We're very pleased to announce yet another distinguished professional participant in our "Conspiracy Masters" initiative that brings interesting
researchers and theorists into direct daily interaction with ATS members...
reptilian cryptid researcher, John Rhodes.
John Rhodes was raised and educated in many exotic areas of the world. He received his primary education in Malaysia, Singapore, and England, with
further undergraduate studies in the United States.
While residing in Asia, John’s curiosity in the local environment’s reptile population led to a serious, herpetological study that eventually
encompassed additional scientific disciplines such as anthropology, paleontology, archaeology, biology, and the actual field work that accompany these
various branches of science.
John’s vast accumulation of scientific knowledge, acquired through the guidance of some of the world’s leading scientists (specialists), and his
pioneering work searching for strange, unknown animals have made him one of the most popular researchers and lecturers worldwide. The British
scientific community today recognizes John Rhodes as one of the world’s leading authorities on reptilian cryptids.
His many authored articles, reviews, and technical reports for newsletters and private publications have been distributed internationally and authors
continue to refer to his research work in support of their conspiratorial beliefs.
John has discussed his discoveries on radio shows, several television shows, and in lectures to numerous national and international UFO conference
audiences, the dates and places posted on this web site.
Current research has taken John Rhodes to the western edge of Montana where he can be reached by email.
John is participating in ATS under the username, "CryptoHunter," and you've probably heard his fascinating story in recent ATS MIX programs...
Please join me in welcoming Mr. Rhodes to what we believe will be a fascinating series of discussions, research, and collaborations here on