posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 10:49 PM
Richard Dawkins is SOOOO limited.....
This guy has been in numerous debates around the world with top theologians who have made him look like a young school girl. One of these theolgians
who makes him look that way (though I believe they have yet to debate in a forum) is Ravi Zacharias.
The thing is, there are 3 stances:
1. Logic & Reason provail (which I feel is incomplete)
2. Superstitions provail (which I feel is incomplete)
3. Logic, Reason, Transcendence provail (whch is the completeness)
You use logic & reason to realize the limits of said logic & reason, therefore investigating some of these so-called superstitions, only to realize
that such ideas as God are real. Going further to seek out God, you eventually will experience God with an additional faculty called Transcendence
that is beyond logic & reason and is better than any other faculty. It is this said faculty where paradoxes co-exist in perfect harmonies such as God
being everywhere and nowhere at the same time (something you can only truly know & experience using transcendence).
So if your a Dawkins scientist type, your lacknig the complete picture, but if your a superstitious type that lacks direct divine experience, your
also lacking the complete picture.