S.

A U.S. defeat in Iraq is a victory for terrorists. Whose side are you on?

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by Black_Fox
reply to post by RRconservative

And seeing as your so pro war,when are you going to enlist?

Don't you mean re-enlist?

What's the deal with anti-war people throwing this phrase out in the wind?

I served my country proudly for 3 years in the United States Army. I trained for war, was prepared for war, and proudly would have went to war. I was part of the Military that defeated the Soviet Union in the "Cold War" I was in Germany when the Berlin Wall fell, I witnessed this awesome achievment in person. To witness freedom like this was probably the most touching moment of my life. Freedom like this is taken for granted here in the United States. Never forget the soldiers that make this available for us.

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