posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 01:13 AM
Interesting points there, a bio-terror "attack" could trigger exactly the type of actions you put forward. However, I still think that rather than
commit 9-11 by his own hand, Bush wilfully allowed the attack to occour. Read the "Operation Ignore" chapter in Franken's new book and the
terrorism chapter in Carville's new book for some good arguments are a bit too long and numerous to list here.
Something that has aways been of interest to me in the whole terrorism war thing has been the Anthrax Letters. Personally if I were a terrorist
trying to cause panic after 9-11 and I just happened to have some good quality Anthrax on hand, I wouldn't waste it by sending it to individuals. We
saw how infectious that stuff can be in just cutaneous form (through cuts on the hands) so why then, if it was a real terrorist and not someone else,
wouldn't they have gone for the most massive attack they could dream up, that would do the most dammage? If they really wanted to hurt the US
economy, they could have dusted some $20 bills in the stuff, everyone would be afraid of their money, which would be much more devistating than making
everyone afraid of the US Postal Service. And didn't we trace that Anthrax back to a US lab at some point?
Just makes ya think