posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 03:35 PM
(This the conclusion of the original thread post.)
In my opinion the “War on Terror” is in reality the “War on Low Oil Profits.” Deposing the Taliban in Afghanistan to give us access to
Al-Qaida was the right thing to do. But as far as invading Iraq goes “W” missed the mark at first glance. Fifteen of the WTC bombers were Saudi
Arabian, but that was not a good idea because Saudi Arabia has power and prestige on the world stage, and it would have potentially sliced into
profits. Saddam deserved to be disposed of, but at the very least it should have ended there. The continuation of the war in Iraq serves two
purposes. It increases profits for military contractors and it protects the U.S. government in all its corrupt glory. Follow me here for a moment.
With the citizenry seriously outgunned the only feasible resistance would have to come from the military, but an overextended and overworked military
is less of a threat, (especially if deployed thousands of miles from their homes, and dependent on said government for a ride home) and in time of war
are less likely to revolt.
All of the prominent powerful societies in history that have collapsed have done so due to corrupt overreaching regimes (there is a Bush regime) that
left a power void when they tried to reach for more. Cases in point are Macedonia and Persia, Egypt and Ethiopia, Carthage and Rome, Rome and
Germania, France and Russia, Germany and Russia, Japan and China, Russia and Afghanistan, and America and Iraq.
I have been all over the board here, but that is because few, if any, subjects pertaining to America or liberties exist in isolation. I am a patriot
and I love the premise and principles this country was founded upon, but I fear it has been poisoned by self-serving career politicians. The only
remedy, and it is only a partial remedy, would be absolute term limits on all elected or appointed offices. It is my opinion this was the founding
fathers’ intent, but in their naiveté, they did not specify one term per office per lifetime. What are your thoughts?